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NW Tiki Centralites are ZAZZ!

Pages: 1 2 replies

TikiMaxton posted on 10/25/2005

Hey gang!

It’s time we had another Alibi happy hour, gang! Lots of stuff happening, including the refurbishment of the Alibi’s landmark sign. You know you want to see it! We can chat about the Crawl (past and future) and just generally have a good time! Let me know if you can make it – if we get enough people we might reserve a big table, and maybe even get some drink specials!

To recap – that’s NEXT Friday, the 4th of November. We try to meet around 6:00pm. Sound off!

Maori_man posted on 11/03/2005

This coming Friday? Okay I'll be there.

Oh I just heard the collective sigh of the rest of the NW Ohana...........sorry...............

TikiMaxton posted on 11/03/2005

Yup, this coming Friday - Day after tomorrow. I'm having lunch with Alibi owners Larry and Carla White tomorrow, so I should have some Alibi-related updates for those of you who attend.

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