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if i seem sad for a while..

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its because today, my beloved dog, Glacier Bay unexpectedly passed away. he was "my little guy" although he was one of the biggest american eskimo dogs in the show circuit.

this is my favorite picture of him... i miss him so much already..


DB, I am sorry for you loss. In the last month we spent alot on vet bills to get our dog back to health . I know how I felt almost loosing her.
If ya need a chat , hit me up...


So sorry to hear that DB. Gavin sends his Love.

I'm so sorry to hear this, db. You have my condolences. He was a beauty.


I'm so very sorry. When a pup is very much a part of the family (as I'm sure he was) it's heartbreaking to have to let him go... my deepest sympathy.



I'm very sorry to hear about this Elicia, I cried when I read the e-mail you sent out earlier.

I gave Gypsy a snuggle, pets are such a big part of our families. Love 'em while you've got 'em.

[ Edited by: Tikiwahine 2006-08-15 11:03 ]

Very sad to hear about your loss, he was a beautiful dog. I can tell by the photo that he was happy and well loved.
Take care DB!


Elicia, I am Very Sad to hear of your loss today. Just remember how fortunate you are to have shared so much love with your "Little guy". I know you have sweet memories of him to last you a long time. Those memories will Always remain.


Sorry to hear about the little guy. As Sam said, think of all the good times you had together. Better to have loved and lost, then to have never loved at all and all that.

Moki posted on Sat, Sep 17, 2005 11:26 PM

What a bummer!! We were just chatting about him. We're so sorry to hear about your loss. :cry:

Elicia, I'm so sorry! I knew he was sick but...

My heart goes out to you. My kitties are, well, the younger ones are like my kids and my oldest is my best friend. I know how it feels to lose a beloved critter and I send you tons of hugs.

Not to mention sympathy mews. Take care, sweetie~

XOX tikivixen

... go to the humane society... and get yourself another dog...

... a good rescue will brighten your day...

... an' da pooch will love ya for it...

DB, So very sorry for your loss.
It's easier said than done to replace a family member and a friend by simply going to the pound or pet store.

I was given a touching poem-thingie when I had to put my 16 yera old white german shepherd to sleep at on my 17th birthday.
It said something about letting them go because they could not do the things they once could, or be the dog they had been. And it reminded me that my dog..my friend, was no longer suffering.
Been there. Still there with you. It's not easy to get over.
Wishing you well.

I am so sorry for your loss. It's good to know that he was well taken care of, well loved, and found a home where he made his "pack" as happy as he was.

I hope you feel better in time with the memories of funny things he would do.

Sending healing thoughts your way.

Owned a Samoyed Husky myself.
Definately feel the loss DB.


From my favorite Jewish Cowboy Country Singer/Mystery Writer, Kinky Friedman:
"*I believe that when you die and go to heaven, all the dogs and cats you've ever had in your life come running to meet you.

Until that day, rest in peace, dear friends."*

[ Edited by: badmojo 2005-09-20 08:16 ]

sending out good thoughts to you during this sorrowful time.

"I believe that when you die and go to heaven, all the dogs and cats you've ever had in your life come running to meet you."

This is more true than most people think... his spirit lives on...

I definitely feel your pain. Our chocolate lab died three years ago and as I was reorganizing some photo albums, I ran across hers. I teared up ---- she was like our child. We eventually did get another dog --- this time from the pound, a cockapoo. I wanted to go for the exact opposite. Instead of a 125 pounder ---- Mattie weighs 16 pounds! The first time I walked Mattie --- I was not even sure there was a dog on the leash. Lucy the lab loved water (which was convenient since we live at the beach), Mattie hates it. It definitely takes time to mourn.

Just been through this very thing last year. It's amazing how emotional it can make a person. I feel your pain Elicia. Glacier was a beautiful dog and was well loved. Take comfort in that.


thank you all so much for your kinds words. 2 weeks ago, i felt like the only person in the universe who'd ever lost a pet.. everyone sharing their stories and those who shared rememberances of my Glacier helped me through these sad times. (and a super thank you to Woofmutt who created a wonderful image of G for me)

Glacier is home now, and its a new normal around here.

my dog club is having a big show at the end of the month, that'll help a lot too.

thanks again.

elicia, todd and cicely.

JonPez posted on Sun, Oct 2, 2005 2:25 PM

My sympathies are with you.
Our pup is 12 and has a brain tumor, so we are living each day trying to make him happy and savoring every minute we have with the big goof.
I dread the day we have to make a painful decision, or it is made for us. All in all, it will be for the best so that he will not suffer, but will be hard because we will be the ones suffering.
Keep the faith and hang in there. Trust that he is in a good place and his memory will always stay with you.

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