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Tiki Oasis 6, May 4-7, 2006 **New Info pg. 7**

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Otto posted on 10/30/2005

Dear Tiki lovers,

I have some good and bad news to share with all of you. First the good news, Tiki News does plan on producing the Tiki Oasis for the 6th time in 2006. We have set a tentative date of May 7/8 weekend, more details will follow as soon as we know.

Now the bad news: It is with great sorrow that I bring you the following information.
Tiki Oasis will no longer happen at the tropics in Palm Springs (see below for explanation)
In fact, I strongly recommend that anyone who is booked into the tropics cancel their planned stay there. Among other things, the hotel management fraudulently accepted Tiki Oasis bookings bookings despite my recommendations not to. We recommend a variety of OTHER hotels in the Palm Springs area for those who are planning vacations to this area (see end of e-mail for some cool hotels to stay at if you have already made plans to go to Palm Springs).

As many of you know the Caliente Tropics was taken over by new management and owners just weeks before our 2005 event. This was extremely stressful for us as we didn’t know what to expect for our yearly event... There was even a time when we thought the whole show would have to be cancelled! Luckily the hotel felt that a commitment was made to our event and decided to still give us the green light. The experience working with the hotel in May 2005 was mixed – they had some good solid staff that was very helpful over the weekend and overall the event was a success for the hotel and for all those involved. When the event was over they seemed interested in continuing the yearly event which we were quite pleased about. Unfortunately over the last few months the staff that we worked with at the event were ‘let go’, our payment from the hotel was considerable less than in past years (even though we sold more room nights this year) and we could not get them to give us a final commitment on our May date. We have heard reports throughout the year of the hotel becoming less about ‘Tiki’ and more of a budget place to stay. This was something that really concerned us and we were starting to wonder the state of the hotel a year after becoming the ‘budget place’ to stay in Palm Springs. The other thing that did concern us is the lack of interest, on the part of the Caliente Tropics, in the Tiki community. It has become obvious to us that the Caliente tropics owners and management can care less about the Tiki Community. The new management openly scoffed at previous managements plans to improve the Tiki decor and court the Tiki audience.

Every October we finalize our plans for Tiki Oasis and it seemed like the hotel was stringing us along with little to no response when we repeatedly asked them to solidify our date. Once we did get an ‘offer’ from the hotel it was for dates in July-August and not our annual May date! If you know Palm Springs, you know it is 120 degrees during the summer and most of the city is EMPTY because the weather is so unbearable! We tried asking for ANY date in May and were willing to not take our usual Mother’s Day weekend that we had for the last 4 years but the hotel refused saying this was considered ‘in season’ even though everyone in Palm Springs knows Mothers Day weekend is one of the worst weekends of the year for hotels. Of course we feel slighted after hosting a successful event that truly benefited the hotel (giving them a sold out weekend last year with no effort on their part - Casey and I had done all the work already). Through these negotiations with the hotel management it is clear that they do not care about Tiki Oasis OR the Tiki Community. We will not go into the details of this – but you can imagine how shocking this was and forced us to make this decision.

A little history: Pete Moruzzi, Sven, and I started the Tiki Oasis event as a fundraiser to support the previous owners who had bought the hotel and renovated it and saved it from getting leveled like the Kon Tiki in Phoenix. The event not only gave the hotel a boost in the arm for one weekend, it raised national and international awareness of the hotels existence resulting in increased vacationers year-round. In return the previous management supported Tiki fans and other Tiki events. (Thanks Casey!) Since the owners and management of the tropics hotel are no longer the type of people we can support we can no longer continue to have our event there. We regret having to pull support from the tropics hotel itself but we feel it is only a matter of time before the owners either run it into the ground or renovate in an effort to increase profits. Therefore we cannot support the future demise of the tropics.

We want to formally apologize to M Modern, The Vagabond Inn, The Royal Sun, and the city of Palm Springs for having to move our event away from Palm Springs for 2006.

Stay tuned for details on Tiki Oasis 2006!

If you plan to visit Palm Springs we would like to recommend these hotels:
We are not affiliated with these hotels and do not receive any commissions from them

Famous 50s collector and former Seattelite Ruby Montana owns the
The Coral Sands Inn
210 West Stevens Road, Palm Springs, California 92264


this is a Tiki hotel which is usually all male but will make an exception if you rent our the entire hotel
there are only about a dozen rooms so it is great for a small group gathering
354 East Stevens Road, Palm Springs, CA 92262
Toll Free: (866) HOT-TIKI (468-8454)
Local: (760) 323-3203

Movie Colony Hotel - 726 North Indian Canyon Drive
The Orbit Inn - 370 W. Arenas - stars such as Will the Thrill and Shag stay here.



[ Edited by: martiki - New info - 2006-02-02 10:55 ]

[ Edited by: martiki 2006-02-02 10:55 ]

Unga Bunga posted on 10/30/2005

They're Fuc#@ing Loss!
Thanks for the update Otto.
I look forward to the next Oasis!

tikivixen posted on 10/30/2005

I am very sad to hear this--but more for the Tropics than Oasis. It's the people and the tiki spirit that make Oasis so marvelous, and hey, we can bring all that most anywhere. (Er, some of us even bring a little to the Modesto Tropics now and then! :lol:) You guys do such a tremendous job pulling this event together--the last thing you need is to have to deal with those creeps ever again!!

We've had a wonderful run. I'll never forget the great times we all had at the Tropics...good memories, eh?

Thanks again for all you've done, guys. And I look forward to the new Oasis! Can't wait to see what you come up with :).


p.s. I hope preservationists in Palm Springs will pitch in to save the Tropics if need be!! This sort of thing makes me nuts--why couldn't the creeps buy the Motel 6?!? arrggghhh. Perish the thought, but if they do decide to 'renovate' the Hoiti-Toities may have to mount "Tiki Rescue Mission Tropics"!

ted tiki posted on 10/30/2005

I knew it. The "new" management were so clueless at the last event(and rude)that Emily and I just sensed this would be the last time we would see the Oasis there. I also thought it was only a matter of time before all tikis would be gone from the place. They probably will throw out all of the tikis in a big dumpster. What a waste-we loved Palm Springs.

pablus posted on 10/30/2005

Maybe someone should "rescue" those tikis.
Can't Sven appoint a covert tiki army?
I'm pretty sure he has the power to do that.

I mean, he did absolve me of guilt in the "rescuing" of the basement Witco.

TIki Oasis will be fun - even if it's held at an interstate rest area.
I hope to attend.

RevBambooBen posted on 10/30/2005

They're not throwing any tiki's away.

They're just not putting anything back into the hotel
( tiki wise)

Don't be going there and ripping the place apart!!!

I get first dibs being that the REEF Bar (decor and time), came out of my own pocket.

tyger jymmy posted on 10/30/2005

Ya know I knew it I was telling my Wife that this may happen .Her reply was how can they with the turn out ,and Sales of rooms,food,drinks ect ect, .F,in Sh-t I loved the HEAT there too .

DrMiguelito posted on 10/30/2005

How sad. I haven't been to an Oasis yet, but I stayed at the Tropics last year and loved it. Sucks that the new owners don't know or care about what a good thing they have there. I bet within a year it's done over with a cheesy pseudo-Mexican theme, like every other budget accommodation in PS.

I'll be waiting impatiently for news on the Oasis relocation. Assuming it's close enough to drive, I'm still planning to go.

mrs. pineapple posted on 10/31/2005

I saw this coming, what a bummer. I guess Mr. Pineapple and I will have to renew our wedding vows at the site of the new Oasis. I have so many great memories from the Tropics, but I think it'll be fun to drag those memories to the new location! Keep us posted Otto!

CaseyJPS posted on 10/31/2005


I hesitate to comment, but there does need to be some clarification. So many people in our community ask me "what happened?," and I pretty much glaze it over. I will make this as "appropriate" as possible.

The current Caliente tropics Resort "ownership" consists of Blue Sky Equity Partners (Roger Abbott etal of La Jolla) and Larry Miller of Tiburon. Larry Miller, an attorney who invests in commercial property throughout Palm Springs (plus about eight of his family members), is the partner we were involved with who pulled the rug out from under us, walking-off with our life savings dumped into the Caliente tropics Resort, plus over $145,000 in personal debt, not to mention the forgone incomes of two persons. Larry wrote a very clever (and convincing) contract with us in the Fall of 2000 which gave him the ability to shove us out the door 4.5 years later, sell an interest in the Resort to Roger Abbott, and stick us, with debt (hotel expenses) while still badgering us to put more money into the business. The IRS still claims we owe payroll taxes, for which the hotel will not take responsibility.

We worked for free, seven days a week, 24 hours a day, since September 30, 2000, never receiving one penny of compensation. The Resort never made a dime. The once-ailing infrastructure and massive improvements required a huge amount of maintenance and upgrading, which was never completed. Every dime was put back into the business. [Invested in the fringe of this were Bamboo Ben, Crazy Al, and Bosko as well.] Larry Miller etal and Roger Abbott, will walk away with our investment after they run the resort into the ground and drain it of any remaining quality of life.

They are deceitful, disrespectful, greedy, arrogant, and socially inept. Their existence is validated in how much money they can amass, at whatever cost. They absolutely do not care and they will never fit in (review your college psychology textbooks). It would never dawn on them to support this community or their own local community because they don't see the value in it. However, they are happy to benefit from the community and use whatever resources they can to profit. After 4.5 years of our lives and life savings invested in this project, as well as the tourism infrastructure of our local community (and our tiki community), we were offered $25,000 by Larry Miller to "sign-off."

The short version: We invested and got screwed. They will use our blood, sweat and life savings to leverage a real estate sale for a handsome profit, for which we will never benefit. As a footnote, I'll be moving by November 18. Reluctantly, I had to sell my family home (I was fortunate enough to take ownership in late 2002, after my fathers' death) to eliminate the hotel debt.

Moments over the past seven months have been a living hell and this community has been a HUGE bright spot. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE FOR THE SUPPORT!


mrsmiley posted on 10/31/2005

RAZZ!!! but no surprise.

tikivixen posted on 10/31/2005

I'm so sorry, Casey. But SO glad to hear you're finally getting yourself out from under that nightmare!!! And I'm glad you're still HERE, needless to say.

My sweet, timid little Mother used to get pushed around a lot in life. Usually she let it roll off her back, but there were moments she'd just lose it and shake her little fists and growl. I know what she'd say right now: "I wish I were an ALL POWERFUL DEITY because I would just WIPE THOSE PEOPLE OFF THE FACE OF THE EARTH and, and OOOOH I'm JUST SO MAD!! I'd give that hotel back to that nice Casey and make sure those horrible men got JUST WHAT THEY DESERVE!!"

That's what I say too. sigh Too bad my Mom's not running things, eh?

And I'm glad we as a community aren't supporting those guys anymore. Thanks, Otto! And thanks Casey--for all the hard work you did for so long and for making the Tropics a wonderful place to stay--not just for us but for everyone!!! It was, and is, a truly honorable achievement.

xox tikivixen

Jungle Trader posted on 10/31/2005

It has been said that "a man's good name is worth more than silver or gold". The names of the men mentioned above in Casey's post will forever be associated with mud scum. Too bad for them.

tikitortured posted on 10/31/2005

Hmmmmm, thanks for the NAMES of the EVIL doers Casey. They just might get a good old fashioned "tongue Lashing" from T-Tort soon. In my opinion,(and I'm sure many, many other peoples), Shelter Island in San Diego is the obvious choice for the next OR subsequent Tiki Oasi, given it's many advantages over the Tropics: Humphries Half Moon Bay Hotel (chock full 'o tikis), Bali Hai bar/restaurant (right across the street), and other rather large hotels in close proximity (stumbling distance). Also the beautiful view of the bay makes for a more TIKI-like atmosphere than the desert. It's basically the same distance as Palm Springs and keeping the event in sunny Southern California is important (to me, hehe). Lastly, there are several other TIKI establishments in San Diego that would make for a great little road trip in conjunction with the Oasis (Mr. TIKI, etc). I dare not second guess the wisdom of the Great and Powerful OTTO, as I'm sure he's already made the call to these places. We trust your judgement Otto, and I'm sure wherever you choose it will be as wonderful, if not MORE, than past TO's!

[ Edited by: tikitortured 2005-10-31 14:45 ]

floratina posted on 10/31/2005

Casey, that was painful just to read that. OMG, I had no idea. Thank you so much for all you gave to us. We wouldn't have so many wonderful memories if it weren't for you. There were some defining moments in this scene that took place there. I suppose that is small solace after your life's savings have been taken from you. But thank you so much for everything.

mig posted on 10/31/2005

Yipes. This is all tough to swallow, although we did all kind of see a decline coming.

I await further news. I'm jonesing for a large-scale meetup because I couldn't make it to Oasis this year.

So where are we doing new year's?!? :D

Monkeyman posted on 10/31/2005
mrsmiley posted on 11/01/2005

As I said before, for all he has done (and his great personality) Casey has earned an eternal ZAZZ rating!!!!

mrsmiley posted on 11/01/2005

On 2005-10-31 15:29, mig wrote:
Yipes. This is all tough to swallow, although we did all kind of see a decline coming.

Mig, I see you are a "man about town", I am so sorry-when did you become homeless! :(

WooHooWahine posted on 11/01/2005

The High Desert area of Yucca Valley would be a Great New Location for Tiki Oasis. Check out this hotel: http://www.yuccainn.com

Otto posted on 11/01/2005

Although it was totally unplanned I'm glad I could inadvertently give you the forum to tell the truth about the tropics.

I have to thank you for not making a big deal out of it sooner out of respect to Tiki News' event and the enjoyment of hundreds at Tiki Oasis. I know you wanted to scream out what assholes the tropics owners were and are but did not want all the Tiki lovers to have a tainted experience while reveling in the history of the tropics for a weekend.

Now that Oasis at the tropics has been laid to rest, let's call it as it is.

These guys are dirty rotten scoundrels and I hope that everyone here joins me in a total lack of support for their business. (I never thought I would say that about a Tiki establishment. sob, sob)

onward and upward

cynfulcynner posted on 11/01/2005

On 2005-10-31 08:37, CaseyJPS wrote:
The current Caliente tropics Resort "ownership" consists of Blue Sky Equity Partners (Roger Abbott etal of La Jolla) and Larry Miller of Tiburon. Larry Miller, an attorney who invests in commercial property throughout Palm Springs (plus about eight of his family members)

Casey, can you give us a list (if you have one) of other properties they own, so we can avoid doing business with them?


ted tiki posted on 11/01/2005

WooHooWahine has a great idea. I don't know if the Yucca Inn has enough room, or even wants us, but it looks great, and it is right by Joshua Tree-I love that place. Camping could be an option for those who can't stay at the hotel. Imagine a Tiki commune in the desert if you will. Otto--give this a thought....

alohabros posted on 11/01/2005

On 2005-11-01 02:19, cynfulcynner wrote:

Casey, can you give us a list (if you have one) of other properties they own, so we can avoid doing business with them?


... you might put your energy in to "building" rather than "tearing down"...

... read "The Little Pink Booklet of Aloha" (Serge Kahili King)... to help you better express where you want to be and how to get there...

tiki mick posted on 11/01/2005

Has anyone considered this place?

I made a post about it a long time ago, as it used to be "Vacation Village" in San diego..the whole island was like the sets from "Fantasy Island"...


alohabros posted on 11/01/2005
SoccerTiki posted on 11/01/2005

I stayed at the Yucca Inn last weekend and the whole time I thought about what a great venue for a tiki event it is.....There are many rooms that open to the pool and about 12 rooms that open to the grass/courtyard area. Many rooms away from the pool (for those who like quiet.) New owners just took over last Friday and might like the idea of a sell-out weekend....They also have a restaurant attached with a bar, stage and dancing area. There are other hotels close by and I'll bet the rates are considerably lower than the C.T. were. Just a thought....

mrsmiley posted on 11/01/2005

On 2005-10-31 22:55, Otto wrote:

Now that Oasis at the tropics has been laid to rest, let's call it as it is.

These guys are dirty rotten scoundrels and I hope that everyone here joins me in a total lack of support for their business. (I never thought I would say that about a Tiki establishment. sob, sob)

onward and upward

Much of the Caliente's appeal for me was Casey's attitude/support/etc. Now that he is gone, the Tropics is just an empty shell....

thejab posted on 11/01/2005

On 2005-11-01 07:59, lucas vigor wrote:
Has anyone considered this place?

I made a post about it a long time ago, as it used to be "Vacation Village" in San diego..the whole island was like the sets from "Fantasy Island"...


What a shame. I think it used to be tiki/Polynesian in the 60s and 70s. Now it just looks nostalgic, upscale, and ugly IMO. At least the Half Moon Inn still has tikis on site and tropical furniture in the rooms.

tiki mick posted on 11/01/2005

Yep, that was the last time I went there..the 1970's...and it was very cool. I remember as a kid I loved the bar that my parents where allowed to take us in, and the observation tower, the many pools...it was not all that tiki, more generically tropical..but you felt like you were on a jungle island..there were many pathways thru the foliage with torches lit, and they were not rooms, but bungaloes. I have no idea what it looks like now, but then again, I always hated the desert anyway...much preferring a verdant and tropical envirement to brown dry stretches of desert or rocky mountains entirely devoid of vegetation. I wish the tiki oasis was near the beach, but then again...I guess it would not really be an "oasis"!

No matter where they have it, I am sure it will be fun.

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Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 11/02/2005

On 2005-11-01 07:12, alohabros wrote:

... you might put your energy in to "building" rather than "tearing down"...

... read "The Little Pink Booklet of Aloha" (Serge Kahili King)... to help you better express where you want to be and how to get there...

In attempting to follow the advice of "The Little Pink Booklet of Aloha" to be "admiring instead of critcal" and "affirming instead of doubting", I will say, alohabros, that the majority of your posts are supportive, and that your critical ones are growing fewer.


WooHooWahine posted on 11/02/2005

Woo Hoo! I hear the Yucca Inn in Yucca Valley calling out to all to TC'ers. I'm telling you it is the New Hot Spot for a "Real" Tiki Oasis Takeover :)

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greenfire posted on 11/02/2005

Puff, there's a billion play-ces to go, and Vegas is one of them. It's nice and hot. Easy to get to and FUN. Maybe the Gold Coast Hotel/Casino--nifty pool? Is the Peppermill still open for business?

Jungle Trader posted on 11/02/2005

Kon Tiki Inn, Pismo Beach could be another option. Enough rooms in one hotel. A variety of fine restaurants, and shopping within walking distance. A very large grassy area just outside the 1st floor rooms for vending. Large parking lot. A massive beach. I was just there this summer. It's worth a look at least.

floratina posted on 11/02/2005

"Now that Oasis at the tropics has been laid to rest..." That is an incredibly sad string of words.

Remember that Caliente had 90 rooms and we could have used more. Also, we need a place that we can completely take over for the weekend. A hotel half-occupied by "normals" isn't going to cut it, IMO.

tikitortured posted on 11/02/2005

Bamboo Ben's house!? Think about it, a coupla air mattresses...

[ Edited by: tikitortured 2005-11-01 23:33 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 11/02/2005

I'll be selling many 99.00 custom mini TIKI bars ( 3' bar tops!!) at the next TIKI OASIS to welcome the new location!!!

A little bug landed on my shoulder and told me something the other day. Poker Face! A new Tiki Treasure Hunt????


tikivixen posted on 11/02/2005

JT and Floratina...hmmm! The Kon Tiki in Pismo IS huge. And Pismo's a cool surfer hangout. The Central Coast in general is a unique (and perhaps underappreciated?) area--think of it, the Madonna Inn's just up the road, too! And the Central Coast wine country, Solvang (EBOLSKIVERS!!!, Sanity Barbara...hmmm indeed.

Well, and it's halfway from both SoCal and NoCal :wink:.

Yucca Valley is also underappreciated, perhaps. I had a fantastic evening getting unexpectedly snowed in with Stan Ridgway and friends, once upon a time, right up the road in Pioneertown! There's a live music place there you have to see to believe. Not to mention the OK Corral, for heaven's sake.

I'm really enjoying hearing people's ideas!

alohabros posted on 11/02/2005

On 2005-11-01 17:53, Sabu The Coconut Boy wrote:
In attempting to follow the advice of "The Little Pink Booklet of Aloha" to be "admiring instead of critcal" and "affirming instead of doubting", I will say, alohabros, that the majority of your posts are supportive, and that your critical ones are growing fewer.


... alohabros also roasts their own red & green chiles from oct 1 through the end of november...

mrsmiley posted on 11/02/2005

On 2005-11-01 20:19, greenfire wrote:
Puff, there's a billion play-ces to go, and Vegas is one of them. It's nice and hot. Easy to get to and FUN. Maybe the Gold Coast Hotel/Casino--nifty pool? Is the Peppermill still open for business?

YES both the Vegas and Reno Peppermill's are still in business, although I am scared of the remodeling the will be doing in Reno--hope the Fireside Lounge survives!!.

There are no other Peppermill's left. :(

Unga Bunga posted on 11/02/2005

As long as there is a strip club near by. :D
(Just kidding)

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virani posted on 11/02/2005

On 2005-11-02 11:34, Unga Bunga wrote:
(Just kidding)

no, you're not

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freddiefreelance posted on 11/02/2005

On 2005-10-31 08:37, CaseyJPS wrote:
I will make this as "appropriate" as possible.

They are deceitful, disrespectful, greedy, arrogant, and socially inept. Their existence is validated in how much money they can amass, at whatever cost. They absolutely do not care and they will never fit in (review your college psychology textbooks). It would never dawn on them to support this community or their own local community because they don't see the value in it. However, they are happy to benefit from the community and use whatever resources they can to profit. After 4.5 years of our lives and life savings invested in this project, as well as the tourism infrastructure of our local community (and our tiki community), we were offered $25,000 by Larry Miller to "sign-off."

Casey, sometime I want to hear your inappropriate version, but not until it hurts less to do so. I'm making a note on my calendar for Mothers Day Weekend, 2050.

SoccerTiki posted on 11/03/2005

Lots of good ideas for locations, but this it Otto's baby (so to speak!) I'm sure wherever he decides will be great!!! It's 75% the people/entertainment/vendors and 10% the location......Oh yeah! And 15% the mai tais!!!

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babydoe posted on 11/03/2005

Thank you all for your amazing support. You can imagine this decision didn't come lightly. With baby #2 about to make his debut any day now we really wanted to finalize everything for the sixth Tiki Oasis a.s.a.p. so this was kinda a little snappu in our planning BUT one thing is fer sure we will all be having a great party in 2006! (you know how the von Stroheim's like a good party!) Otto has some awesome ideas up his aloha shirt sleeve I am sure an announcement will be made soon on the location and date BUT please keep sending in your ideas 'cause you never know what will happen!

XOXO baby doe

tikitortured posted on 11/04/2005

Sam's Seafood in HB, so I can walk to the Oasis!!

tikivixen posted on 11/04/2005

The discussion on San Diego in the New Year's Eve thread is getting me very interested in the San Diego tiki options generally.

Dangergirl recently visited the Hanalei Hotel and her rave review has brought to mind all the other impressed reports I've heard of that place over the years. Seems to me maybe the Hanalei would be a KILLER candidate for Oasis.

It's not as pricey as Humphrey's Half Moon, it IS an old tiki hotel with a great tiki restaurant/bar still on the premises, the room rates are actually cheaper (I think) than the Tropics' were...etc. etc. And, far as I know, it's big enough; and there are also apparently some cheaper satellite places nearby, just as we had in PS with the Royal Sun and Vagabond, etc..

If only they hadn't killed their brilliant old sign I'd be even more enchanted by the place, but hey...maybe the arrival of a huge and LUCRATIVE Tiki Event/clientele might make them begin to value their heritage a bit more.

(I sure wish I could airlift the Tropics Modesto in one big wonderfully tikified chunk to, say, Contra Costa County or Santa Cruz or something. Oh well...:lol:)

thejab posted on 11/04/2005

Good suggestion tikivixen. The bar has been remodeled to a bland tiki-less room but the Islands Room restaurant is still great (huge clam-shell waterfall, indoor steams and pools and foot bridges with tiki railings, soaring skylight with many huge colored glass floats). The pool area has a huge moai. And there are waterfalls and tikis in the atrium of the main hotel building. I think this place is underrated since they removed much of the tiki decor and the great sign, its location is next to a freeway instead of the water like Humphrey's, and it doesn't have the Bali Hai and Trader Mort's in close proximity.

There are some great piano bars a short cab ride away from the Hanalei. And it is minutes to old town, the presidio, and mission bay so there are plenty of tourist options, while it takes about 15-20 minutes to get to a freeway from shelter island. And as you said it is a bit cheaper then Humphrey's.

Pages: 1 2 3 119 replies