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Kamapua'a at SPX 2005 (Bethesda, Md) Sept 23-24

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Tiki Chris posted on 08/14/2005

SPX 2005
Small Press Expo
Holiday Inn Select
Bethesda, Maryland
Friday September 23 (3pm-8pm)
Saturday September 24 (10am-7pm)

September 23rd and 24th, I will be exhibiting at SPX 2005, "the preeminent showcase for the exhibition of independent comic books and the discovery of new creative talent." SPX 2005 will bring together over 300 artists and publishers to meet their readers, booksellers, distributors, and each other. I'm looking forward to the opportunity to share my and Chongolio’s work with a wider audience.

In addition to our Kamapua‘a series, I’ll be promoting Untamed Highway as well a new project of my own creation.


If you’re in the D.C. area, stop by and say “aloooha!”

Tiki Chris


Tiki Chris posted on 09/16/2005

Just reminding folks that I'll be at SPX (Small Press Expo) in Bethesda, Maryland to promote Chongolio’s and my Kamapua‘a series Friday September 23 and Saturday 24.

I'm even more excited about going since I recently learned that Harvey Pekar is this year's special guest.

If you're not sure who Mr. Pekar is ...

He's the writer/creator of the graphic novel series American Splendor, which was made into a hit movie starring Paul Giamatti.

More details:


If any TCers are in the area, I'd love to meet you.

Hope to see you there,
Tiki Chris


Urban Tiki posted on 09/16/2005

Hey Chris, I just wanted to wish you luck at the expo. I'm glad to see your projects moving forward.

All the best,

tikigreg posted on 09/16/2005

Knock 'em dead at the expo, Chris buddy!

ikitnrev posted on 09/16/2005


My schedule is a bit busy, but I will try to show up. I've attended the Bethesda SPX convention many times in past years, and it is a great way to meet cartoonists, and load up on neats of fun and interesting publications.

I will also give a plug here - a friend of mine named Scott Brooks has an exhibit of his drawings currently on display at Gallery Neptune, at 4808 Auburn Avenue - just a few blocks from the Holiday Inn. Scott's work is pretty good, and worthy of inclusion in Juxtapoz. http://www.scottgbrooks.com/


Tiki Chris posted on 09/16/2005

Urban Tiki & tikigreg: Thanks for the support. I'll let you know how it goes.

ikitnrev: It'd be great to see you again. I took a quick look at your friend Scott's site. Wow - really intense work. I doubt I'll have any freetime. But if so, I'll definitely keep his exhibit in mind.

Take care,

Sam Gambino posted on 09/18/2005

Hey Tiki Chris- That's cool! I remember seeing Harvey Pekar on Letterman back in the early to mid '80's when Letterman was on NBC. Pekar was abrasive, but hilarious at the same time...

Chongolio posted on 09/20/2005

Have fun Chris! Give ol Harvey a pig sticker. I seems like the kinda guy who would dig it. American Splendor was a cool film. Harvey has a pretty interesting view of the world around him and appeared to be pretty good at keeping up with Letterman at his own game.


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... Mark Twain

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