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Tiki Basement

Pages: 1 7 replies

Diabloman8890 posted on 01/13/2003

Alright, i'm more or less of a newcomer to the world of tiki, but i'm redecorating my finished basement tiki-style. Anyone have any "must-be-there"'s?

Basement Kahuna posted on 01/14/2003

Purchase Sven Kirsten's BOOK OF TIKI. Tons of photos of the classic style in luscious color! Helluva read, too.

Turbogod posted on 01/14/2003

Besides the Book of Tiki, which is the most awesome, check out http://www.konakai.com There is a section on home bars from alot of us members, plus links to alot of carvers, mugs and decor places.

PolynesianPop posted on 01/14/2003

Must be theres:

  1. Rattan or Bamboo of some sort.
  2. Tikis - and lots of them.
  3. Glass Floats.
  4. Good Company.
Basement Kahuna posted on 01/14/2003


Diabloman8890 posted on 01/14/2003

I actually already ordered the Book of Tiki, should be getting that any day now... I'll check that site out too. Any suggestions for a base paint color for the walls?

midnite posted on 01/15/2003

Basement questions, I got ya, wink wink. Believe when I tell I been there, oh yeah.

I have found that a nice graphite grey covers the bloodstains really well, hardly see they were there. As long as I can tell folks she is "in the bath" or otherwise explain her "absence" no one is the wiser and I can continue cashing Aunt Lucy's Social Security checks.

Now, the ventilation suystem was a whole othr matter. Have you considered your selection in sound proofing? Key, I say, very key.

What? This is about "Tiki" in the basement, not, uh, oh, really?....oops! Umm, then, well, some bamboo furniture, Denny on the audio system, maybe some Bosko items.

Uh, ha ha, just kidding on that other stuff. Yeah, ha...uh, ha, Lucy is fine, just fine. Who wants a cocktail?

midnite..must learn to read posts fully, BEFORE posting.

Diabloman8890 posted on 01/15/2003

alright, looks like im on my way...i estimate this will take about another month or three...i'll put up some pictures when its all finished

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