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Tiki Central / General Tiki

ANNOUNCEMENT: New Instructions for posting pics

Pages: 1 3 replies

hanford_lemoore posted on 01/10/2003

Okay, so I finally got around to adding Alnshely's great step-by-step instructions on how to upload pics to the faq.

There is now a URL we can point people to in order to read it. it is this:


Notice the #embed on the end -- that makes the URL go directly to the section that talks about uploading pics.

Thanks everyone for helping other members out all this time!


hanford_lemoore posted on 01/11/2003


TikiTyme posted on 07/26/2008

Here are some pics of my little slice of Paradise... I have more that I will post later. Any ideas will be welcome. Remember I am in Central Ohio and Tiki is non existent here.. But I have been checking the board and am going to try some of the ideas I have found here.. Thanks

TikiTyme posted on 07/26/2008

Sorry, posted in the wrong place can someone move it to my other post please?? Thanks

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