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Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Beyond Tiki


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I'm thinking about collecting CONQUISTADOR stuff and making another theme room to go with my TIKI room, NAUTICAL room, PUB room, CABIN room, TROPICAL room, TEA room, DISCO room, and I Love Lucy room. Does anybody have any pics of their CONQUISTADOR artifacts to give me some ideas?

What, no owl room?

I regularly see conquistador items at the thrift store,
such as this beauty:

Now that you're looking, however, you probably won't find anything.

Good luck with it!?

Oooooh, I like that. Very noble. Anybody else have any Conquistadoraphernalia they wish to share?

I have a Don Quijote wooden statue thats about 18 inches tall and a Witco piece. Witco makes a great Conquistador peice that is part wood and part metal. Anyone have a picture of this??? I will search.

My Conquistador painting can be seen here:

I might be willing to sell him cheap, tikitortured, tho the shipping for such a huge painting might be prohibitive.


On 2005-09-16 10:52, Tikiwahine wrote:
What, no owl room?

I regularly see conquistador items at the thrift store,
such as this beauty:

Now that you're looking, however, you probably won't find anything.

Good luck with it!?

My parents had this very same picture (even down to the frame) in the living room of the house they lived in when they moved from LA to San Diego. It was 1971 and this Ranch Style house was fully carpeted in gold shag and the furniture was this dark wood, wrought iron & red crushed velvet. I think they thought since they were moving so close to Mexico, a Spanish motif was the way to go. Now you know where I inherited my good taste. :lol:


Someone just got rid of about 4 or 5 big conquistador paintings in Bowmanville, ON - theyre at the St. Vincent De Paul. If I ever go back I'll take a pic - the 'wall o' conquistador' is something to behold!

(I assume that they'll stiill be there... I just have a hunch.)

PS. Why not 'The Owl's Nest' for a room theme?

Nice pic Sabu, hope I can find one as cool locally. Didn't Witco make some Conquistadorial stuff? Is there a web site dedicated to Conquistador? (Hint, hint, Hanford: Conquista-Central?)

Oh, and an "owl room" or an "owls nest room" is entirely out of the question...I don't like owls. Although, if I found a stuffed owl I might put it in my CABIN room.

[ Edited by: tikitortured 2005-09-17 13:21 ]

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