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Tiki Lamps

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Kono posted on Thu, Sep 15, 2005 1:25 PM

I've enjoyed the recent theme threads in Collecting Tiki such as the Treasure Craft thread and the ashtray thread among others, so in the same spirit I'd like to start a thread for everyone to share pics of their tiki lamps. Not so much for lamps that would lood good in a tiki bar (puffer, tapa, rattan, glass float) but for lamps that are actually made from tikis.

Electric lamps:

Don't know much about this one. The original base was destroyed so I rewired it with a wood base until something better comes along. Ceramic.

Bought this carved wood lamp on Oahu. I think it's fairly old based on the on/off switch (a toggle switch on the base).

Carved wooden lamp from New Zealand. The lamp shade came with it and is made of unprocessed wool.

Home made lamps:

Made these three meself. The one on the left is made from one of those tiki banks that Target was selling. The other two are made from the bottles that were sold at TJ Maxx and Marshall's. I'm planning on making one out of a Pisco bottle and out of one of those Hawaiian Open 1974 Jim Beam decanters. If I ever find another Tiki Toki decanter then I'll probably make one out of it as well.

Oil lamps:



Table centerpiece oil lamp from Trader Vics.

Large foam Moai oil lamp. Presumably for outdoor use. Says "Bill Hines Studio 2002" on the bottom.

Those are mine. I guess this is my contribution to the Savage Renewal deal. So...grab your camera and show us your tiki lamps!

On 2005-09-15 13:25, Kono wrote:
Oil lamps:


I have that same oil lamp, but it has no wick or shade. Do you have a picture with the original shade so I can look for one that'll work?

Kono posted on Thu, Sep 15, 2005 2:21 PM

On 2005-09-15 13:51, freddiefreelance wrote:
I have that same oil lamp, but it has no wick or shade. Do you have a picture with the original shade so I can look for one that'll work?

I don't have a shade, just the brass topper.

I just looked in Tiki Quest and they have the same oil lamp on the bottom of page 159 and no shade either.

That one is on the bottom of page 160 of Tiki Quest. Says its a Westwood design. Does that mean it's Westwood or a rip off? Dunno. Anyway, they have a shade on their's that I don't have.

Brilliant electrical workings. Fabulous inspiration for the rest of us.

What a nice collection! This is one area I have wanted to branch out into, but as of yet have not found anything in the wild and have lost out on eBay on the ones I like.
That is one of my hunting goals for this winter.
Thanks for sharing! Excellent thread!

I also have the oil lamp and no shade. Mad props on the Maori lamp and the maori outrigger in the backround. Are those right from New Zealand??

Glowing moai lamp, 19" tall. They sold these at Spencer Gifts last year.

This Kon Tiki lamp is discussed HERE


here is our one and only tiki lamp:

it is a new guinea style tiki by tikitony. i believe his girlfriend did the shade. we purchased this at out first TC event at the 2004 SF tikicrawl.

Some of the tiki lamps I make... hand carved ash...

Kono posted on Fri, Sep 16, 2005 6:01 PM

On 2005-09-15 17:40, FreddieBallsomic wrote:
Mad props on the Maori lamp and the maori outrigger in the backround. Are those right from New Zealand??

Those are from ebay actually. Ebay of a year ago was a happy place where children played and sheep and goats ran free. I think I paid $16 for the lamp and I remember it was $101 for the canoe. What would they cost in today's vile and corrupt ebay world of $130 Tiki Bob mugs and auctions suspiciously ending early left and right? I shudder to think... :wink:

Great lamps everyone! FZ, I will always lust after that Kon Tiki lamp...

More lamps people!

Check out this cool lamp that Filslash is selling on e-bay


I don't have alot of lamps but I do have a couple things to share.

This lamps base is made of old wooden floats that have been attached together with rope. It has a cedar wood shingle style shade which has a fish net over it. Pretty damn cool and as soon as I saw it in the local antique shop, I knew it would be perfect for my lounge.

Here are two oil lamps where the one on the right was shown earlier in this topic. I just wanted to show the other matching one. I am missing the oil lamp part but I don't think I'll have too much difficulty getting a replacement. These lamps were made by a Japanese company called Nasco. Below is a picture I got off ebay (I think) of one and it's original box.

The above picture is of a candle holder that when lit looks pretty cool. It has two different Tiki faces on each side. It has two initials scribed into the bottom so I believe this to be a home made piece.

Great topic!! Some of those lamps that have been shown make me drool all over my keyboard!! Thanks for looking!!

Here are a couple tiki lamps that my wife & I picked up.

This one we bought at the upstairs kiosk at the Bali Hai. It is VERY smart of them to put the kiosk right by the bar.
I've always thought that this one was very Disney looking. If anyone has info on the design/artist, I'd love to know more.

Oh, and that's a TikiTony original around his neck.

This one we bought when we were out shopping for some furniture one afternoon. We walked into this one store with a lot of higher-end stuff, so we did an immediate about-face when I spotted two of these sittiing on a bamboo bar hidden near the entryway. I quickly grabbed them and took 'em to the counter (they were very reasonably priced unlike everthing else in the store).

Both styles are cast and not carved.

Kono posted on Wed, Sep 21, 2005 7:12 PM

TabooDan, thanks for the info on the lamp being made by Nasco. I guess it was an "interpretation" of a Westwood design. :wink: Kudos on finding one with the box.

MachTiki, I've seen the first lamp on ebay but the second one is new to me. You think it's at all possible that the furniture store could've had a couple of vintage items (hence the more reasonable cost) or are you pretty sure that they're new? Nice shade on that one also.

I found this guy on Sunday:

I've got one that is very similar but has a glaze (this one is roughly textured) and says Florida on the backside. My other one also has a cool shade that has a tiki face motif. I didn't post a pic of it because it's boxed up at the moment. There's one just like it in Tiki Quest FWIW.

I thought it funny that I started a thread on tiki lamps and then just found one (albeit a small one) in the wild. Maybe I should start a thread on Witco tiki fountains? :-?

I KNOW there are more tiki lamps out there. Where are they? I know Flounder has a couple. He doesn't post here so much anymore so maybe I can find that old thread and see if the pic is still there...


On 2005-09-21 19:12, Kono wrote:
MachTiki, I've seen the first lamp on ebay but the second one is new to me. You think it's at all possible that the furniture store could've had a couple of vintage items (hence the more reasonable cost) or are you pretty sure that they're new? Nice shade on that one also.

I did a search on-line and found that the second lamp is from an interior design company called "Cabana Joe's Collection".

How about this ........

anyone know where this is?

I'm selling this lamp on ebay right now;


I'm still looking for the perfect shades for two of these that I got from Puamana and Selector Lopaka:

They came with matching tables:

(I'm informed they are not Witco.)

Phew! Time to blow the dust off this oldie but goodie thread...

Recently stumbled on this mega-lamp at a flea market; It's big! The base is 21", with the shade it's around 4ft tall (they don't make 'em like this anymore...)

It's hefty- probably weighs 10 pounds or more. Made of thick ceramic (might be plaster)

The guy we bought it from says he's seen only one before... that doesn't tell us much about it, other than that it must have been mass produced.

Anybody know anything about it? Manufacturer? Date?

We absolutely love it- it's like Kon Tiki Tucson robo-tiki meets Mr. Bali Hai (it's the earrings...) meets moai.

Any help appreciated...

...oh yeah, and 7 years without a post in this thread?? You all must have some dark corners in yer houses!


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