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Mad, Mad, Mad World on tonight -- has tiki scene!!!

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Satan's Sin posted on 06/23/2004

"It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World" is on TCM at 7 pm tonight (6/23/04) -- has a VERY tiki scene --

It's when Ethel Merman calls her beach bum son Dick Shawn -- the phone at his "pad" rings and rings while he dances with his girlfriend, and the decor in the background is 100% tiki, up to and including a very nifty tiki bar.

Check it out!


tikitortured posted on 06/23/2004

Will do, thanks for the tip. I don't remember that scene but that's a wacky movie.

Satan's Sin posted on 06/23/2004

it comes fairly early in the movie -- it's after the principals split up and go after the treasure on their own; Ethel Merman hooks up with Terry Thomas and after a bit she makes him stop and places a phone call to her son -- that's when the scene(s) (there's two) occur --

You WON'T be disappointed!


MutantTiki posted on 06/25/2004

I have the DVD, and its one of those movies I bring out every so often, and I heartily recommend it if you haven't seen it.

Here are some screen snaps of the Tiki bar. Dick Shawn is very amusing in this scene (nice wahine too. :))

SES posted on 06/25/2004

Is that Claudine Longet?


I haven't seen the movie in so long I forget everyone who is in it.

MutantTiki posted on 06/25/2004

On 2004-06-25 13:17, susane wrote:
Is that Claudine Longet?


I haven't seen the movie in so long I forget everyone who is in it.

No, but they look a lot alike. According to IMDB, her name is "Barrie Chase".

More info on her here.

[ Edited by: MutantTiki on 2004-06-25 13:32 ]

Unga Bunga posted on 06/30/2004

On 2004-06-25 13:31, MutantTiki wrote:
No, but they look a lot alike. According to IMDB, her name is Barrie Chase.

Here she is with Fred Astaire.

I just rented this movie (Mad Mad World) after not seeing it for 20 years.
Personally, this scene is the only scene worth watching. It was worth it just for that.

[ Edited by: Unga Bunga on 2004-06-30 15:43 ]

Satan's Sin posted on 07/01/2004

Funny thing about Mad World ... when I saw it as a child I thought it was stupid and boring. Now that I'm old and grizzled I think it's one of the funniest movies I've ever seen (must be all the Zombies).

Andy btw, my KIDS think it's a stupid movie. Of course, they think I'm stupid, too, but as I always tell them, it takes a lot of talent and a deft hand to make a good Zombie!

Unga Bunga posted on 07/09/2004

Here is a picture of where a whole scene (different song)was cut out. You can get a different view of the beach pad. Bad lighting.

Satan's Sin posted on 07/10/2004

Where a whole scene was cut? How did you get this?

I agree lighting is bad. But I need more Mad World tiki beach pad scenes, more I tell you, I'm still not satisfied!

Unga Bunga posted on 07/10/2004

On 2004-07-10 08:01, Satan's Sin wrote:
Where a whole scene was cut? How did you get this?

It's on the other side of the DVD that has "bonus features".
There's about 30 out-takes.

FreakBear posted on 07/11/2004

She has a very Amanda Pete/Jennifer Garner quality about her. I think a remake is in order!

Unga Bunga posted on 09/07/2005

An artist named Bob Lizarraga came out with a cool print of this scene. Is this person a Tiki Central member? He has some other cool prints on his website.

Philot posted on 09/07/2005

"Look under the big W"

I run hot and cold on this. One time I'll catch it and hoot like and idiot. The next, I'll wonder why I ever thought that thing was funny.

I heard tell that there was a revival of the complete restored print sometime around 1999-2000. Is this the version currently available, or is it still the much shortened version?

pappythesailor posted on 09/07/2005

Last I heard, there's little chance of every finding enough footage to get it back to 192 minutes. 192 minutes---geez!

El Bastardo posted on 09/07/2005

Mutant Tiki,

Any idea what the song is that Dick Shawn is dancing to when his mother calls?

I have always wanted to get a copy of it.

It is hillariuos becase every time the song stops, the phone rings and they just keep dancing.

Batfink posted on 09/07/2005

Just wanted to say thanx to Unga Bunga (for mentioning and posting my art)
and Satan's Sin for starting this topic! Sylvester and Barrie's dance sequences were always my favorite part of MMMM World. Lately I have been so friggin' busy I haven't had a chance to post much. Maybe we could start a topic covering "Tiki scenes from the Movies"-- or has that been done?

--Bob Lizarraga

freddiefreelance posted on 09/08/2005

Bob, look here for Tikis in Films.

El Bastardo posted on 09/14/2005

Ottermole posted on 09/15/2005

I have always considered Stanley Kramer's IT'S A MAD, MAD, MAD, MAD WORLD one of my personal favorite films. I loved it when I was a kid, and I love it today!

That film is as old as I am (oops... did I type that out loud just now?)

By the way... the songs Dick Shawn dances to in the film are THIRTY-ONE FLAVORS and YOU SATISFY MY SOUL, both sung by The Shirelles.

I was fortunate to have attended the 25TH anniversary re-premiere at the Cinerama Dome in Hollywood, CA (also where the film originally premiered in 1963).

I have to admit the Sylvester Marcus (Dick Shawn) character has always been my favorite in the film. And to quote his character for all you tiki gods and goddesses who aren't as thrilled about this film as I am: "Out, baby. Out, baby. Out!"


THE GHASTLY LOVE OF JOHNNY X is now in production!

[ Edited by: Ottermole 2005-09-15 09:54 ]

[ Edited by: Ottermole 2005-09-15 10:02 ]

El Bastardo posted on 09/16/2005

On 2005-09-15 09:52, Ottermole wrote:

By the way... the songs Dick Shawn dances to in the film are THIRTY-ONE FLAVORS and YOU SATISFY MY SOUL, both sung by The Shirelles.

Thanks OM

Unga Bunga posted on 09/16/2005

On 2005-09-15 17:24, El Bastardo wrote:

On 2005-09-15 09:52, Ottermole wrote:

By the way... the songs Dick Shawn dances to in the film are THIRTY-ONE FLAVORS and YOU SATISFY MY SOUL, both sung by The Shirelles.

Thanks OM

Copy the song from the movie. I bought the soundtrack, and for some reason, The LP/CD version is slower than the movie version. (?)

FLOUNDERart posted on 04/15/2008

Funniest scene ever with a tiki in it, actually it's the funniest scene period. Saw this the other night for the first time in many years. Last time I saw it I wasn't even in to tiki but remembered the scene.

Here's the scene on youtube.


[ Edited by: FLOUNDERart 2008-04-15 10:48 ]

Johnny Dollar posted on 04/15/2008

flounder speaks truth.

Jungle Trader posted on 04/15/2008


bigbrotiki posted on 04/15/2008

Thank god for U-Tube, allowing us to view the stellar scenes from any movie. Imagine this on a large CinemaScope screen! That scene is an instant good mood pill, perhaps only eclipsed by "Jaan Pehechaan Ho":
...which is the same drug, only it lasts longer.

Of course Dick Shawn is my favorite Beatnik Adolf Hitler ever in the original "Producers".

Tipsy McStagger posted on 04/15/2008

On 2008-04-15 14:09, bigbrotiki wrote:
Thank god for U-Tube, allowing us to view the stellar scenes from any movie. Imagine this on a large CinemaScope screen! That scene is an instant good mood pill, perhaps only eclipsed by "Jaan Pehechaan Ho":
...which is the same drug, only it lasts longer.

Of course Dick Shawn is my favorite Beatnik Adolf Hitler ever in the original "Producers".

otherwise known as "vindaloo"

FLOUNDERart posted on 04/16/2008

On 2008-04-15 14:09, bigbrotiki wrote:
Thank god for U-Tube, allowing us to view the stellar scenes from any movie. Imagine this on a large CinemaScope screen! That scene is an instant good mood pill, perhaps only eclipsed by "Jaan Pehechaan Ho":
...which is the same drug, only it lasts longer.

Of course Dick Shawn is my favorite Beatnik Adolf Hitler ever in the original "Producers".

We watched it on a 104 inch screen at my friends house. I think we watched the scene 5 times laughing harder and harder ever time.

GatorRob posted on 04/16/2008

On 2008-04-15 14:09, bigbrotiki wrote:
That scene is an instant good mood pill, perhaps only eclipsed by "Jaan Pehechaan Ho":
...which is the same drug, only it lasts longer.

You know, she must have had one hell of a headache after filming that dance scene!

Big Kahuna posted on 04/17/2008

OK! Now I'm beginning to understand why my non-tiki friends think I'm a little weird! I absolutely LOVED that Jaan Pehechaan Ho clip! Where the hell is that from? Oh, and by the way, I'm definitely gonna order a couple of Bob's prints! Great stuff!

Unga Bunga posted on 09/05/2010
kirby posted on 09/05/2010

thanks alot unga, At second 27 of that video the dudes nuts pop out of his shorts, while hes dancing on the floor... I wanted to see a cool Tiki Clip,and now I have sack burned into by brain..

dewey-surf posted on 09/06/2010

I always liked this movie, and the ensamble is amazing.

Jimmy Durante kicking the bucket (literally), a classic.

TikiG posted on 09/06/2010

This has always been one of my all-time favorite flicks - I watch it at least once a year and always get a laugh out of it. As a comedy, its timeless.

(of course it features the Cyclone Racer and the Long Beach Pike and thats reason enough to raise a toast to it)

zerostreet posted on 09/06/2010

On 2010-09-05 18:32, TikiG wrote:
This has always been one of my all-time favorite flicks - I watch it at least once a year and always get a laugh out of it. As a comedy, its timeless.

(of course it features the Cyclone Racer and the Long Beach Pike and thats reason enough to raise a toast to it)

Same here Greg....watch it about once a year. Love Jonathan Winters destroying the garage!

Unga Bunga posted on 09/06/2010

On 2010-09-05 15:25, kirby wrote:
thanks alot unga, At second 27 of that video the dudes nuts pop out of his shorts, while hes dancing on the floor... I wanted to see a cool Tiki Clip,and now I have sack burned into by brain..

I didn't invent high definition television.
Wasn't there before.
Why you lookin' down there anyway?

I have probably seen this scene a hundred times.
Still love it.

(until Kirby re-wrote the script) :)

Unga Bunga posted on 09/15/2010
Sandy Trunks posted on 01/14/2011

Aloha NorCal Ohana!

Saturday, Jan 22nd, 2011 KQED (CH9) will air "It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World" at 8 p.m.
(or, for you late birds, it'll be rebroadcast at 2am Sunday morning Jan 23rd :wink: )

link: http://www.kqed.org/tv/programs/index.jsp?pgmid=12872

Oh! I am so staying in that night!!

And I am definitely taking the phone off the... Tiki!

leisure master posted on 01/14/2011

One of my all time favorite movies.

When birdgirl and I were recently in California I decided spontaneously one day to go find the "big W" and recreate a photo like this one, but when I looked up the location I was saddened to learn that the last of the trees died in 2008. Bummer.

Anyone ever get there?

drgoat456 posted on 01/14/2011

I always got a kick out of Jonathan Winters destroying Arnold Stang's gas station.
There's some great comedy stuff in that scuffle. Doesn't get funnier.

cvcgolf posted on 01/14/2011

An absolute crazy ass classic. This film needs to be viewed on the latest dvd in widescreen. PBS just showed it here in L.A. and didn't present it in widescreen. If you don't like this movie then I don't need to know you. It's that simple..

[ Edited by: cvcgolf 2011-01-14 09:43 ]

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hang10tiki posted on 04/02/2017

It was on again tonight

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