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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

My Tiki Painting

Pages: 1 9 replies

Maui posted on Sun, Sep 11, 2005 3:38 PM

Hi All,

I thought I would share my first Tiki painting (entitled Hot Tub).
It's a 16" x 20" oil painting that took me a couple of
months to paint (of course not working on it full time).
It's a silly painting but I enjoyed creating it and that's
what really counts!

Thanks for looking!!

Maui - Who roped the playful Sun

Through His Special Mystic Powers
He Made the Sun Keep Regular Hours

[ Edited by: Maui 2005-09-11 16:36 ]

I like the bright color. I have never painted anything so the time you took doesnt sound like alot to me.

Silly paintings or carvings or any type of project are the best ones.


Cool painting Maui, and WELCOME to TC, hope you can stay awhile. The poor soul in the hot tub looks a bit over cooked, I guess the Headhunter likes fresh soup. So he offered the man soup and the man thought he said soap, or is he making soap . Thanks for sharing.


I like it...keep on painting, definitely! It has a couple of my favorite things in it: a volcano and flames! Good job.


the bone dude look very relaxed. So your first tiki painting? I'm doing my first right now but hopefully it won't take months to do, but if it does, then I'm sure I really enjoyed doing mine too.

Maui posted on Sun, Sep 11, 2005 10:17 PM

Mahalo everyone for your greatings, comments and encouragement, it's greatly appreciated! I'm anxious to start on my next project however I have no idea what it's going to be! Rest assured, if it's Tiki related I will certainly share it with everyone here :)

foamy posted on Mon, Sep 12, 2005 4:57 AM

I think it's way fun. Silly? If silly equals light-hearted you're in there. Most of the Tiki you see around here is fun art. Be it carved or painted. Part of the appeal, and your painting has plenty of that.

Welcome! very nice painting!

hewey posted on Mon, Sep 12, 2005 5:17 PM

Thats cool man. I really like the mask the dude is wearing. Nice.

Always good to have another artist on here. I just dont want to wait another month for the next one though!

kirby posted on Tue, Sep 13, 2005 7:31 PM

looks like bone soup tonight...good work and welcome to this wonderful art forum...

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