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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

surreal sci-fi tiki and mermaid art

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Sideshow Stamps posted on 10/11/2005

Here are some of the bizarre collaborations my husband Noah(of Untamed Highway) and I have done. We are inspired by Dr Seuss, Jim Flora, old sci-fi paperback covers, Wally Wood, Basil Wolverton, Big-eye art, Salvador Dali, Gilbert Hernandez, R Crumb, Mark Ryden, Peter Max, Big Daddy Roth and Max Ernst(specifically Fascinating Cypress). Noah does the pen and ink and I do the watercolor, and we both contribute to the layouts.

Sideshow Stamps posted on 10/11/2005

Here's another surreal collaboration, drawn and inked by Noah and painted by me.

Sideshow Stamps posted on 10/11/2005

oh no... another one! This is called "Robot and Electric Tiki"

hewey posted on 10/11/2005

Cool art. Thats really cool, if not a little bizzare (but in a good way :) ).

Benzart posted on 10/11/2005

More cool toons. You guys are really good too.

wicked posted on 10/11/2005

roflmao... those are funny! I'm diggin the aliens!

Sideshow Stamps posted on 10/13/2005

Thanks for the compliments everyone!
Here is another my hubby and I have done.
He drew it, I watercolor painted it and he inked it...

Raffertiki posted on 10/13/2005

You had me with "mermaid." But you'r art is all cool. I've been known to mix mermaid with tiki on occasion, as well.


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