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Anyone have a similar recipe to the Blood & Sand?

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Jawa posted on 09/02/2005

My wife and I, plus my cousin and his girlfriend, visited southern California 2 weeks ago and we managed to get to the Tiki Ti once. Unfortunately once.

Long story short, my cousin was entranced by the Blood & Sand, but I can not remember what it tasted like (beside tequila)...hence I can not even try to recreate a similar taste.

Over the weekend I tried TV Passionfruit, pineapple juice, grapefruit juice, and 1800 tequila. It was good, but tasted nothing like the B&S apparently...lol.

Kono posted on 09/03/2005

I've never been to the Tiki-Ti but that don't stop me from googling.

Found some recipes on the web that were all basically scotch, OJ, cherry brandy and sweet vermouth:




And then this excerpt from an article by Otto in Hollywood Highball Magazine:

"Son and father team Mike and Ray Buhen have adapted to their changing neighborhood - one of the most popular drinks ("The Blood and Sand") was changed from Scotch to Tequila to accommodate new tastes."


Those drink recipes above sound quite dainty as compared to what you see being whipped up in this video from the Tiki-Ti:


Jawa posted on 09/03/2005

Gracías señor Kono!

Luckily I have all the items except vermouth, which is easy enough to find.

You are right though, they do sound tame compared to what I watched while sitting there yelling "Toro, toro, toro!" at the bar. I will have to whip some up this evening and see what I can come up with.

On a different subject, are you still able to find Coruba rum in Orlando? I have not seen it in Tampa or St. Pete, but I would like to get some after having it so many times in Cali.

Thanks again!

  • Jawa
Kono posted on 09/03/2005

On 2005-09-03 12:40, Jawa wrote:
On a different subject, are you still able to find Coruba rum in Orlando? I have not seen it in Tampa or St. Pete, but I would like to get some after having it so many times in Cali.

Thanks again!

  • Jawa

Yeah, I see it fairly often. I've at least seen it in three, maybe more, different liquor stores. I think that I've even seen it at the local ABC Liquors. The same ABC is the only liquor store that I've seen carrying Gosling's Gold (good stuff!).

Hehe, I just picked up a bottle of sweet vermouth a few minutes ago so that I can try the Blood and Sand later tonight.

Rum Numb Davey posted on 09/03/2005

Coruba is produced by Appleton Estates and is imported by Brown-Forman, who has major distribution in all 50 States. Whoever distributes Jack Daniels in your state has Coruba. ASK your retailers and bars to carry it..it is there in some wholesalers warehouse just waiting for you consumers to DEMAND it.

Jawa posted on 09/04/2005

Yeah, that was my thinking as well a few days ago when I saw that Coruba was made by Appleton. I think I may just have to ask around at a few stores and see what I can find. Plenty of places around here carry Appleton and Jack Daniels, so it should not be too hard to get.

Thanks for the info Rum Numb! And good luck with the Blood & Sand Kono, I will have to try them tomorrow...ran out of time tonight.

mahalomo posted on 09/07/2005

Jawa -
Coruba is on sale 1/2 price right now ($12.99 for a 1 liter bottle) at Luekens Liquor in Dunedin (corner of Patricia and Main St/580). I just returned with 2 bottles of my own.

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