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ugly rita

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Best wishes and prayers to all who may be in Rita's path! Formica, PJ, others. You are in my thoughts.

This is like something out of an apocalyptic movie! I just read that some of the low-lying areas of Houston are being evacuated along with Galveston. Does that mean Formikahini has to get out too? Or is she in another part of Houston? Anyone know? Didn't she just take in someone from N.O.? Good Grief! Good thoughts, everyone, keep sending the good thoughts!

Formikahini said she would head to her family's farm in Brenham if it looked bad for Houston. I hope she left already.

Just to let you know of my plans for the moment:

At this point, I'm staying either at my home or at my Mom's here in Houston, as many of her neighbors are staying and have generators, etc. If my house does get hit, I'd rather be here to pull crap outta that room ASAP, rather than wait a week, after it's been left to the elements to rot/mold. But we're glued to the news for updates. I feel certain I'll lose power for quite some time (weeks?) as there's a big dead tree limb hanging over a powerline in my back yard! That means I'll likely be leaving town after the storm if I don't leave before, as my home with no AC would be death! Most all the windows are painted shut and most all are lacking screens.

But don't worry - I'm not taking any chances with my life. The roads are so insane now, though, I'd just run out of gas before I got outside the city limits! The mayor even said NOT to leave if you're not in a bad area, and The Heights are, well, high (relatively). And I have a full tank of gas - GOLD right now!

I'l probably lose cell phone ability, but for some reason, texting worked for a lot of Katrina, so I'll text some of you to let you know I'm ok, should things take a turn for the worse. The fact is, as of this moment, that Rita is expected to go "the good direction" for us, putting us not in the dirty side path. My NOLA refugees are all out of town, save the dog, Bayer, who's now my dog. Lucky me, dealing with huge lab turds during a hurricane!!

"Come on, Bayer, it's ok! You can go outside in the 70 mph winds! Pee downwind! Good dog!" (Actually, his "relieving" schedule will be fine. Don't worry, I ain't sendin' no dawg out in a storm!)

Thanks for your thoughts and prayers
alice b

Oh, crap, I just heard of looting already.....Should I take my Spanish tiki mugs with me :wink:?

[ Edited by: Formikahini 2005-09-23 07:28 ]

Tiki410, keep in touch!

Lafayette is probably in for some bad stuff from Rita.

Let me know what's happening with you guys, OK?

Looks like Rita is "sharing the love" with poor New Orleans, so perhaps Houston (at least The Heights--sounds like a good neighborhood name to me!!!) will be okay. I can understand wanting to stay home at this point, Formica. Better a hurricane at home than out on the road...

Just fill that tub in case power AND water go out--you never know...

good luck and hugs from tikivixen

Anyone heard from our friends in the affected area? Please check in, guys! Hope y'all are as okay as can be.

Again, let us know how the rest of us can help.


Got the word from mrsmiley today that formikahini is alive and well, as is the rest of her family. Sounds like damage was minor and she's doing OK.

Yay formikahini!!!!!

WOW, what a relief. Rita went down to Cat 2 fairly quickly. Glad to hear you are fine Alice. Next time we meet, drinks are on me. Same for you PJ.

We're without power again sigh in Baton Rouge. My neighborhood got a few feet of water from Rita...not that it makes much difference. (Oh no, all my lovely mold might've gotten wet!) Just that it will be that much longer before we are allowed back in.

Flood Factoid: Burned CDs grow mold inside while factory CDs appear more resistant. So much for recovering any saved data...double sigh.


I'm happy to hear that Rita was not as bad as she could have been, not that comforts anyone who was affected by the damaging wind and water. I'm glad everyone is OK Physically. I know the pain of going thru 2 hurricanes back to back and it takes a while to recover emotionally and My 2 storms were Nothing compared to Katrina and Rita. Just tie a knot at the end of your rope and hang on.. Help is on the way (unless you were left in NA.


I realy feel for those folks on the coast. I have relatives in New Orleans and in Houston. Here in north TX they were calling for lots of wind and a couple inches of rain. We were spared the rain but not the wind (I wish it were the other way around). Anyway, as Rita edged into TX we got a colorful sky show at dusk and I just couldn't resist the Kodak moment:

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