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Mai Kai in bad shape following Wilma

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TikiPug posted on 10/25/2005

A friend of my uncle's lives near the Mai Kai. She told him that about 50% of the Mai Kai was destroyed. She was only able to talk about 30 seconds since her cell phone was dying. As soon as I hear more from her, I'll post it here.

tiki_kiliki posted on 10/25/2005

This is an official update to this posting. I have just recently spoken with Pia from the Mai Kai. She is in Atlanta trying to get back into Florida from a trip her and Drew had been on but cannot. She also updated me on the Mai Kai as she spoke to the owner about noon today.

Turns out, there is significant damage. All exterior. There is a little flooding inside behind the stage area but everything else inside is intact. You cannot get into the restaurant at this time due to debris on the streets and there is damage to the plank bridge going into the Mai Kai.

Pia and I both are unable to return to our homes to asess the damage there. I tried to get down 95 but was turned away once I got towards Ft. Pierce. I probably won't be able to get back to Hollywood for at least 4 days or so.

This is the worst that Broward County has been hit in 50 years. I just saw pictures from just down US1 from my house and it looks absolutely horrible. I can only hope that things are okay.

Humuhumu posted on 10/25/2005

Oh dear, this could be terrible. I tried calling the Mai Kai, but got "all circuits are busy" -- it's probably just as well, I'm sure they've got their hands full at the moment. I've got my fingers crossed for them!

Edit after seeing Kiliki's post -- sad to hear that the Mai Kai's been damaged, but it's encouraging to hear that the interior seems okay. I hope that the structural integrity of the building is okay; I imagine the roof repair & other repairs will not come cheaply. Kiliki, I hope you're able to get home sooner rather than later, and that your own home is okay.

Critiki - Ooga-Mooga - Humu Kon Tiki

[ Edited by: Humuhumu 2005-10-25 13:42 ]

mrsmiley posted on 10/25/2005

Last year Pia said the main structure of the Mai-Kai is steel and is very strong.

Let's hope the best for the Mai-Kai and the residents of the affected areas. When the quake hit the San Francisco bay area in 1989, information was sketchy and always exaggerated "the whole Marina district is on fire" ," the Bay Bridge FELL DOWN!". Hopefully the facts will be much better once inspections can truly begin.

To the Mai-kai's 50th anniversary!!!!

[ Edited by: mrsmiley 2005-10-25 14:02 ]

Johnny Dollar posted on 10/25/2005

geez, that sucks.

we hope you all are doing well.

this is getting kind of old.

alohabros posted on 10/25/2005

On 2005-10-25 13:38, Humuhumu wrote:
...I tried calling the Mai Kai, but got "all circuits are busy" -- it's probably just as well, I'm sure they've got their hands full at the moment...

... its usually best to make calls only if it is an emergency... non-emergency calls tend to tie up the lines and may prevent serious calls from getting through to help in an emergency...

... folks in the stricken areas need as much help from the outside as possible... give blood and money...

pappythesailor posted on 10/25/2005

Dammit! Let's all buy one of their Mystery Drink bowls from the gift shop to give them a cash injection. Better make that two... This is probably a dumb question but do they have insurance?

tiki_kiliki posted on 10/25/2005

Thanks Humu -

Reports from Chip and Andy say that my place is intact other than a shutter or two. That's a huge sigh of relief after hearing some reports off of the radio today and after arriving here at my boyfriends place last night and no longer seeing the beautiful dock that graced the shore.

This Wilma was a strong one.

sneakyjack posted on 10/25/2005

I'll be watching this post... I like to hear that things are "Exaggerated" hopefully some pictures will say more than rumors - please post when possible.... I'm sure people in the area have better things to do, but when you can.

good wishes to people in the areas effected.

Swanky posted on 10/25/2005
christiki295 posted on 10/26/2005

On 2005-10-25 15:29, pappythesailor wrote:
. . .

This is probably a dumb question but do they have insurance?

I feel your pain.

No, a very good question. But not just general insurance, but possibly specialized coverage, like hurricane or flood insurance as well, to prevent the "act of god" exception.

hala bullhiki posted on 10/26/2005

oh god, not the mai kai! and smiley, i remember at hukilau '04 them saying not to worry, as the mai kai has a steel structure as well, good thoughts out for all the florida ohana

donhonyc posted on 10/26/2005

Wow..this is a major bummer. I just looked at some photos on-line from Sun Sentinel.com and Miami Herald.com. The damage to Broward County is more extensive than I realized. The initial reports I was getting from my dad didn't sound too bad, but it looks like there was alot of damage to downtown Ft. Lauderdale not that far south on US1 from the Mai-Kai. So weird, especially since most of us were just down there only a few weeks ago. In fact I retuned from there almost two weeks ago. There are so many cool things in Ft. Lauderdale that I'm afraid to hear about any damage. I hope the pier in Lauderdale by the Sea is still there. I hope Aruba restaurant near the pier is still there. I hope Pier 66 Hotel didn't get damaged too extensively. And I hope everybody down there can dig themselves out and didn't lose their homes or anything like that. Jeez. Last but not least I hope the damage to the Mai Kai wasn't THAT bad, but I'm afraid to hear. Unbelievable. My mom lives up near Stuart. Her neighbor's home was destroyed. Miraculously my mom's home survived.

Hope things are cool down there soon. Good luck to everyone involved in this mess.

pablus posted on 10/26/2005

What about the Bahia Cabana?

tikibars posted on 10/26/2005

On 2005-10-26 10:51, pablus wrote:
What about the Bahia Cabana?

I am told that Jake and Elwood made it through OK.

bigbrotiki posted on 10/26/2005

Let's hope the Mai Kai will have the financial reserves (and internal impetus) to renovate, with the 50th coming up being it's inspiration.
And thank the weather gods for waiting until AFTER the Hukilau this time! A pretty close call....I am sure a second strike would have meant the out for Kiliki, as it did for Swanky.

Tiki culture is still a rather frail thing, and can't take double blows like that.

theARTFINK posted on 10/26/2005

I live right down the street from the Mai Kai.
after checking my house and neighborhood I ventured
over to the Mai Kai. They Got slapped around a bit.
unfortunatly the front of the building was lying
in the middle of U.S. 1. I moved some of the peices
off the road so they would'nt get run over. I took
some pictures which I will try to get up later
today. I'm sure it looks worse than it really is.

tiki_kiliki posted on 10/26/2005


I've tried to get in touch with everyone from the Cabana but cell phone usage is down for the most part. We were to have a meeting today actually.

I can tell you that things are not good down there. I've been told not to return until Sunday at the soonest. I'm bringing lots of gasoline with me for Chip and Andy and a lot of water. I'm thankful that I have a station wagon!! I'm more thankful that I wasn't in the middle of that storm.

I talked with my landlord just a few minutes ago and everything is good. She says there is water damage to my apartment but not extensive.

I'll also try to call Pia soon and see if she had any further information on the Mai Kai. I'm not even sure that she had made it back to Florida yet.

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KuKuAhu posted on 10/26/2005

Here are pics of the Mai Kai in the F.O.M. galleries courtesy of the ArtFink:


Thank you Hoffa, I know that a lot of folks are concerned about the place and all of you down there.


[ Edited by: KuKuAhu 2005-11-07 11:33 ]

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Basement Kahuna posted on 10/26/2005

Man...that...just breaks my heart. I know it was all probably insured but the good folks there, not the least being my good friend Kern, will have a lot of digging to do for the very, very specialized contractors that handle the bamboo and tapa work, thatched roofing, molded fiberglass signage, tiki repair, tropical plants, etc. It's a tough go in today's world. If there is anything I can do for the Mai Kai I'm here. It is my all-time favorite place on Earth.

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Tikiwahine posted on 10/26/2005

Those pictures were really hard to look at, I hope everything goes smoothly and any costs are recouped quickly.

The world without the Mai Kai would be a different place indeed.

tiki_kiliki posted on 10/26/2005

Just to let you guys know, I know this looks bad and it is, but the picture is the hut that was in front, just outside the windows of the Molokai Bar. Pia says that the inside is fine. I plan to also be there when I get back to assist in the cleanup. Right now I think everyone is waiting until the power is restored in that area to get around.

Hoffa, I sent you a private message - check it out.

mrsmiley posted on 10/27/2005

On 2005-10-26 16:53, Tikiwahine wrote:
Those pictures were really hard to look at, I hope everything goes smoothly and any costs are recouped quickly.

The world without the Mai Kai would be a different place indeed.

I offer a three cheers salute;
1- to a repaired and fixed Mai-Kai
2- to their 50th anniversary
3- to Kiliki for throwing such great events that give them the money to survive through these hard times!

Hip Hip Hooray!!!!!

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Chief Lapu Lapu posted on 10/27/2005

Thanks ArtFink for the photos... this is truly a sad moment. The images seem almost surreal in that many of us were just there having the time of our lives at Hukilau. The place was alive with all of us. Echoes of Martin Denny, music, celebration, dance.. mystery drinks. Now it lies silent and broken. Here's looking toward the Mai Kai's 50th anniversary with thatched roof intact. (raise your Yeoman's Grog now)

pablus posted on 10/27/2005

Yeah BK, I wonder where you could find skilled artisans and people who are in the know about the history and influences behind the Mai Kai? :wink:

I'd say Kern could assemble an army with one post here.

tiki_kiliki posted on 10/27/2005

I'll be going by this weekend. I'm hoping my power is on by Saturday but they're saying November 15th, and the water should be safe by that time as well.

donhonyc posted on 10/27/2005

This is probably a dumb question but do they have insurance?

I would find it very hard to believe if they didn't have some kind of weather damage/hurricane damage insurance. I'm sure they have a variety of policies that not only insure them for things like this but also if a customer gets injured on the premises, the employees get injured, and so forth.

Those pictures don't look so good. The bad news is that the Mai Kai got a bit of a beating. The good news is that it wasn't completely destroyed, and that wasn't out of the realm of possibility. I'm just grateful that it didn't happen that way. But look, these guys aren't new to this. This may be the worst it's ever been, but I'm sure they will bounce back just fine. Christie I think that's a great idea that you are going to volunteer to go down and help with the clean-up. The Mai Kai is not only a very cool place, it's a significant part of Ft. Lauderdale history. If I was living down there, I would totally be there helping out as well. In fact the next time I'm down I have to buy you a couple at the Molokai Bar. :drink:

Speaking of Ft. Lauderdale history did the Gateway Theater make it through this thing ok? I have a feeling that that very retro looking marquee they have might be damaged. If anybody swings by there and sees how it is please post it. After all, it IS the theater they premiered "Where the Boys Are" in 1960.

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TikiGardener posted on 10/27/2005

I know this may sound morbid, but all of the pieces of Mai Kai that can't be reused in the reconstruction, could be auctioned off to help with the rebuilding. The fake tapa facade, stuff like that, I'd want a piece of in a frame on my wall. If they don't want to go that route, could I ask for a piece?

Ask them what they'd like. Donations? Volunteer time anytime I'm in Florida?

I hope they get back on their feet. And soon!!!

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Karbora posted on 10/27/2005


I would like to volunteer my time to assist with the clean up effort at the Mai Kai and any other TCers that need a hand. We were lucky here in Central Florida on this one. So many awesome friends helped me through the devastation of last summer, I would like to pay it back. Trust me, I am an expert at this point when it comes to hauling, chopping and cleaning....and I have a few extra blue tarps lying around as well. Please PM me with details on the work effort and I am there. At least the weather is a little more tolerable this time around which is critical when there is that pesky lack of modern conveniences that follows such an event.......hang in there....

Karbora from Hurricaine Alley

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tikivixen posted on 10/27/2005

BK, I think the alternate name for Tiki Central is "The Mai Kai Army." Somehow I think Kern and the family will have a LOT of passionately devoted, dedicated and knowledgeable help coming their way the split second they're ready for it.

Heck, if I were in Florida I'd be there carefully stashing bits, covering things, cuddling plants and wounded tikis...and glowering menacingly at any suspiciously looterish loiterers. The Mai Kai has some serious guardians and it always will.

I keep repeating to myself "Pia says the inside is fine" over and over. Looking at those pictures hurt. The Mai Kai is my favorite place on earth too--has been since the first moment I drove by on US 1 and felt my heart just about stop. In the midst of that bland, sterile modern commercial landscape...suddenly...a lush, blooming oasis of warmth, heart and spirit. What an incredible place.

We will be there cheering for that 50th anniversary. The Tiki Party to end all Tiki Parties!!! It WILL happen.

Mai Kai forever,


p.s. TG, your idea seems more reverent than morbid. Which is entirely appropriate. Me, I just can't bear the thought of anything from the Mai Kai being...agghh...thrown away.

[ Edited by: tikivixen 2005-10-26 21:52 ]

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RevBambooBen posted on 10/27/2005


tiki_kiliki posted on 10/27/2005

I just spoke with Pia and she wanted me to let everyone know that they are so thankful for all of your thoughts. She also wanted me to let everyone know that the cleaup has already started. TikiGardener - I told her of the auction effort and she said she would pass that along to Dave. And in the words of Dave Levy "it's not that bad". I know it looks like it but they feel it can all be rebuilt.

Pia is calling Dave for an update for me so that I can inform everyone and let you know the status. Of course tons of the media is calling her with the same questions. An official statement will be given later today and she will call me and I'll pass that along to you.

I of course asked Pia how her house made it as so many of us had such a great time on the Home Bar Tour. She said her back yard is pretty much gone. The roofing over the grill has been taken off. All of her trees except for one have been snapped into and she's choosing to laugh right now rather than cry. She also said that I will be shocked once I return home, things are pretty bad.

She also said for no one to come down right now. It's too devastating and you wouldn't be able to get out anyway because there is no gas or either it's hard to find. Also, there's not a traffic light left in the streets of Ft. Lauderdale. (this according to theARTFINK as well)

I appreciate the posting on the rebuild and I will get in touch with you! If anyone else is interested in assisting the Mai Kai in rebuilding after the cleanup, PM me and I'll get the information to Pia & Kern.

Yee-Haw & Aloha,
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The World of Tiki Kiliki

[ Edited by: tiki_kiliki 2005-10-27 06:30 ]

mrsmiley posted on 10/27/2005

On 2005-10-27 06:28, tiki_kiliki wrote: Also, there's not a traffic light left in the streets of Ft. Lauderdale.

Yes, it seems they are all ON the streets!! ps-I wonder how many of those are ending up in people's bars and backyards!

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mrsmiley posted on 10/27/2005

*On 2005-10-26 21:51, tikivixen wrote:*We will be there cheering for that 50th anniversary. The Tiki Party to end all Tiki Parties!!! It WILL happen.

                           Mai Kai forever,  


No, WE don't want an end to Tiki parties! How about "the Mai_kai 50th Anniversary, the tiki party that sets the standard for future parties!"

tiki_kiliki posted on 10/27/2005

Pia asked that I post a statement here on behalf of the Mai Kai. I just spoke to her and she had the latest news:

The Mai Kai is completely intact on the inside. Yes, the outside sustained a good bit of damage but the debris along the front of the Mai Kai is now cleared away and they are working on the roof as we speak. The phones are still unoperational and the power has not yet been restored. As soon as the power and phones are up so is the Mai Kai.

She will let me know of any details but did ask that I once again thank everyone for their thoughts and concerns. The Mai Kai has survived!!

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thejab posted on 10/27/2005

Thank you tiki-kiliki and Pia for keeping us posted. I'm extremely relieved the Mai-Kai wasn't damaged beyond repair, and I'm happy that nobody was hurt by falling trees and street lights! It could have been much worse. Here's hoping you and other residents get their power back on soon and that things can return to normal.

See you next year!

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WenikiTiki posted on 10/27/2005

Hi to All!

I've been through typhoons, hurricanes, tornado's and in Guam a Super-typhoon. (Winds 185 mph with gusts to 214 - when the meter pegged out) Anyway I can't come help anyone, much as I'D LIKE. Hawaii isn't close to anything....

HOWEVER, my oldest son is attending the Professional Mariner Training at Stuart, Florida. They have been without power since the eye went over. If anyone is close enough to him to pick him up I am sure he would help with some clean-up efforts. He is 20, and a like able boy. I call him Tattoo Boy now, but his name is Victor.

PM me and I will give you his cell phone number. There are also a bunch of others there in the class, you might be able to keep some of them busy, too. (Very important after such a storm!)



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[ Edited by: WenikiTiki 2005-10-27 12:17 ]

pappythesailor posted on 10/27/2005

Yeah, me too. If anyone wants to pick me up and bring me to the Mai Kai, I'll rake leaves there. Oak leaves, palm leaves--whatever.

donhonyc posted on 10/27/2005

The Mai Kai has survived!!


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amiotiki posted on 10/28/2005

Thanks so much Tiki Kiliki and all you Floridians for keeping us posted on the condition of the Mai Kai. I wasn't able to make it to Hukilau this year, but next year - ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY my daughter and I will be there for the 50th Anniversary!

I hope that you all find zero to minimal damage to your homes when you are able to return to them. Words of comfort seem so feeble right now - but know that our hearts are with you all, and "things" can always be replaced - we're just joyful and thankful that you are safe.

Huge hugs to you...


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TikiTikiTavi posted on 10/29/2005

I asked a friend who lives about half an hour North of the Mai Kai if he had time to get down there and check it out in person. He says getting around is terrible because all of the traffic lights are out and many are just gone. Every intersection has become a 4-way stop sign and it takes forever just to go a short distance and if you need gas, plan on sitting in line for a few hours.

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Elvis-from-Hell posted on 10/31/2005

I stopped by the Mai Kai myself last Thursday and spoke with the owner's daughter who was helping with the clean up. It's fine. They lost the remaining thatching on the roof, a small hut-like building on the outside used to house some mechanical equipment, and the "M" on the sign blew off (it's now the "ai Kai") but nothing major at all. The interior is fine as well as the gardens - no damage there at all.

They're ready to open as soon as the power's back on and they can start receiving deliveries (food, liquor and such).

No biggie.

On the other hand, Ft. Lauderdale itself is a white-line, Mad Maxian nightmare. No power, no drinkable water, nightly curfews, fights for gasoline ("the juice, the precious juice!") - and after dark when the Morlocks come out of hiding no one's safe. Anarchy reigns! For-the-love-of-god, save yourself, man, and get out while you can!

What's needed most right now is gasoline, ammo and D cell batteries - in that order.

It'll be dark soon . . . must find shelter . . . must find shelter.

Wait! What's that?!? Oh-my-god . . . . . ! Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhh! Hellllpppppppppp! Aaaaahhhhhhhh!

donhonyc posted on 10/31/2005

Wait! What's that?!? Oh-my-god . . . . . ! Aaaaaahhhhhhhhhh! Hellllpppppppppp! Aaaaahhhhhhhh!

Cute Donny...real cute.

tiki_kiliki posted on 11/01/2005

I just got home last night and decided to take an exit just North of the Mai Kai to drive by and I'm not gonna lie folks - it's scary. The Mad Max references are funny but true. Really, really, scary. People have no patience whatsoever and it's a very "end of the world" mentality. So many wonderful homes are gone from my neighborhood.

So much of the mid-century hotels are ruined. Signs that we all love are gone. The Gateway Theatre lost some letters and signage. I took US1 all the way home and it is really devastating here. My place is ok. And I am very thankful.

When coming past the Mai Kai last night I could see straight through to the Molokai - I would say they lost a bit but it's still there.

The word is that they will re-open tomorrow night. I'll be there to toast them all!! I'll let everyone know tomorrow if this is the case - hope to see everyone there.

Yee-Haw & Aloha,
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The World of Tiki Kiliki

[ Edited by: tiki_kiliki 2005-10-31 16:13 ]

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thejab posted on 11/01/2005

I can't believe it may reopen so soon. That is good news indeed.

However, the news about all the mid-century buildings and signs that were damaged is heartbreaking.

On my road trip before Hukilau I couldn't believe how many old motels were damaged, boarded up, and fenced off in Daytona Beach, probably from the hurricane last year.

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Exoticat posted on 11/01/2005

This has been heart breaking to read. Thankfully the Mai Kai has a steel structure! Glad all the Floridians are safe.

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Elvis-from-Hell posted on 11/01/2005

[ Edited by: Basement Kahuna - In terrible taste . - 2005-11-01 00:11 ]

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Chip and Andy posted on 11/01/2005

It is official! The Mai-Kai reopens tonight!

They have power, phones (mostly) and are calling everyone with a Mai-Kai membership and getting the word out that they are back in business.

Pia is emailing many others and sharing the same information.

So, for those that can and those that don't mind risking curfew, lets all get together for a drink on Wednesday night!

I'll be the one holding the Mai-Kai in an loving but socially awkward way.....

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