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Leather Pants - Sold!

Pages: 1 2 replies

codelisa posted on 10/26/2005

A friend sent me this Sept. auction from ebay. The description of the pants is hysterical. Be sure to read the comments written below the description also. ...Good price he got.

tikivixen posted on 10/26/2005

Priceless!!! If I were single I'd email that guy.

DO NOT MISS the Q & A section at the bottom of the listing!


"Q: I'm confused, is Donna Karan a rock star or a transvestite?
A: It's a very fine line, really."

Get it?!? Gad, I love a good double entendre.

Thanks for posting this--I laughed so much I coughed, which is good right now.

codelisa posted on 10/26/2005

Oh, and don't miss the seller's payment instructions too. This guy is too much.

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