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New Tikis from Germany!

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haikai posted on 11/10/2005

I start to carve my first Tiki in September 2004. It´s from a piece of balsa wood.

These are also balsa Tikis.

This is a kind of a Tiki mask. The wood calls in Germany "Birke". Sorry, I don´t know what´s in english!

Six mounth ago I start to create my firt bigger Tiki.

Now I have 15 Tikis. Here you can see a few of them.

I create a Tiki bar with two chairs for one of our three tiki exibithion in summer 2005.

This time I´m carving new figures for our next exibithion in February.

Unga Bunga posted on 11/10/2005

Very cool work Haikai!
Welcome to Tiki Central.

tikifish posted on 11/10/2005

I'll be willing to bet that 'Birke' is Birch!

Lake Surfer posted on 11/10/2005

Good stuff!


Humuhumu posted on 11/10/2005

Great stuff, thanks for sharing it, and welcome to Tiki Central!

Haole Kat posted on 11/10/2005

Great stuff! Please keep those pics coming!


Benzart posted on 11/10/2005

Welcome to TC Haikai. What a great way to make an entrance, Tikis all over the place and more under construction. Excellent tiki bar and excellent tikis. How long have you been carving tikis and what made you pick up the first log and say ," I'm gonna make myself a Tiki"?
Keep carving and posting.. :)

rodeotiki posted on 11/10/2005

Welcome to TC. Very nice stuff. Is that a carved Shrunken head hanging on the bar.

Keep them pics coming.

kirby posted on 11/10/2005

great style, I realy like them, welcome...

haikai posted on 11/11/2005

Thanks everyone,

Benzart, the first time I was touched with tiki, was in 1999 when I discover the book of tiki.
I was so enthusiastic about Tiki, that I´m started to create my own little paradise at home. The problem in Germany is, you can´t get realy nice carvings.
So I start to carve my own Tikis in September 2004.
The first Tikis are very smal and only balsa wood.
In April 2005 I want to have a bigger figure and start to carve my first 3,5 feet Tiki.

Here are more from my first carvings:

rodeotiki, here can you see the carved Shrunken head. Thanks...

haikai posted on 11/11/2005

sorry, for the wrong link! Here are the pictures:

congatiki posted on 11/11/2005

great stuff Haikai....impressive collection for a first
post.....welcome aboard....really love the shrunken head!

Palama Tiki posted on 11/11/2005

very nice work, and welcome aboard!

surfintiki posted on 11/11/2005

Welcome to TC. Your stuff looks great. If you can't buy 'em, build 'em!

Moondance posted on 11/11/2005

Beautiful Work!! Very, very nice. I love them all!

GMAN posted on 11/11/2005

Dang! That is some great work. I like your style. Those tiki stools look quite comfy with the shaping you did to their tops. First rate stuff all the way. Show us more!!!


Mogambo posted on 11/12/2005

Man, I told you they would treat you nicely. Great you arrived at TC. - (I had the pleasure to see his work for real, during the exhibition in Munich. Great Stuff)

hala bullhiki posted on 11/12/2005

welcome aboard! great stuff, please post more of your wonderful creations here...

hells idols posted on 11/12/2005

European rules

haikai posted on 11/23/2005

Here are some new pics from Germany! I have started a few new projects.
The first one is carved out of a piece of chestnut.

The second Tiki is also a Moai. It´s not finished yet! I think that in a few days,
I will be able to post more pictures of that work. It´s a spruce wood.

Here I try to create a Tiki in Marquesan style.

The next figures are all balsa Tikis.

In the next picutes you can see my tiki candle.
It was my first try and I was very surprised about, how great it is to carve in wax.

And this is my latest shrunken head.
He is so dangerous, that he must be behind a glass pane.

virani posted on 11/23/2005

really cool. I love your shrunken head..

Loki posted on 11/23/2005

Sehr Gut...wonderful stlye...keep the pics coming...

Benzart posted on 11/23/2005

Your carvings are getting much better. Love the Moais, you got the look down just right in that last one. The candle looks great too.You should make a mold of it and sell the repro's.

Aaron's Akua posted on 11/23/2005

Most excellent work Haikai! Stick around & carve with us some more.

bigbrotiki posted on 11/24/2005

Kai, I just found this. Welcome on TC! I love seeing ALL your stuff. I might have to come back for work in freezing February, see you at Trader Vic's then.

In a true example of good timing, I had just arrived in Munich this August when Kai and Micha's Tiki exhibit ran at the WESC store (TC link?), so we met, and I fell in love with the biggest Moai and bought it. This puppy is so heavy, it will have to stay in Germany, and is currently lodging in Jo's pad in Munich. (pic?)

For being at it so briefly, this boy really has it down.

Moondance posted on 11/24/2005

Your work is very very good. I love your style and the Moai. Welcome to TC and please stay & keep posting.
I left Germany 45 yrs ago and need to return for a visit.

Polynesiac posted on 11/24/2005

Awesome! welcome aboard and I love the new stuff! those smaller balsa wood tikis are excellent - I totally dig your carving style. But what takes the cake for me is that shrunken head! the carving is fantastic and the presentation is COOL! thanks for sharing and be sure to post more of your stuff

haikai posted on 11/30/2005

Thank you all for the nice wellcome on TC and your compliments!
Here you can see some pics from my studio and the tools.

This time I´m creating Tiki figures for the next exibithion in Munich.
It will start with a party on 06. january 2006!

So far I have carved these nine Tikis, but they are not finished yet.

Thank you mogambo and bigbrotiki for your support and your visit on our exibithion at the WESC store.
Here is the big puppy!

Mogambo posted on 12/01/2005

And here he is recovering from the cold German winter in our well heated Lucky Lounge. Looks like the Banana tree is growing out of his head. There is always a warm place for a lonely tiki at our home.

bigbrotiki posted on 12/01/2005

I miss him! I want him with me at home! Sigh.
...it must be proof of serious Tiki fever to shell out beaucoup Euros for a Tiki you MUST have but can't HAVE.

Kai, I am glad you will be doing another show so soon!

rodeotiki posted on 12/01/2005

WOW!!! look at all that wood and such cool carvings . I really like the shrunken head in the shadow box.

Judging from the massive pile of sawdust you keep pretty busy.

Basement Kahuna posted on 12/01/2005

I raise my St. Pauli Girl to you, my brother!

lemonsqueezer posted on 12/20/2005

see all this great tikis at the next swing & sway in hawaii party:


haikai posted on 02/07/2006

O.K. here are some new pictures of my Tikis!
In the last month I was very busy and carve 14 new Tikis
for our "forbidden paradise" exhibition in munich.
The first seven figures are older ones from last year.

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These next figures are my new Tikis, which I create between oktober and december 2005.
You can see I start to experience with coulors and oils.

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The Tiki Seeman!

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Here I carve two balsa Tikis for a picture frame decoration.

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This was my last balsa wood carving. It´s a Maori with perlmutt eyes for a "pacific showcase".

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Benzart posted on 02/07/2006

Holy Cow, what a Cool bunch of tikis. Nice show. How could we not Love that pile of carvings. Awesome!

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Bete posted on 02/07/2006

Very cool artwork, very nice linework.

Basement Kahuna posted on 02/07/2006

Your style is definitely getting more distinctive and refined. Lots of Cali Cartoon style Mana in there that's quite cool..

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teaKEY posted on 02/08/2006

did somebody say, Tiki Seeman!

All very nice with an older unknown quality about them. That Moai barstool is so cool. I like how the head tilts back but them it turns out to only be the back of the seat.

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JohnnyP posted on 02/08/2006

That's a great bunch of tikis. Your style is nice and the different twist to the tikis are great ideas. They are all very well done. Look forward to seeing more.

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SCTikiShack posted on 02/08/2006


I love the imagination!!
The tiki with the spiked hair is especially cool.
Wow, tikis in Germany, you would have never guessed.


haikai posted on 02/08/2006

Thanks for your nice commentary! I will be busy angain and post more pictures.

Here you can see some pictures from the "Swing and Sway in Hawaii" party in munich.
We combin the event with an exihibition to show Michael Hanauer´s (rambazamba) illustrations
and my tiki creations.


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haikai posted on 02/09/2006

Aloha guys,

here you can see my yesterdays homework.
I was sitting in my room and feeling boring, than I started to figure Mogambos Tiki.
It´s carved out of a piece of balsa wood.
The Tiki should get a pandant and now I´m consider to give it a coulor.

Have you any tipps for me for the finish coulor?

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Mogambo posted on 02/09/2006

Hey, how coool. I like it.

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turbosickboy posted on 02/09/2006

You have an excellent style... Saw the article about you in Smokin´ shutdown #10 nice!
keep it up!

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hodadhank posted on 02/09/2006

OOOOOHHHH!!! I love those wavey roundheaded Moais! Great stuff!

Willkommen zu hause Hai Kai!

My Volkwagon will not be complete till I have a little one hanging from my rearview mirror!

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teaKEY posted on 02/09/2006

Nice tiki head, now we just need the movie to come out with it. The funny thing is, I was just thinking about that movie today and how it needs to be made. I was wondering if you there going to say that you made a life-size, full body one but this is a more portable one, so it just as good. Now when that film, does come out, you can be wearing it around your neck while you watch. Its sort of like all those toys that come out with all the new releases.

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Bete posted on 02/09/2006

Looks cool.

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Mr. Dale posted on 02/10/2006

I love these tikis....you give them an artistic expression thats all your own! Many tiki carvings are just repeats of things already done, while yours on the other hand have the heritage in them, but give it a whole new fresh twist!
Great job! Some of my favorites ever.

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