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Happy Birthday Inkylouise!!!!

Pages: 1 13 replies

mrsmiley posted on 10/17/2005

I hope you have a blast.

I remember the candles on my last birthday cake set off the fire sprinklers at the Purple Orchid!!! :wink:

Have a nice Tiki Day!
If you like it,it is ZAZZ! If you don't, give it a RAZZ.

[ Edited by: mrsmiley 2005-10-17 16:49 ]

Humuhumu posted on 10/17/2005

Happy Birthday, my darlingest Hukilau sister! I'm so glad I'm getting to see so much more of you these days, and I'm gonna have a big ol' bday spanking for you soon! :wink: XOXO

inkylouise posted on 10/17/2005

thanks, sweetie...but, what are you tryin to say? 21 candles on my cake shouldn't do so much damage!!

Kava King posted on 10/18/2005

Mon-KEY! Mon-Kee-EE!
Happy birthday Inky Louise, from all the surly chimps at the Kava Kove.

Traderpup posted on 10/18/2005

Best wishes to ya!

tikivixen posted on 10/18/2005

Hippy Happy Hoppy Birthday to you Louise!

It was luvley chatting with you at Unga's Hukilau Bachelor Pad Bash...but you were missed at Hooptylau, dahling!!! Hope to see you again soon, and oh yes, my sock monkey sends you greetings and salutations. He wants to share his secret handshake with you soon. What he means by that I'm not sure but I have no doubt it's good! :wink:

xox tikivixen

PapeToaTane posted on 10/18/2005

Hope it was terrrrrific, Inky-L Love ya!

Turbogod posted on 10/18/2005

Happy Birthday to the East Coaster that got away. When I ordered the Chicken sandwich, I thought it was going to be grilled, not Deli meat.

inkylouise posted on 10/18/2005

Thanks so much for all your well wishes;

I love being part of such a great group...

tiki hugs and kisses to all..........

Formikahini posted on 10/24/2005

Ok, I JUST NOW saw this new Forum (grrr) so I missed wishing you a timely B-Day, Inkster!

That's ok, though - it's your birthday MONTH, I always say!
LOVED getting to finally meet you at Hukilau - can't wait 'til the next occasion to meet up again :)


martiki posted on 10/24/2005

Wish we could have made it. Hope it was blast!

Unga Bunga posted on 10/27/2005

Really late on this one...
Happy B-Day Inky!!!

Chongolio posted on 10/27/2005

Yeep! Happy Birthday Inks! Best wishes to ya! (late but still good.)
Did you get to hang with good ol Russel! Tell him I said "hey hey hey"


inkylouise posted on 11/07/2005

On 2005-10-27 14:06, Chongolio wrote:
Yeep! Happy Birthday Inks! Best wishes to ya! (late but still good.)
Did you get to hang with good ol Russel! Tell him I said "hey hey hey"


thanks for the wishes!!!

oh sure, that Russell sure knows how to party! I would love to forward your greeting to him, but i haven't seen him all weekend, i think there was a rodeo in town, and i can't find my cowboy boots anywhere!!!

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