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South Florida Wood Workers

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The Woodcraft Store in Pompano is having a Show and Sale this Saturday. Check out the link for more info.


Thanks for the tip I might take a road trip. R there any coupons of advertizements needed?

The only thing required is to get your entry form faxed to the store by tomorrow (the 10th). Click thru the link and you will find the registration form. You can fax it to them. Also all entries have to be delivered between 7-8:30 am. There are several different categories - so take your pick. Look for me and the Tiki Pens. I'd love to see the Peeing Tiki.

Thanks . Hope to I can make it and Hope 2 see ya there.

Loki posted on Thu, Nov 10, 2005 5:09 AM

Very cool...looking forward to seeing whats there...my father in law is visiting and loves wood working, and I'm just starting to carve...hope to meet you all.

AlohaStation- r u selling + showing or just showing? I'm not sure which I want to do. or how much to bring. Have they been advertizing much. Because I talked to the lady in charge and I wasn't very impressed. I submitted my application so at least I'm quallified.

I found out about it when I went to the Woodcraft store this past week. I do not believe this is going to be a very large event. Mostly people that are regulars at the store or have taken classes?

I will be selling a few things, but I'm not putting a lot of effort into it. My display is small so all I need is a small tabletop. Then again its always nice to be prepared. This is a store promotion so maybe they'll be giving stuff away?


Jimmy Mooney and I went to the Pompano store yesterday and they had an Unadvertised(I think) special. They are no longer going to offer Henry taylor chisels and their complete stock is priced at,,,,,Buy One and get one (same price) for FREE.
Excellent tools and Excellent Deal....

Loki posted on Thu, Nov 10, 2005 3:50 PM

On 2005-11-10 13:58, Benzart wrote:
Jimmy Mooney and I went to the Pompano store yesterday and they had an Unadvertised(I think) special. They are no longer going to offer Henry taylor chisels and their complete stock is priced at,,,,,Buy One and get one (same price) for FREE.
Excellent tools and Excellent Deal....

good to know, i'm starting to buy my implements of destruction. Heard Taylors were great.

I had planed on attending and showing, however the wifey reminded me of the need to prepare the house for the Traditional sacrificing of the Bird (Thanksgiving). Seems as though we get all the families decending on our house for 3 days. Oh joy. Hope you guys do well and enjoy. Hope to hook up with you guys soon.

Loki posted on Sat, Nov 12, 2005 7:46 AM

Just got back from woodcraft...it was a small event, but the store is very nice...i got scared away from the chisels..i still need to do my homework on what to buy...


Hey Loki, ask Jimmy mooney to post the #'s of the gouges he bought there and just get those. Some were the last ones they had but not all. Go get'em before they are all gone.

Loki posted on Sat, Nov 12, 2005 6:09 PM

Thanks for the advise Ben, I'll pop him a question. I'm one of those people that starts to do too much homework and never get what i need...i just need a pro to tell me this time... :)

I went to the Woodcraft show on Saturday and got all the low-down. This show was a first time event (and it showed). The work that was on display was awesome, not very tiki. A lot of the work was done from students of the classes they teach. My camera took a dump during the show so I don't have any pics.

[QOUTE]i just need a pro to tell me this time...

If you are just getting started - take the beginner carving class down there. Many of your questions will be answered.

Loki posted on Mon, Nov 14, 2005 9:20 AM

Thanks for the advise...i will look into it.


The class would help any beginner carver, but don't let these chisels get sold before you get some.
I'm sure if you ask one of the sales people there what a beginner should have, they will be glad to help. Or if you go down again, let me know and I will make sure to get you a list.

Loki posted on Mon, Nov 14, 2005 12:38 PM

I would love a list...i just checked and the store is open late on Thurs, so, i'll run down then.


Jimmi and I went back yesterday and here is a list of gouges to get from what there is left. there are more that you may need, but these will be tools you will always use.
I hope this helps. There are 10 tools there and you will only pay for 5 whish is Great.
Good luck.

Aloha loki!
Benzart is the bomb my friend!!!! I had no clue about what tools(i would be like AH where are your chainsaw supplies What no chainsaws I'm so screwed HA HA HA) to buy. Good luck my friend and happy carving, Aloha your friend Jimmy Mooney

Loki posted on Sat, Nov 19, 2005 5:42 PM

Thanks Ben and Mooney...i got caught up doing another wood working project this weekend (building a pergola for the backyard) and didnt make it down yet. I really appreciate the #'s and will get down there ASAP.

Loki posted on Sun, Nov 20, 2005 8:03 AM

Got em!!!

Now, if you know a store that sells talent, let me know


It IS Available but it is a step by step deal that you have to follow so you might as well develop it on your own.

Loki posted on Sun, Nov 20, 2005 4:56 PM

That should be the sweaty, bloody and fun part...thank goodness for Wilma giving me a pile of palm logs to find my way... :)

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