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Savage Renewal: scrapbook of 1961 Hawaiian vacation

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thejab posted on 09/14/2005

I recently went to a local estate sale and found a pile of old photo albums. Most of them had dull pictures but among them I found an album from a trip to Hawaii in 1961. The album didn't contain any pictures of the people who went on the trip but instead was a scrapbook with tickets, menus, napkins, maps, brochures, and postcards (inluding postcards of the Kona Inn, Coco Palms, and Don the Beachcomber's in Waikiki), and even some greeting cards (bon voyage and birthday cards, as it was the passenger's birthday during the cruise).

I purchased the scrapbook for $10. I think I'll keep it as is instead of removing the objects which are mostly glued on the pages.

Info on the trip:
Miss Lorraine Penniman of Oakland booked an escorted cruise tour through American Express for passage on Matson Lines' SS Mariposa from San Francisco to Honolulu. According to the tour itinerary the ship arrived in Honolulu on the 6th. day, she toured Waikiki for the 7th. through 11th. days, flew to Maui and then Hilo, Hawaii on the 12th. day, stayed in Hawaii until the 15th. day, when she flew to Kauai, and returning to Honlulu on the 17th. day. But there is a receipt from the Royal Hawaiian Hotel in Waikiki for 11 days lodging so I'm not sure if she stayed in Waikiki or went on the tour.

The cost for the cruise and tour was $907 ($395 for the cruise and $512 for the tour and lodging). The Royal Hawaiian Hotel receipt showed a charge of $194.59 for 11 nights. Miss Penniman flew home on Pan Am to San Francisco for $133.

[ Edited by: thejab 2005-09-14 11:46 ]

thejab posted on 09/14/2005

Sorry that the images aren't bigger. I scanned them at 150dpi which took about 2 hours, but they show up smaller in Shutterfly. What's up with that?

TikiJosh posted on 09/14/2005

I think it automatically shrinks them. Those are some incredible images, anyway! Thanks for sharing!

Humuhumu posted on 09/14/2005

What a spectacular find! There is HOURS of entertainment there, I could easily spend a few evenings just poring over all the little details, the artwork and photographs... just magnificent. Looks like she had a wonderful time.

Yeah, I don't know the exact particulars of how Shutterfly works, but I think they only have that one size, and they shrink or stretch your photo to fit it. Plus, they crop off the edges and add that silly shaded border. Bah.

dogbytes posted on 09/14/2005

how fantastic!! i enjoyed the miniature version just as well!

you might consider going through all the work of removing the stuff from the "magnetic photo album" as the glues and the plastic sheets are not acid free, and will destroy the paper. its a royal pain in the butt, but might be a way to save that paper for eternity!

ikitnrev posted on 09/14/2005

Great find!

Are there any pictures of Miss Lorraine inside? In what months did this tour take place?

The average salary back in 1961 was $5700, a gallon of gas was 31 cents, and the average cost of a new home was $17,200.

And here we are in the 21st century, still waiting for someone to invent a time machine.


The Sperm Whale posted on 09/14/2005

Wow- that scrapbook is cool. I think I am going to look at it again. Thank you for taking the time to scan ,post and put all of that together!!!

Benzart posted on 09/14/2005

You can make the pic a bit larger by changing the "5" to a "6" near the end of the line of numbers in the link. like here "0015108AcN2TRi2bM4[" The 001'5'108A , you change to 0016108A.
Just change all those 5's to 6's and the pic gets bigger.

What a find!

weirduncletiki posted on 09/14/2005

What a treasure! Congrats on finding that and BIG mahalo for sharing the images. A wonderful time capsule to be sure. Makes me want to be in Hawaii of 1961(but I'd settle for right now). Hope to see the album in person one of these days.

-Weird Unc

thejab posted on 09/14/2005

There were no pictures of Miss Loraine at all! Perhaps she was shy. More likely there was another photo album there with pictures but somebody bought it before me. I did buy another album from the same estate sale of a early 70s trip to Hawaii. I'll see if Lorraine is mentioned in that one and post some pictures later.

Tikiwahine posted on 09/14/2005

Oohhh, that was so cool Jab!
Such a neat find, and thank you so much for sharing it all with us!

Every time I walk past the photo albums at the thrift store I wonder where all the pictures are. Were they removed before being donated? Do the workers sit there pulling them all out and disposing of them? It looks like estate sales are the way to go. Jeff hates 'planned' trips to specific sales, but I'm still working on him.

mrsmiley posted on 09/14/2005

HIGH drinking Chief Menehune, is more like it!

Have a nice Tiki Day!
If you like it,it is ZAZZ! If you don't, give it a RAZZ.

[ Edited by: mrsmiley 2005-09-14 11:35 ]

Johnny Dollar posted on 09/14/2005

geez, way cool ~ last year i found a stack of photos from a baltimore hon's trip to hawaii - i even sent one of the pix to tikiwahine as part of a trade :) - perhaps i should scan and share.

thejab posted on 09/14/2005

On 2005-09-14 09:42, Benzart wrote:
You can make the pic a bit larger by changing the "5" to a "6" near the end of the line of numbers in the link.

Thanks! I did that and made them a little bigger.

Tiki Rotterdam posted on 09/14/2005

TC is a wonderful thing!! Thanks!

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 09/14/2005

Good find! It reminds me of a scrapbook I found at the Salvation Army once, a souvenir of a young lady's trip to France (in the 1960's I think) that had pages and pages of very neat "girly" handwriting and hand drawn maps and such. Unfortunately the price tag was rather hefty (40 bucks I think) so I didn't buy it.

Formikahini posted on 09/16/2005

WOW, Jab, THANKS for all that posting time!

I can't wait to slowly pour over every page.

Biggest question - how did you keep from peeing in your pants at a find like that (for a price like that)?!?

virani posted on 09/25/2005

excellent find...thanks for the trip.

TikiTikiTavi posted on 09/25/2005

WOW! I'm glad you bought that and posted it here for us to enjoy. Thank you.

Johnny Dollar posted on 09/28/2005

photos from 10 years later ~ i like to call this ‘mabel gets her groove on.’
these are in no particular order.

tikis on the front of the canoes…

the traditional “hold big letters” hula

this is a rather fuzzy polaroid, but it certainly looks like a tiki is lurking among the liquor…

Neptune Wahine posted on 10/02/2005

That is soooooo cool! All the mementos and memories to be able to relive from the brochures and pictures. That is the confirmation I needed to continue saving everything....because you never know when it will come in handy again!!!! Or back in style.....

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