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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

Hewey's 1K

Pages: 1 9 replies

Aaron's Akua posted on 09/26/2005

Hey hewey, I just wanted to thank you for all the thoughtful posts and input. You are a very talented and enthusiastic artist, and TC is all the better for it. We love ya man!


GMAN posted on 09/26/2005

I second that. Thanks Hewey!


Benzart posted on 09/26/2005

And I'll third that. Goooo Hewey

Palama Tiki posted on 09/26/2005

Me Two-ey... keep up the good work!

foamy posted on 09/26/2005

I'm jumping on this train! Keep creating Hewey!

rodeotiki posted on 09/26/2005

Way to go to our brother from down under.

hewey posted on 09/27/2005

Um, whoa, Im blown away by this thread. Especially coming from artists who I have such a great respect for their talent. Wow.

I just feel like a hack when I look at your guys work. Which is part of the reason I strive to give good, yet constructive, feedback. It blew me away when I posted my first art and people who I really look up to in artistic terms gave me that kind of feedback, and encouraged me to do more. I realised that by doing the same for other artists, I could encourage them in a small way. Which is why Im such a posting slut :)

I missed out on the 1000posts/year by a couple of weeks (yeh, Ive been here just over a year). The funny thing is, I dont even know how I got into tiki, or even found myself here. I didnt have any epiphantic moment where the pagan gods clicked, I just kinda drifted deeper and deeper and deeper...And here I am.

Thanks again everyone. I look forward to posting plenty more. I got lotsa dreams, you'll just have to stick around to see which ones I actually do (and then theres the ones im gonna do... :) )

Palama Tiki posted on 09/27/2005

keep on keepin' on, brother.. we're glad that you're here!

hewey posted on 05/10/2007

Just stumbled across this searching for something else, now its 3000+ posts :o

And still loving it :D

finkdaddy posted on 05/10/2007

Way to go Mate! Keep up the enthusiasm.

Pages: 1 9 replies