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Tiki Mask by Westenhaver's Grandson

Pages: 1 5 replies

MonkeyGod posted on 05/31/2002

I just wanted to thank whoever brought this EBay auction to our attention (I can't find the original post). I won the auction and just received this awesome mask. Really great quality. I love it! I've included a pic. I see that the artist/carver has other auctions going on. Here's the address.

P.S. Check out the painting by the lovely and talented TIKIFISH in the lower left corner!


fatuhiva posted on 06/02/2002

Actually, isnt it the step-granddaughter?

fatuhiva posted on 06/02/2002


granddaughter in law

bigbrotiki posted on 06/02/2002

Actually....that's what I thought first, because I had met her when at his place, and she had mentioned that she had some of HIS objects that she was thinking of selling, but she never said she was carving herself.
Yet the recent stuff on e-bay has been "nouveaux" Witco (not bad, I might ad).
So in my last letter to Bill Westenhaver I asked him who the hell that is that keeps cranking out 3rd generation Witco. Once I'll get the answer, I'll let you know.

MonkeyGod posted on 06/02/2002

His name is Ken Pleasant, so with a name like Ken, I'm guessing he's a... well, he. On EBay, he says Westenhaver is his grandfather-in-law.

  • Monkey God (Teddy T.)

[ Edited by: MonkeyGod on 2002-06-02 11:30 ]

keigs20 posted on 06/03/2002

Hi this is Ken Pleasant I noticed I have been discussed recently and wanted to clear up the confusion. I am married to Bill Westenhaver's grandaughter. We live near him and are very close family. Recently, he has been teaching me the art of carving. I have been carving mostly Idols, masks, and cats which I have been selling on ebay. I just posted a 3 foot tall Tiki mask. Tell me what you think.

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