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Alternate for Glass Float Lamp

Pages: 1 12 replies

kingtiki posted on 11/11/2005

Sorry if this has been discussed already or if I'm putting this in the wrong spot - I'm relatively new to TC.

I, like most, want to create a glass float lamp but worry about breaking my beloved floats in the cutting. I found an alternative at a place called Culpepper & Co. http://www.piecesofship.com called an Onion Jug - basically round with a spout (hole) in the top already. Just wondering if any of you have already looked at these or used them in the past? Wondering if they are worth trying as a lamp?

Any help appreciated


[ Edited by: kingtiki 2005-11-11 15:07 ]

heelgrinder posted on 11/11/2005

wow, that seems like a great alternative. if you tackle it, keep us posted and let us know how it's done!

hewey posted on 11/12/2005

Cool lamps idea!

turbosickboy posted on 11/12/2005

Welcome to TC. cool idea, i think these floats can be easily transformed into lamps

chisel slinger posted on 11/17/2005

oh yeah, I got one of those jugs from culpeppers a couple years ago. dropped a light in the top, and hung it in the lounge. looks great. that culpeppers is awsome.

Tikiwahine posted on 11/17/2005

I found one similar to that but a little smaller I think. I cut the spout off and tied a net for it.

Mine is blue and clear mainly, so I found that when the light was inserted the clear parts were too noticeable. Yours looks much more solid in colour. Nice net work!

Johnny Dollar posted on 11/17/2005

wow, total conicidence, i saw those for the first time in my life last weekend at an antique shop in bethany beach, maryland. i was thinking the exact same thing. the prices were about $100, though, i didn't want to commit yet.

kingtiki posted on 11/17/2005

Johnny Dollar - if you still want to get one be sure to check out the Culpepper site - I ordered the 10" for $40 and he has some that are 13" for $55.

Mine are in the mail as we speak so I'll post some pictures of the finished lamps and overall thoughts if you wanna wait a bit - He still has several in stock.

Johnny Dollar posted on 11/17/2005

cool - mahalo!

the drunken hat posted on 11/18/2005

i used a red one to make the lamp over the bar. i then covered a chinese hat with tapa to create the shade that covers the neck.

here is another look.

the finished product fools everyone. they think it is a real float!

don't let the bus leave without me!

[ Edited by: the drunken hat 2005-11-17 22:22 ]

kingtiki posted on 11/18/2005

DH - that looks great. I was trying to figure out how I would cover the spout. I might have to borrow you idea - with full credit of course. - thanks

Johnny Dollar posted on 11/18/2005

on the culpeper's site it says they were used for holding water or rum. a crafty person could make a pretty sweet rum dispenser out of one :)

danatwo posted on 11/28/2005

Check out these glass float jug lights. They are 17" tall!!! Wow!! There are 2 listings.


Pages: 1 12 replies