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Tiki Central / Tiki Drinks and Food

Suck 'em Up!

Pages: 1 5 replies

Just as I've always said:

"a Mai Tai a day, helps keep the doctor away"


Well, I'll drink to THAT!!

(someone had to say it...)

I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal labotomy! Good news, and right on the heels of the new year! Walt Disney was right "There's a great big Beautiful tomorrow shining at the end of everyday".

Yep...gonna go take my two drink prescription right now....

I'm absolutely convinced that having at least one of the Tiki drinks which lack a large amount of added sugar is healthier than many of the so-called diet drinks.

For a start, there's all the fresh juice with all the vitamins and goodness they provide. Then there's the added benefit of the alcohol content. Not only is it proven to work against heart disease, but it works well to reduce stress. I doubt you are doing yourself many favours by drinking the sweet & creamy cocktails, but the rum and fruit ones must be prolonging your life. Honest.

Trader Woody

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