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Chile probes Easter Island artefacts

Pages: 1 11 replies

cheeky half posted on 01/07/2003

Hi, I haven't introduced myself here in the forums yet but i've been an avid lurker since the yahoo days. When I read this story this morning I just had to post it. Not sure if I should have posted this under "collecting tiki."
Talk about somebody having the worst tiki "karma" of all time.
I'd like to take this opportunity to also formally introduce myself...My name is cheeky half and I have an addiction to tiki.

Kailuageoff posted on 01/07/2003

Welcome and thanks for the article. Better get those things off Florida soil (er, sand) fast!

bigbrotiki posted on 01/07/2003

By the way, there is an authentic 5 foot Easter Island head at the Forest Lawn Glendale Museum. It was given to THE FOUNDER by a fisherman who used it as weight in the boat.
(Before going, check if they are still renovating the museum and it's open again)

SoBeTiki posted on 01/07/2003

Here's the full story:


I'm going to try to get in and see if I can take some digital photographs for the group.

[ Edited by: SoBeTiki on 2003-01-07 10:01 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 01/07/2003

....this shows that the Tiki habit can become nasty: This guy had to support dictatorship to amass his artifacts!
But do they belong to Chile? Or to the Easter Islanders, who few of them care? An eternal conundrum...

Wait! They belong to the Tiki loving people...US!

Hey, that is a cool band name "THE TIKI LOVING PEOPLE" ! I imagine a vocal group with flowing purple and yellow garments, 70s haircuts, and cheerful smiles!

Atomic Cocktail posted on 01/07/2003

On 2003-01-07 10:38, bigbrotiki wrote:

Hey, that is a cool band name "THE TIKI LOVING PEOPLE" ! I imagine a vocal group with flowing purple and yellow garments, 70s haircuts, and cheerful smiles!

Maybe they could do an exotica cover of "I'd Like to Teach the World To Sing". Daniel Paul can be the frontman!

bigbrotiki posted on 01/07/2003

I think he was already recruited by the Miss Velma Singers...

I remember now where that association came from:
"Beyond The Valley of The Dolls" -
THE GENTLE PEOPLE!: "..Come with the Gentle People, spread love across the land...da da da..."
A classic! I have it on CD. Almost better than The Free Design.

We should make it "Come with the Tiki People, spread Tiki across the land..."

On a more serious note, here is Donald P. Ryan's (Thor Heyerdahl's assistant) reply about those articles:

I actually received a solicitation to view these items with the
possibility for purchase. The objects were exhibited on a web-site and
most looked fake, including the moai heads, both in terms of workmanship
and size. There were a couple of boulders with birdman carvings allegedly
from Orongo, that were carved nicely, but the pictures were unclear. I
doubt that they would be authentic as they would have been noticed to be
missing unless they were obtained prior to about 1935 when a rock art
survey was conducted.

I think I deleted the gallery's E-mail just last week but the web-site
might already be taken down if they're under investigation.

cynfulcynner posted on 01/07/2003

On 2003-01-07 11:42, bigbrotiki wrote:
THE GENTLE PEOPLE!: "..Come with the Gentle People, spread love across the land...da da da..."

This is my happening and it FREAKS ME OUT!

SoBeTiki posted on 01/08/2003

As usual, the local mullet wrapper is a day or so late with news stories. Well at least they've posted a picture on the website.


Tangaroa posted on 01/08/2003

Anyone have any good pix of the tikis themselves? Al lI could find was the one on the Miami Herald site...

Kentiki posted on 01/08/2003

Go to:


Click on "Oceania."


Turbogod posted on 01/08/2003

On 2003-01-08 06:37, SoBeTiki wrote:
As usual, the local mullet wrapper....

Ha ha hah ha ha ha Mullet Rapper!

Pages: 1 11 replies