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AAC Carving Post

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Palama Tiki posted on 08/11/2005

Inspired by a suggestion from Aaron's Akua, I'm starting an AAC carving post for any artists who are working in this medium.

A-A is TC's resident expert in Autoclaved Aerated Concrete and has assembled alot of good info on the topic.


It was he who got me searching for a block of it and also provided helpful tips on carving the stuff.

I'll start off with posting some samples of AAC Moai that I have recently carved.

Feel free to post any AAC work that you have done.

hewey posted on 08/11/2005

AAC works well on Moai as they look 'natural' in stone.

Here's my AAC work. Its about 2 foot tall:

Aaron's Akua posted on 08/12/2005

This stuff is great, especially if you've never carved before and want to get your feet wet. I know of a few TC'ers that spend time on the Creating Forum, but haven't really tried to produce art yet, for whatever reason. Well, here's your chance! We know you want to carve, so get started!!

Here's mine:

On 2004-11-11 17:55, Aaron's Akua wrote:

Tiki No. 1 (AAC Block)

This tiki was made from a block of Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (AAC)

For everything you would want to know (and more) about this material, SEE THIS POST.

For examples of tools that work well for AAC carving, SEE THIS POST


Tiki No.’s 2 and 3 (AAC Block)
Moai and Original Design


BTW, it's also great for experienced carvers. Enjoy!


Aaron's Akua posted on 08/12/2005

I found out about AAC Block carving from an art book that I borrowed from the local library. The example was a Moai design. That's what eventually led me to Tiki Central, and I've been here ever since. After I posted those first pics, Benzart offered up some links to Gavtiki's work. So you could say Gav is the original resident expert on AAC at Tiki Central. I'm going to email him to see what he's been up to lately. In the mean time, here's some pics from some of his old posts.


Gavtiki lives in Melbourne, Australia. Here are a few of his killer tikis.



Moondance posted on 08/12/2005

All of those AAC carvings are just great. I still have no luck locating AAC in the North East. Damm!
Ann & Wesley

Palama Tiki posted on 08/12/2005

Moondance: if you are willing to pay for shipping, I can send you a block or two for you to try out.

A-A, thanks for posting all those great photos! more inspiration for me!

Palama Tiki posted on 08/12/2005

Hewey: we are anxiously awaiting your Moai twins post!

hewey posted on 08/13/2005

yeh yeh :)

Palama Tiki posted on 08/14/2005

here's my latest 2 foot tall AAC Moai:

hewey posted on 08/16/2005

Here is my 2nd carving. Sorry for the crap pic, but I had to put it in the flatbed scanner (no digi-cam). A crap pic is better than none though.


Hi Palama Tiki - I like your work so far - it takes a while to get your own style happenin - but once it does its magic! Keep carving and learning and enjoying the magic of tiki.

Palama Tiki posted on 08/23/2005

thanks Marcus, i'll definitely keep working at it!

Palama Tiki posted on 08/24/2005

Here’s my latest attempt to capture the Ideal Moai style…

Moondance asked if I would describe my AAC Moai carving process, so here goes..

SAFETY NOTICE: Always wear a cartridge respirator and goggles when working with AAC. It’s very dusty. Wear clothes that you don’t mind getting really cruddy. The dust is insidious.

I sketch the outline on both sides of the AAC block using a cardboard template.

Make the initial very rough cuts with a small handsaw; just a cheap one that you find at Wal-mart or Home Depot.

Also see page 4 of this post (A-A’s post on tools for use on AAC) http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?mode=viewtopic&topic=10451&forum=7&start=45

At first it seemed odd to use a handsaw on concrete, but trust me, once you start working with AAC, you’ll quickly figure out how it works and then you’ll start experimenting with other tools. Just remember that the AAC will really dull the blades.

Be patient; at this stage, the carving looks really crappy.

Once the rough cuts are made, I use an angle grinder with a sanding disc attachment to start shaping the carving. I also use the following tools: rasp, chisels, surform or plane, sandpaper (36, 60, and 100 grit). The 36 grit helps in shaping areas that are too tight for the angle grinder. A-A also lists rifflers, etc. that he uses. I use an old butcher knife as a draw knife as well.

When using the chisels, I don’t use a traditional stone carving technique of mallet-on-chisel; the action is more like using a putty knife to scrape paint. That action helps shape the carving.

You can also use a Dremel tool with the stone attachments, which I use to carve out the ears. I’ve also been using that to make AAC tombstones for Halloween decorations. ( I know this part isn’t tiki, but it IS the AAC post :) ). I distress the slab of AAC using hammer, big butcher knife, etc, then sketch out the lettering with pencil.

I then use the Dremel cutting tool guide with a drywall bit set to ¼ inch depth to initially carve the lettering, then I go over the grooves of the lettering with the tapered stone bit to get the depth to the lettering. After that, more sanding and distressing with paint. Coat with clear concrete sealer, and you have some pretty cool Halloween decorations.

Anyway, back to the Moai… once you have the basic shape, it’s all hand sanding from there. Not to sound coy, but it’s really hard to describe; you just have to sand away till you get the subtle shapes that you want. Use the 60 grit to smooth down the rough spots, then use the 100 grit to close the “pores” of the AAC. You’ll notice that with the heavier grits, the pores tend to open up more.

When finished, brush the dust from the carving, and coat with clear concrete sealer, leave as-is, or you can paint with regular spraypaint or Fleckstone spraypaint.

I hope this helps.

Moondance posted on 08/26/2005

Here is a prototype of the Moai we will do for our first AAC carving. It is 3" tall and carved out of Basswood. Also it's my first small carving I've done.

It only took about 3 or 4 hours. I'm not too hip about the ears. I'm going to do a bigger one tonight.

How addicting is this?

Annie is feeling a little better today.
I can't figure out how to post pictures bigger than this!?

[ Edited by: Moondance 2005-08-28 22:36 ]

Benzart posted on 08/27/2005

Hey Moondance, good luck on this. You will find it VERY Addictive once you start, you can't quit. Can't wait to see your works.
When you post from shutterfly, open the thumbnail or you post the thumbnail

Aaron's Akua posted on 08/27/2005


The Maoi looks great! One word of advice, though. When you do this piece in AAC, you might want to make the neck/base a little thicker or wider. You don't really want the AAC to fall over, it's liable to crack in half. AAC is a bit fragile, but it's okay if all the edges are rounded (like your prototype). But it can break if dropped. My little boy destroyed a half finished piece that I had sitting on the patio that way. But he had fun doing it. :)


The Sperm Whale posted on 08/28/2005

Hey I thought it would be about time to actually get in on the action in creating Tiki. So here are some pics of the start of my first Moai. Aaron's Akua gave me some AAC a few months ago and I found some free time today to get started. So here is my explanation of so far- the first two pic's is the AAC that Aaron started before he gave it to me and the other three pic's is what I did this morning. These are just progress Pic's I have alot more to do to this thing.

I still have alot to do to this guy but I thought I'd stop and think about my approach more so I don't wreck it. I'll be sure to post more Pic's when I do more. I used to Paint alot and a big part of my problem at being an Artist is I like to think too much and never finish anything. But I promise that I will finish this guy. A big Mahalo goes out to Aaron's Akua.


[ Edited by: The Sperm Whale 2005-08-27 21:14 ]

Palama Tiki posted on 08/29/2005

Moondance: really nice work on your Moai! can't wait to see the AAC version! Glad to hear Annie is feeling better.

Spermy.... lookin' good! we definitely want to see the finished product on this one!

Moondance posted on 08/29/2005

Aaron, Benzart & Palama Tiki,
Thanks for the positive encouragement. I'm waiting for Annie to get a little better so we will tackle this together. She can't wait, well me too. It's not so hot here now so she is on the uphill!
Thank you,
Annie & Wes

Aaron's Akua posted on 08/29/2005

Looking good, Spermy. You're definitely going about it the right way. Keep us posted.

Moondance posted on 09/02/2005

Well I've been kind of postponing my AAC project since I receive 3 pieces of it a few weeks ago. For one my sweet Annie has been under the weather due to the heat we have had. She has MS and heat affects her greatly. Two I only have 3 pieces of AAC and I want to wait for Annie before I start.
A few weeks ago I met a gentleman who took the time to show me how to carve his version of a "Tiki Moon". He was very generous with his knowledge as all artist here have been. He told me to make as many as I want. What a nice person. Well since Annie and I love moons I was very excited to give it a shot. He carved one in front of me and explained as he worked. His name is "Tiki Jim" and he live in Florida (where else, Florida has all of the Great Tiki Artists) I posted the Tiki he helped me with. I stained it blue with Rit Dye, 3 parts water, 1 part dye. (his recipe) It's too dark for me so he told me I can lighten it by sanding it more.
I would of started a new thread but I don't thing it's worth all that. I hope you enjoy the "Tiki Moon"!

I sure hope the photos come out OK. (I mean big)

The person who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small

-- Chinese proverb

[ Edited by: Moondance 2005-09-01 19:47 ]

Palama Tiki posted on 09/02/2005

nice moon! i was actually thinking of doing one in AAC once i get thru all my other projects.

Benzart posted on 09/02/2005

Spermy, I can't wait to see how you do with this Moai, It's a great start and looks like you are already doing well. My only concern? You're Not Done YET???
Moondance, the moon looks fantastic. Can't wait to see your tikis.. You're not Done YET Either??

Moondance posted on 09/02/2005

I don't think this guy would be real stable in AAC. The gentleman that passed the design on to me sells them for $100. (double sided moons)
I'm trying to do as much carving as I can before I lay a chisel to the 3 pieces of AAC I have.
Your are right I'm not finished Yet.

[ Edited by: Moondance 2005-09-02 12:10 ]

teaKEY posted on 09/02/2005

I came up with a tiki moon design on paper about a month about. I am planning of useing it of up and coming art as a logo. Its funny to think it up and then see this. I like how it came out.

Now you have to post an AAC pic since you posted here.

Moondance posted on 09/02/2005

How do you or I guess anyone start a new posting?

Benzart posted on 09/02/2005

Down on the bottom left or upper right, righ next to the "Post Reply" button there is a button that says "New Topic". Click on that, give it a heading and Post away.

Moondance posted on 09/02/2005

If it was a snake...

Benzart posted on 09/04/2005

...it would have bit us All.

Moondance posted on 09/05/2005

Here is my second Moai carving, looks strangely like the first even though I didn't use the first as a reference.

I didn't like how the neck came out so I chopped it off. I can make a necklace out of it. He is almost 3" tall.

This is my third candidate for an AAC carving. He is 3.5" tall and it's not completed. I have about 2 hours into this one so far. I like how this one is turning out so far.

I've looked at so many Tikis I don't know if it's a copy of someone's or it's me. It looks like parts of different carvings I've seen. Does this make any sense to anyone here??
I welcome all comments, Please.

hewey posted on 09/05/2005

On 2005-09-04 19:19, Moondance wrote:
I've looked at so many Tikis I don't know if it's a copy of someone's or it's me. It looks like parts of different carvings I've seen. Does this make any sense to anyone here??

I know what you mean. Its like, "I just carved the thing, ya know?". But realistically you got all this carving porn circulating in your mind like a black storm cloud ready to pop.

GMAN posted on 09/05/2005

Tiki porn! Hewey, you're nutz (but I know what you mean!)


Moondance posted on 09/05/2005

Yes Tiki porn it sure is. I feel better now that it's not just me. I'm always looking at Tikis and I know there images are filtering in. I worry not to steal somebodys style of Tiki.
How do you come up with your own style?? Do you just carve what you like? Can you just use the body parts that interest you (eyes, nose, mouth)?? Please HELP!!!

Moondance posted on 09/06/2005

Here's #3 carving completed

He has a George Thoragood mouthful of teeth!

Halfway done I realized "No Split" in his front 2 teeth. Oh well, there will be more Tiki's to improve.

I think this is ripping off AA's friend from Australia. I'm so damn paranoid of copying someone else's Tiki style. It's driving me insane, I'm already crazy.
That damn Tiki Porn...


[ Edited by: Moondance 2005-09-05 22:43 ]

Palama Tiki posted on 09/06/2005

Wes, Nice carvings! everyone integrates styles from other tikis; it's inevitable. everyone inspires everyone else. we copy the ancient carvers, and as a newbie carver, i try to emulate the masters. eventually you'll have your own style. it's not like you are intentionally copying someone's trademark style and selling them.

Palama Tiki posted on 09/06/2005

here's another AAC Moai: he stands 3'8" tall...

here he is unpainted:

here's a couple one-footers. it's interesting to note that I am standing behind the fabric, holding it up, so that light you see in between the two carvings is coming from... me? we used no flash, there was no overhead light, and i was wearing nothing reflective... we used only natural light coming through the window. that light is somewhere between my sternum and navel. interesting....

Moondance posted on 09/06/2005

The Moai w/ the knot is incredible!! The smaller ones are as well. This is the reason I'm practicing before I start w/ AAC. Your work is amazing!
Do you have any progressive photo's of those?

Palama Tiki posted on 09/06/2005

Thanks Wes, I appreciate the kind words... sorry, no progress photos on the big guy. once i get to carving, i'm so dusty that i don't want to get the camera anywhere near the dust.

Moondance posted on 09/07/2005

Understandable, I find that I kind of zone out and don't think of anything but what I'm carving. It's a great way to relax.

Moondance posted on 09/07/2005

I figured I would post a few shots of my 4th carving before I go at it and enter "The Tiki Zone"

Now it's time to go to my happy place! :)

Palama Tiki posted on 09/07/2005

Wes: looks like it's gonna be a good one!

Benzart posted on 09/07/2005

Cool one Moondance!! I think he's going to be a Keeper.

Moondance posted on 09/08/2005

Thank you for your support, Palma & Benzart!
My 4th measures 2"x2"x5" tall. Here is what I have done since last night.

These are the tools that I have used on this little guy:
Any criticism is gladly appreciated.

Palama Tiki posted on 09/08/2005

no criticism here, Moondance... i likey!!!

Moondance posted on 09/09/2005

I think #4 is done now. I sure hate the sanding process. Does anyone have know a faster way to do this?

Image Missing: http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b5d729b3127cce94427ad0981b00000015108Ccsm7Nw0cw
Image Missing: http://im1.shutterfly.com/procserv/47b5d729b3127cce94427ade981500000015108Ccsm7Nw0cw
Here is a photo of #1 to #4
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Maybe one more practice carving before I attempt to carve AAC. I welcome any suggestions or criticism!

Palama Tiki posted on 09/09/2005

there is no quick way around the sanding process when you have alot of detail to smooth. think of it as a progressive meditative process....

Patience, grasshopper! :)

Moondance posted on 09/09/2005

Thanks Palama, Yes patience is truely a virtue. As I sand I'm thinking of my next Tiki so I want to hurry to get it done.
Grasshopper Wes

Moondance posted on 09/20/2005

I haven't abanded my AAC project. As I stated in another posting I always over think projects as I need to do my best.

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