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Party all summer

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thebaxdog posted on 01/07/2003

Next summer there will be major Tiki events held in Palm Springs,
Florida, and Chicago
(in chronological order)

Tiki Oasis III
Mothers Day Weekend, May 9 - 11
Palm Springs, CA

You all know this event or know of it by now

The format will be the same but there will be changes in the way
tickets are sold and the amount of tickets sold.
No one will be turned away regardless of what hotel you stay at or if
you drive in for the day.
Educational slide show by Sven-Tiki on Saturday night, bands on
Friday and Saturday night, live DJs all three days, poolside bar, all
at the fully restored caliente tropics hotel.


June 27 & 28, Hukilau 2003 is going Tropical at the fabulous Mai Kai in Ft
Lauderdale, Florida. With an oceanfront location, the Holiday Inn Fort
Lauderdale Beach is the host hotel for this year's event. Two nights of
ultimate Tiki hijinx are planned for all who make the pilgrimage down south.

An ocean view is the backdrop for the opening night party the 27th in the
Holiday Inn's penthouse ballroom. Orlando's sensational Delusionaires and
Italy's I Bella di Wai Kiki will keep the crowd in a frenzy with their
unique tunes and stage antics. King Kukulele will also exercise our funny
bone with his energetic act.

June 28th, the Mai Kai is opening an hour early just for the Hukilau
attendees. After dinner and the magnificent Mai Kai show, King Kukulele will
entertain in the Molokai bar.

Everyone must make their own reservations at BOTH the Holiday Inn
(954-563-5961) and the 7pm dinner/show at the Mai Kai(800-262-4524). Mention
Hukilau when making reservations to receive the $79.00 room rate at the
hotel and to get group seating at the Mai Kai. Rooms are limited so reserve

Many more surprises are in store for all who attend this years Hukilau. The
official website will keep posting updates and details as they unfold, so
check often for the latest info at:



This August, set sail for the balmy shores of Lake Michigan and
discover the hidden world of the Midwestern Tiki Enthusiast! Experience
local customs and ceremonies as knowledgeable native guides lead hearty
explorers through dense urban jungles and sprawling suburban foliage to
essential ritual sites for the devout. Experience the sinful pleasures
of newly erected tiki temples and old favorites alike. Explore the steamy
shadows of Trader Vic's Chicago! Discover the hidden mysteries of the Kona
Kai. Relax in the exotic splendor of the fabled Hala Kahiki. And before you
depart, stand in witness to the fiery steps of the midwest's largest
annual Polynesian dance exhibition. More exciting details to follow as
the powerful local gods and spirits hand them down to the natives...

The dates are tentative but we're either looking at the weekend of
the 8th-10th (Intl. Tiki Weekend)

Tiki News
2215-R Market Street #177
San Francisco, CA 94114

kongtiki posted on 01/07/2003

There's a strong possibility that the Chicago weekend will actually occur August 22nd-24th. Actual details of the whole affair to be published just as soon as we make them up...

tweedtone posted on 01/07/2003

Any info on how a band might submit for consideration to perform at these events?


The Vodkanauts

bigbrotiki posted on 01/07/2003

On 2003-01-07 07:54, kongtiki wrote:
There's a strong possibility that the Chicago weekend will actually occur August 22nd-24th.

If so, we all have to hold a minute of silence for the Kahiki: The farewell party was on August 26th.
I remember, because the 27th is my birthday..also, Krakatoa erupted.

tikifish posted on 01/08/2003

I'm all over chicago. At only 9 hours drive from here, it's closer than anything else I have been invited to this year!!!!

(yes that is a serious statement).

Futura Girl posted on 01/10/2003

On 2003-01-07 20:16, tikifish wrote:
...only 9 hours drive from here, it's closer than anything else I have been invited to this year!!!!

Isn't a 5 hour flight to L.A. quicker :)

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