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Is It Time for Tiki Road Trip II?

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christiki295 posted on 10/29/2005

Reviewing TRP, and I was pleasantly reminded of the new tikibars, including:

Purple Orchid El Segundo
(a IV, but original tiki bar or neo tiki?)
Lucky Tiki - LA Valley
Point Moreea - LA Downtown

I was also wondering if the Hawaii prologue remains as accurate with the addition of tiki in the Islands:

Hyatt - Kauai
Tiki's - Waikiki
restoration of the tikis at Place of Refuge - Big Island

Swanky posted on 10/29/2005

I bet JT has a huge file of new places to add since the book came out. I talked with one of the old timers in Florida and he rattled off a dozen that were missing to start with.

RevBambooBen posted on 10/30/2005

Hale Tiki

Kona Club ( ready soon)

and another that can't be mentioned (spring 06).

tikibars posted on 10/30/2005

Whether or not there will be a TRT II is up to Santa Monica Press. Their CEO wants to do this book, but there are several business decisions that he needs to make before he decides if it is feasible to green-light the project.

That said, if he does decide he wants me to do it, I would love to, of course.

The last time I wrote a word for TRT was in late 2002, and it goes without saying that so much has changed since then. Lots of new places have opened, lots of old places are sadly closing, and lots of places that I hadn't visited in person by 2002 have now been scrutinized by my ever vigilant gaze.

A lot of older places have been re-evaluated and reappraised due to changes in the places, or me having the opportunity to spend more time there and learn more about the history.

For example, I had been in Atlanta Trader Vic's once for just a few minutes as of 2002, but now I have spent four or five evenings there, and have lots to say about the place - it's probably my fave US Trader Vic's, and it deserves a much longer and stronger write-up. That's just one example.

Certain factual errors and ommisions have been brought to my attention of course, so I am eager to correct those.

And, I have had three more years to absorb all manner of Tiki history in general. As Tim points out, I do indeed have a vast text file on my computer, full of notes ready to be incorporated into TRT II, should it come to pass.

All in all, it would be almost a completely re-written book.

If SMP wants it to happen (it has been discussed, several times), there is a chance for a spring 2007 release.

But first - I want to get Big Stone Head out there...

Thanks again for all of the help and support of the entire TC community!

[ Edited by: tikibars 2005-11-11 14:23 ]

christiki295 posted on 11/11/2005

I dropped a message and so did one of my sisters (with help from me).

Tiki Joe posted on 11/11/2005

I too dropped them a message.

Matt Reese posted on 11/11/2005

I sent them a message as well. I wondered if you might consider trying out a Tiki Road Trip home bar edition?

Tiki Flange posted on 11/11/2005

"If you want to see TRT II, drop a note to Santa Monica Press and say so! books@santamonicapress.com "

Done - hope it helps!

[ Edited by: hanford_lemoore - fixed link - 2005-11-11 18:23 ]

tikibars posted on 11/11/2005

I'm cracking up over here.

A casual statement of:
"If you want to see TRT II, drop a note to Santa Monica Press and say so!", has had quite an effect...

Just got off of the phone with the head honcho at SMP, and he was wondering where the sudden flood of email regarding TRT II came from!

There is a decent chance for TRT II to happen in spring of 2007.

Mahalo nui, once again, to any and all supporters of this ongoing project!

otikiniko posted on 11/11/2005

Yeah, Not only should there be a TRT2 but it should come with a companion DVD! (hint hint)

sneakyjack posted on 11/11/2005

done it too!!

mrsmiley posted on 11/12/2005

On 2005-11-11 14:28, tikibars wrote:

A casual statement of:
"If you want to see TRT II, drop a note to Santa Monica Press and say so!", has had quite an effect...

Just got off of the phone with the head honcho at SMP, and he was wondering where the sudden flood of email regarding TRT II came from!

Mahalo nui, once again, to any and all supporters of this ongoing project!

AH, the power of TC-we made Shasta's Tiki Punch the #1 voted flavor, your book comment is having an effect, and maybe people will vote for my little store as mentioned here;
"Bruce (MrSmiley) is selling cool vintage stuff at the Drug Store in San Francisco. We are currently a close second to another store. Even if you can't visit the store, I'd appreciate it if you'd vote for us by clicking

Thanks- Bruce Mr Smiley

we will see.... :)

UPDATE 11-21-2005; Thanks everyone--TC's help made us #1, too!!!! :) zazz!

[ Edited by: mrsmiley 2005-11-21 11:33 ]

thejab posted on 11/12/2005

We're gonna have to start calling you mr. spammy instead of mr. smiley. :wink:

freddiefreelance posted on 11/12/2005

I voted for Mrs. Miley's drugs, emailed Mr Titelbaum's publisher, and bought some Shasta Tiki Punch. Now, can we get Lotus Garden into TRT II? :D And James needs to come to San Diego to see some of the newer places, and the Catamaran's PNG collection.

mrsmiley posted on 11/15/2005

On 2005-11-11 17:45, thejab wrote:
We're gonna have to start calling you mr. spammy instead of mr. smiley. :wink:

oh- you said Spammy

christiki295 posted on 07/04/2006

On 2005-11-11 14:28, tikibars wrote:
I'm cracking up over here.

A casual statement of:
"If you want to see TRT II, drop a note to Santa Monica Press and say so!", has had quite an effect...

Just got off of the phone with the head honcho at SMP, and he was wondering where the sudden flood of email regarding TRT II came from!

There is a decent chance for TRT II to happen in spring of 2007.

Mahalo nui, once again, to any and all supporters of this ongoing project!

Any update?

christiki295 posted on 12/07/2006

On 2005-10-30 02:18, tikibars wrote:
Whether or not there will be a TRT II is up to Santa Monica Press. Their CEO wants to do this book, but there are several business decisions that he needs to make before he decides if it is feasible to green-light the project.

That said, if he does decide he wants me to do it, I would love to, of course.. . . .
Thanks again for all of the help and support of the entire TC community!

TRT II - April 2007!

shakatiki posted on 12/12/2006


Formikahini posted on 12/12/2006


Have you made known to Tikibars his error that you perceive?
He's eager to correct, but he can't if if you only intimate errors without specifics.
(E.g., I called him today with an update/correction. He WANTS correct information. We all do.)


Hakalugi posted on 12/12/2006

On 2006-12-12 00:53, shakatiki wrote:

As they say, "Bad publicity is better than no publicity"!

But I have to admit that the comment shakatiki is referring to is an EGREGIOUS ERROR. I can't imagine that it would not be corrected in the next edition.

Tiki-Kate posted on 12/12/2006

On 2006-12-12 00:53, shakatiki wrote:

I know exactly which comment you're referring to. I have always disagreed with that particular statement, and I sent an e-mail to JT letting him know. Hopefully, this will be updated in the new edition along with a rave review of Hot Lava Java. I so love the guava smoothies.

tikibars posted on 12/12/2006

I am not sure who Shakatiki is, but I do think I know which comment he and the two posts following his are referring to.

Let's just say that the particular entry in question was re-wrtieen (a few months ago, in fact), and I think that those who disagreed with it will find the new version to be a bit more to their liking.

Look for a new thread with some details and announcements about the status of a potential TRT II in January.

RevBambooBen posted on 12/13/2006

Does the BAMBOO BEN store get to be in the next issue?


tikibars posted on 12/13/2006

On 2006-12-12 21:41, RevBambooBen wrote:
Does the BAMBOO BEN store get to be in the next issue?

My fingers are sore from typing your fracking name so many times.

Stop working so hard.

shakatiki posted on 12/13/2006

I'm usually not one to dwell on past grievances. James received a few emails from me (way back when) asking why he referred to my tiki store as "an over priced surf shop" in his book. Needless to say (and most TCers will back me up), we are neither over priced nor are we a surf shop. We are a humble little store that has survived on word of mouth and a good reputation for fairness along with a strong sense of the aloha spirit. I believe if you are going to print a subjective comment in any publication, why not contact the source or at least go inside to get an honest opinion. He admitted that he never got a chance to visit, yet never apologized for the bad press. Thus the sore tone in my post. I have spoke with others who felt the same way. I welcome him to come down and check us out in person (hopefully while we are open!) so he can see what has kept our customers happy for over 5 years!

Tipsy McStagger posted on 12/13/2006

..but the question still remains...are you overpriced??? cause if you are, then he wasn't wrong.....goods over-priced above and beyond what one could normally buy the same item for elsewhere should never be rewarded....in fact you should be spanked ...

that said, i discovered 2 new(old) tiki bars here in the midwest that have never been mentioned here on tc or in the tiki road trip book....i will report more on these later but james, if you want to check them out for your research let me know....i will disclose the info on them at a later date so as to avoid certain parties from swooping down and trying to plunder tiki decor and mugs..you know who you are!!

Tiki-Kate posted on 12/13/2006

On 2006-12-13 12:23, Tipsy McStagger wrote:
..but the question still remains...are you overpriced??? cause if you are, then he wasn't wrong.....goods over-priced above and beyond what one could normally buy the same item for elsewhere should never be rewarded....in fact you should be spanked ...

HoT has never been over priced. It was one of the places where I could actually afford to shop back when I first bought my house and was dirt poor.

Wes has always bent over backwards for his customers. There were instances were he would throw in a free mug with whatever else I was buying. He even used to call over to Switched on Gallery for me to make sure they were open, if that was my next destination.

Tipsy McStagger posted on 12/13/2006

On 2006-12-13 13:06, Tiki-Kate wrote:

On 2006-12-13 12:23, Tipsy McStagger wrote:
..but the question still remains...are you overpriced??? cause if you are, then he wasn't wrong.....goods over-priced above and beyond what one could normally buy the same item for elsewhere should never be rewarded....in fact you should be spanked ...

HoT has never been over priced. It was one of the places where I could actually afford to shop back when I first bought my house and was dirt poor.

Wes has always bent over backwards for his customers. There were instances were he would throw in a free mug with whatever else I was buying. He even used to call over to Switched on Gallery for me to make sure they were open, if that was my next destination.

..and there you have it!! ...shame on you james.

Kenike posted on 12/14/2006

To me, the important information in TRT is the location of these places. Many I've never even heard of so the book gives me an opportunity to check it out for myself...and form my own opinion. Some of James' assessments I've agreed with, some not at all...but at least I knew where to look.

RevBambooBen posted on 12/14/2006

On 2006-12-12 23:04, tikibars wrote:

On 2006-12-12 21:41, RevBambooBen wrote:
Does the BAMBOO BEN store get to be in the next issue?

My fingers are sore from typing your fracking name so many times.

Stop working so hard.

Cool Mr. T ! Mahaloz :)

p.s. After the new TRT 2 comes out, we'll just send out leaflets for updating all the tiki bars etc, that I'll be doing / re-doing in the future.

p.s.s. Hey Tiki Kate and All others!

If you're dirt poor ( or not:)) come on by cause we're having a 50% off sale from now till the 23rd. ( call for hours 714-960-1860) Mele Kalikimaka!!!

p.s.s.s. Stop working so hard????.....


tikibars posted on 12/14/2006

On 2006-12-13 12:23, Tipsy McStagger wrote:
that said, i discovered 2 new(old) tiki bars here in the midwest that have never been mentioned here on tc or in the tiki road trip book....i will report more on these later but james, if you want to check them out for your research let me know....i will disclose the info on them at a later date so as to avoid certain parties from swooping down and trying to plunder tiki decor and mugs..you know who you are!!

Dave, I think I know the places you are talking about - I visited the one about an hour northwest of the city a while back. Really great. Cool history, nice people, and a good mai tai.

Sorry to be so clandestine folks, but it'll all be in print soon!

I just want to make sure that the raiders that Tipsy talks about above don't get there before the rest of you have a chance to see these places.

tikibars posted on 12/14/2006

One other thing, I am aware that there were the occasional typos, goofs, and errors in the 2003 TRT.

Some of you have pointed them out to me nicely, and some of you, well, less so. Either way, this has helped me forge a better book the second time around.

I also know that some people feel that occasionally I was a bit too harsh on some of the places I listed/reviewed.

If you fall into either of these groups, I think you will be more pleased with TRT II, since:

My editors and I have gone over the text really, really, really carefully in error and fact checking, and I also have four more years of accrued Tiki knowledge to share.

I have also become more moderate in my views.
Tiki just isn't worth getting aggro about, and in the cases where I have bad news to report, it is much more subtextual than last time. "Ac-sent-chu-ate the Positive", so to speak.

Once, again, look for a formal announcement with full details (and cover art!) right after New Years.

Thanks to those of you who have been supportive of this project.
I can't wait for you all to see the new version!

PoisonIvy posted on 12/14/2006

I have also become more moderate in my views.
Tiki just isn't worth getting aggro about, and in the cases where I have bad news to report, it is much more subtextual than last time. "Ac-sent-chu-ate the Positive", so to speak.

Oh man, I am looking forward to TRT2. I do hope you've reviewed straight. Moderate views for a writer = blah.
Good luck with the release. I'm excited to see it.

tikibars posted on 12/14/2006

Ivy, I have just toned down the occasional harsh verbage.

Still calling balls, strikes, and solid hits as I see them, and I love, more than anything, watching a place hit a grand slam...!
Just being a bit less venemous about the strikes, is all.

Ah, shoot, did I just use a baseball metaphor?
Definitely none of those in the book!

shakatiki posted on 12/14/2006

James, Please don't take my comment in the wrong context. I too believe in calling it as you see it. However you never actually stepped in to my shop (I think you said you sent someone down at night to peek in the window?) and therefore I felt that I didn't deserve a negative remark in your book based on that. If you did come in and still formed that opinion then we wouldn't be discussing this. Maybe then I would be the one re-evaluating my game plan. (you probably don't remember me sitting next to you in Vegas prior to your releasing the book telling you how excited I was about it. I gave you my card and told you I was eager to have you stop by the shop to check it out!) 'nuff said !! I was over it along time ago!! Wes

Tom Slick posted on 12/14/2006

I am excited as well for TRT II :D...Godspeed James, and I'll be looking foward to seeing the cover art after New Years!

rugbymatt posted on 12/14/2006

You go JT!

Mahalo for updating your work, can't wait for TRT II - "The Duce"


tikibars posted on 12/15/2006

On 2006-12-14 09:30, rugbymatt wrote:
TRT II - "The Duce"

I'm calling it Tiki II - Exotic Boogaloo.

tedtiki posted on 12/15/2006

On 2006-12-14 18:50, tikibars wrote:

On 2006-12-14 09:30, rugbymatt wrote:
TRT II - "The Duce"

I'm calling it Tiki II - Exotic Boogaloo.

Oh no you didn't!

frostiki posted on 12/15/2006

Wow, I'm not sure if I should feel sad that I know what you are referencing with the TIKI II: Exotic Boogaloo. I'm still going to buy it, don't get me wrong, I'm just going to have to shake my head a little when I do.

christiki295 posted on 12/16/2006

On 2006-12-13 11:54, shakatiki wrote:
I'm usually not one to dwell on past grievances. James received a few emails from me (way back when) asking why he referred to my tiki store as "an over priced surf shop" in his book. Needless to say (and most TCers will back me up), we are neither over priced nor are we a surf shop. We are a humble little store that has survived on word of mouth and a good reputation for fairness along with a strong sense of the aloha spirit. I believe if you are going to print a subjective comment in any publication, why not contact the source or at least go inside to get an honest opinion. He admitted that he never got a chance to visit, yet never apologized for the bad press. Thus the sore tone in my post. I have spoke with others who felt the same way. I welcome him to come down and check us out in person (hopefully while we are open!) so he can see what has kept our customers happy for over 5 years!

That is the offensive error?

First and foremost, anyone is entitled to their opinion, even if it is misinformed or uninfomred.

Secondly, any mention is, in fact, better than none at all. Because of TikiBar's reference, I've spent about $800 there over the years.

I think TikiBars deserves thanks, not criticism.

christiki295 posted on 12/16/2006

On 2006-12-13 21:17, tikibars wrote:
Ivy, I have just toned down the occasional harsh verbage.

Still calling balls, strikes, and solid hits as I see them, and I love, more than anything, watching a place hit a grand slam...!
Just being a bit less venemous about the strikes, is all.

Ah, shoot, did I just use a baseball metaphor?
Definitely none of those in the book!

. . . . and I hope more generous with the Tiki Mecca rating.

tikibars posted on 04/26/2007

Aloha friends!

Tiki Road Trip 2 is coming along nicely. The text was turned in to the editors at Santa Monica Press in January, they sliced and diced as nescessary in February and March, and now the graphic designer has it. It will be printed in May, and be in your hands by June.

There will be a number of book signings this summer, with the first of them being at Hukilau in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on June 15.

Further events will be announced soon!

In addition to debuting Tiki Road Trip 2 at Hukilau, I'll be giving an hour-long presentation called "The Making of Tiki Road Trip 2 in Technicolor" that will include pictures, words, and music. Come with James on road trips across the United States, and even across Easter Island by Jeep.

Hukilau web site:


Tiki Road Trip 2 is available for pre-order NOW at:


Further book signings are expected to be announced soon!

Here's the official press release:

"About Tiki Road Trip 2:

Tiki Road Trip by James Teitelbaum was released in 2003 as a guidebook to the whens and wheres of all things Tiki. The book sent thousands of people on six continents to hundreds of destinations, where they all gleefully imbibed exotic rum drinks, chowed down on sumptuous feasts, reveled in (pop) cultural history, worshipped at the altar of Tiki, and attempted contact with the opposite sex (sometimes all of these things at once).

Inevitably, the information contained in the book fell a bit out of date over the next four years, and a great sadness was heard around the globe.

But there is hope!

Yes, every four years we have an olympics, a presidential election, and a Tiki Road Trip.

May of 2007, four years (and one month) after the debut of Tiki Road Trip, Santa Monica Press will bring you Tiki Road Trip: revised and expanded.

What's new in Tiki Road Trip II:

Your world-wide guide to Polynesian Pop!

Full update to the entire text, that moves recently closed places to the closed section, adds newly opened places, and offers more historical information on classic places. Almost every entry has been revised; most have been completely re-written.

The 2003 version of Tiki Road Trip paid homage to the classic Tiki bars. The new version still includes these locations, of course, but spotlights the new places, particularly the several dozen that have opened in the past four years. Where the 2003 edition was about the history of Tiki, the 2007 edition will lean towards the future of Tiki.

A few pesky factual errors and typos from the prior edition have been corrected.

More photos than before, with high quality room shots of new and classic locations, as well as graphics such as menus, postcards, matchbooks, and artifacts such as Tiki mugs and carvings.

Expanded drink recipes section, Hawaiian vocabulary, and glossary.

New design that makes it easier to find what you're looking for, and makes the divsion between existing places and closed places more clearly defined.

Larger International section, particularly spotlighting the booming Spain, England, and Germany Tiki scenes. Much larger Hawai'i section as well.

Shag has modified his cover art: play "spot-the-difference"!

Eighty (80) pages longer; same price as the 2003 edition!

What a deal!"

RevBambooBen posted on 04/27/2007

A few pesky factual errors and typos from the prior edition have been corrected.

Right on!!

Rum Balls posted on 04/27/2007

TRT II and a new Beachbum Berry in June...what a way to start the summer!

Pages: 1 44 replies