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Tiki Central / Tiki Central Ohana

Welcome to Tiki Central 'Ohana!

Pages: 1 0 replies

hanford_lemoore posted on 09/08/2012

As a few TCers have pointed out, there are a lot of member-related topics that don't seem to fit in the General forum, but don't seem right for Beyond or Bilge either.

Tiki Central 'Ohana is a new forum that is the perfect place for all member-to-member discussion.

things like:

  • Birthday announcements
  • Greetings
  • Thank Yous
  • Career changes
  • Invitations
  • Personal news & updates
  • How-to-get-a-hold-ofs

Please keep in mind that things like advice on buying a new car would still go in Beyond because it's not about a member in the 'ohana.

Please post your feedback here.


[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore 2005-10-15 11:30 ]

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