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Conga....Wisconsin stuff!

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congatiki posted on 10/23/2005

spotted him again...progress updates...the two bumps on
top represent something that is just taking shape...can't
reveal too much at this time

[ Edited by: congatiki 2005-10-23 09:04 ]

Benzart posted on 10/23/2005

Conga, I Love how you are letting your imagination come through. This is very original, can't wait to see him finished.

GMAN posted on 10/23/2005

Now THAT'S funky!

finkdaddy posted on 10/23/2005

Oh no, could this be a tiki Hodag? :o (A little Wisconsin inside joke. :wink: ) I love how your style is developing. It's pure Congatiki with just a touch of traditional just to keep it grounded.

Moondance posted on 10/24/2005


congatiki posted on 10/30/2005

thanks Ben...GMan...Finky and Moondance...he is certainly
a mix of styles and nightmare visions...almost like a
Hodag! The critter on top is starting to take shape

[ Edited by: congatiki 2005-10-30 05:57 ]

finkdaddy posted on 10/30/2005

Yeah, a CongaTiki monkey! Your carvings got so good so fast. He's looking great, I love those monkeys. :D

Benzart posted on 10/30/2005

Conga, I Love that "Critter" on top. You keep pulling these fantastic things out of the box, where are they coming from??
Now I REALLY can't wait to see the finished carving so Hurry up man..

congatiki posted on 11/03/2005

thanks Finky and Ben...I'm not sure where all of this
came from...but I'm beginning to get attached to it.
Made some progress on the monkey and the points around
the head....I think we'll be done soon. Planning on
using some color in this one...probably the fez...eyes...
tongue and the thingy stuck through his nose. We're having
a nice fall up here...got quite a bit done last night.

GMAN posted on 11/04/2005


Do you have a monkey on your back? This is one far out tiki. I can't wait to see what it will turn into. I'm sure you're not showing us all that you have planned. I wanna see more!


congatiki posted on 11/04/2005

Thanks GMan...I do have an idea of where this is going but
I'm beginning to wonder whether it's worth the effort on a
tiki that seems a little outside the box. My original
vision was based on many of the ancestral figures that
pepper the two volume "Oceanic Arts" book....pre-tiki by
a few hundred years. And then just for good measure...
the fez monkey enters the picture...and the four hands..
I did catch a glimpse of a four handed tiki in "Tiki
Road Trip"...I think from the Luau. The monkey is on
my back so I guess I have to keep going...appreciate the

Tiki Diablo posted on 11/04/2005

This is one of the most original tikis to come along on here in a while. KEEP GOING!

Polynesiac posted on 11/04/2005

Hey conga - very cool carving, I'm diggin the monkey...i guess he is a seein' no evil?

YOur tiki style reminds me a little of the tiki room at disneyland....very cool stuff.

can't wait to see the next update

congatiki posted on 11/06/2005

thanks Diablo and Polynesiac...your encouragement has
me fired up for the next round of chipping and grinding
tomorrow...yes Polynesiac....you are right..the
Disney tikis were also an inspiration for what has
transpired. See ya soon....

hewey posted on 11/06/2005

That monkeys way cool. Canrt wait to see it completed!

PalmCityTiki posted on 11/07/2005

The inventive - ness of the tiki is astounding. It must be getting cooler up there. Hope it only accelerates your carving.
Hope to see the finished carving soon.

congatiki posted on 11/09/2005

appreciative of the kind comments Hewey and PCTiki...yes
Palm City...it is getting too cold for outdoors carving...
which means it's time to switch to smaller basement
projects...had to work hard the last few days (8 hours
on Sunday) to finish up..still needs the poly

[ Edited by: congatiki 2005-11-08 20:15 ]

Raffertiki posted on 11/09/2005

Nice use of color. That's one hip monkey tiki.

rodeotiki posted on 11/09/2005

Where are you getting these great ideas? I really like how the monkey seems to flow up out of the carving .

Benzart posted on 11/09/2005

Yeah, whats goin' on up there in the freezer? The monkey looks downright Awesome and addt greatness to the already excellent tiki.

Palama Tiki posted on 11/09/2005

very cool and unique design.. keep it up!

congatiki posted on 11/10/2005

thanks Raffer...Ben...R-T amd Palama Tiki...always appreciate
the positive comments...just wanted to do something a little
different but still keep some traditional look to it...but
I'm still not sure what tradition he honors. I see a
litttle bit of King Tut....Enchanted Tiki Room...and
of course...the "peeking" monkey. Approaching winter
has put the kibosh to any further outdoor carving till
spring...that gives me lots of time for some masks and
maybe weapons...or just relaxing...but we all know how
hard that is!

PalmCityTiki posted on 11/12/2005

The peeking eye is a definate spark from a creative artist. Great job and nice use of color. I always refer to my tiki's as expensive fire wood.

Thanks for giving use a peek in side your head. Ha Ha Ha..

congatiki posted on 11/14/2005

thought I'd work on a weapon to use on people who get
rowdy in the congatiki rooom....not exactly BK...how
about Bargain Basement Kahuna

[ Edited by: congatiki 2005-11-13 17:59 ]

congatiki posted on 11/14/2005

Bye the way...thanks for the comments on the monkey tiki
Palm City tiki....

Benzart posted on 11/14/2005

Conga, not a bad stick at all. I would be proud to be clubbed by it, just don't hit too hard!.

MooneyTiki posted on 11/19/2005

Aloha Congatiki!!!!!!!!!!
Nice stick my friend! Keep carving and creating and let the fun continue, Aloha , Jimmy Mooney

PalmCityTiki posted on 11/19/2005

That is one big swizzle stick. Mega Mai Tai. Party on. Plus it could deliver one good wollup...the club that is. Very nice job.

Basement Kahuna posted on 11/19/2005

That's cool...Cook Islands style..you need to start making clubs, braddah! I wish more people would; they are such a vital part of the perfect tiki illusion; there's hardly a postcard showing the interior of an old tiki temple where you can't see one or two hanging there giving the guests that warm taboo..danger! Exotic mystique! Here's a link I was sent by a friend to tribalsite.com showing some Fijian weapons...these were documeted in Fergus Clunie's book "Fijian Weapons and Warfare", and also a great view of the Kon Tiki in Cleveland with the war clubs in situ..

[ Edited by: Basement Kahuna 2005-11-19 15:54 ]

Aaron's Akua posted on 11/20/2005

OUCH! BK, you're scaring us with all those head-bangers.

Conga, I love the new work. That little monkey guy is both freaky and cool. Nice weapon too. I'll admit I'm a little intimidated about carving those things. They are so precise.


finkdaddy posted on 11/20/2005

Oh my goodness, how did I miss all your updates?! Conga these rock! The monkey tiki with the monkey is your coolest yet. That was such a great idea.

And now you're carving clubs too! I'm so impressed. Great work!

If that monkey needs a job, I know a tiki bar here that hires monkey waiters. :wink:


excellent conga great job on that one.

congatiki posted on 11/22/2005

thanks to everyone...I'm back from vacation in windy
Florida...and I am happy happy happy to return to the
tribe.....no more whining from me!
Started working on this a week ago...

based...loosely...on Blackwater River ancestral figure...
see pg. 246 of OCeanic Art Book I.

[ Edited by: congatiki 2005-11-22 18:49 ]

Basement Kahuna posted on 11/23/2005

New Guinea steps in! Nice mask! Are you going to paint it?

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Moondance posted on 11/23/2005

I like it, nice job. What wood is that??

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congatiki posted on 11/23/2005

Wes...this is a 2" slab of good ole Wisconsin pine...
I like the dark grain that goes down the middle...
BK....not sure about painting...might do a little dabbin'
like I did on the recent monkey tiki...what do you think?
Thanks also for posting the pics of weapons...I'm sure I
will do many more during the winter months.
and Finky...not much chance of that monkey doing any
serving...he only likes to receive!

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hewey posted on 11/23/2005

Cool stuff. I missed the monkey update somehow, very cool. I really like the style of that one, nice and cheeky.

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MooneyTiki posted on 11/25/2005

Aloha Conga!!!!!!
Nice mask my friend and stay warm. I know it can get a bit chilly, I'm from Michigan.May the warm Tropical winds blow your way,Aloha , Mooney

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congatiki posted on 11/27/2005

thanks Hewey and Mooney...here's a little update on this guy...still thinking of a little paint to
highlight certain areas....but I kinda like the dark mahogany stain as well.
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GMAN posted on 11/27/2005

Way to go Conga. That is killer. What do you have in mind for the paint?

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finkdaddy posted on 11/27/2005

Conga, you amaze me. Tiki-riding fez-wearing monkeys, war clubs, ancestral masks, what's next?!? I love the way you are not scared to tackle new styles. Bravo!!

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finkdaddy posted on 11/27/2005

Any new paintings on the horizon?

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rodeotiki posted on 11/27/2005

I love the color of stain on that one. Its so deep.
I also admire the way you take on all different styles and projects.

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congatiki posted on 11/28/2005

Nice to hear from you GMan...Finkdaddy and Rodeotiki.
Still unsure about the paint thing GMan...I have a friend who is asking me to do a painted wall mask
so I might try it with this one...and if I don't like it...i'll give it to him!
Finkdaddy and RT...it is a lot of fun to try new stuff...just feeling my way through this with you
guys...actually....it's probably just a "short attention span" that keeps me bouncing around.

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Benzart posted on 11/28/2005

Nice one Conga, I really love that Wisconsin Pine. I like the stain job you did on it too!. What's next?

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JohnnyP posted on 11/28/2005

Very Nice. I looked up your reference in Oceanic Arts and you did a very nice job. I like carving in pine also, not to many palm trees up here in the north.

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congatiki posted on 12/02/2005

thanks Ben and Johnny P...I decided not to paint this guy...
mainly cuz I think I got a little over zealous with the poly...
but I'm pretty happy with him. May do something very similar
with a flatter finish and some paint.
In the meantime...I finally got some real woodcarver chisels...
have been using the basic Black and Decker carpenter tools till
now (yes...I'm sorry)....ordered some flexcut stuff and did this
last night...for your review...13 inch Maori...
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He is going to be part of a larger project that will probably
take me into the new year to complete!

[ Edited by: congatiki 2005-12-02 05:49 ]

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Benzart posted on 12/02/2005

Wow, CT, how does it feel to carve with the "Real" toolz? This little tiki isvery good. Your carvings will improve 100% using these new Flexcut toolz. I'm Glad you took the plunge.

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