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Barry McGee Art Exhibition London Sep 8-Oct 30

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cheekytiki posted on 09/08/2005

Heads up to any one interested in cool art.
Barry McGee, one of the most recognised street artists, graffiti if you like, is putting on his first London solo show at Modern Art, 10 Vyner St, E2, 020 8980 7742
When I say Graffiti, don't expect to see it, this is more of an installation
Barry is also joined in the gallery across the road by Clare Rojas

waikiki tiki posted on 09/09/2005

I've been looking a lot at Barry McGee lately in reference to my painting. Anyone in the area should definately go see this! He is known for his site-specific works in San Fran. Very cool stuff!


cheekytiki posted on 09/09/2005

we went to the opening last night, we have been watching the progress of the installation as our freind Kevin Ancell is over helping Barry out. It's acool exhibition in a cool part of town, I have to go back and have another look at one piece he added at the last minute 'cause it looks a bit like a Tiki spraying Gaffiti

waikiki tiki posted on 09/10/2005

Cheekytiki, I'd love to see some pics of the installation. Please post some if you have any!


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