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Tiki Central / General Tiki

Tiki Bong

Pages: 1 2 replies


Thanks TB. Is Bamboo Ben listed in the book, or how do I contact him?

I'll be going there this weekend and will get the exact address and phone number. He's on Adams Ave just West of Beach Blvd on the South side of Adams.

PS why do you have this topic listed in 2 forums? Here and in the Collecting Tiki forum.

[ Edited by: Tiki_Bong on 2002-05-31 11:16 ]


Aloha Tiki Bed,
Sounds cool to me. I'll wack it out for you. 712 Yorktown Ave. H.B.. [email protected] 714-960-1860 (not listed)(also, website is down, being re-built)
Due to popular demand, I'm opening the store on Sundays from 11-4ish all summer. (not Just Saturdays from 10-5ish ) We're putting together some Sunday events too and will post them when we can. I think Crazy Al will be showing his stuff on June 9th. Not 100% confirmed yet. Alohas & Mahalos to TIKIBONG!
Bamboo Ben

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