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The Tell - in Laguna?

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In 1991, while visiting my sister when she lived in Laguna Beach, we went to a unique place called The Tell. It was a really long wall of photographs in a huge field-like area. It was a really cool thing to see. I was curious if it was still there and if anyone else has ever been there. I don't know exactly where it was but I assume it was somewhere in the Laguna area. My sister is in front of a small section of the wall below.

Laguna Beach was known as an artist's community, until skyrocketing real estate values changed the demographics. There are still a lot of art shows that take place there, but I've never seen that one.


Thanks for commenting okoo lady. I tried a Google search on it and came up with nothing. It was a public arts project and seemed to be a permanent fixture. It was an amazing site. There had to be thousands of photos of people on the wall arranged according to color making various designs along it's tall, vast expanse.

I was back in Laguna a few years later and couldn't believe the building boom that went on in my absence. As they say...life always changes. I'll never forget driving on those canyon roads and along PCH and how amazingly scenic and beautiful the area was. And, I still long for the best burger I ever had in my life - In N Out Burger!! Mmmmm...

Hey Codelisa,

Your burger craving reminded me of my search for a decent cheesesteak when the service brought me out to Cali 25 yrs ago.

I remember ordering cheesesteaks on various menus and the waiters would ask me how would I like my steak cooked? What? Nobody ever asked me that around Philly before. I figure chip steak is either cooked or it ain't. :)

Anyway, I suffered through some pretty ordinary cheesesteaks over the years when I would get the ol' cheesesteak craving until a few years ago when a place called Philly's Best opened up nearby. They import all the ingredients from Philly, have great memorabilia on the walls and make a real cheesesteak! I was in heaven!

You may miss In-N-Out but man do you have the pick of some of the best pizza and soft pretzels around.

When I was a young bloke, Me Granny sold her various houses and moved to "Seizure World" there In Laguna.

There were local shops she loved to perooze and mingle with the artists. She used to frequent a place called "My Mother Lives in Cincinnati", between luncheons at fancy hotels (one of which had a Tiki sort of area and a shop that sold shells)

It was good fun to get up before dawn, get a couple of Mickey's (resealable caps) and fly down Laguna Canyon road on my old Triumph Tiger...I loved passing Lion Country Safari early and seeing the inhabitants (Trespassers will be eaten) sort of more active before opening...romping around.

It used to be easy to find parking.

I got tickets to see "Jefferson Airplane/Starship/Wheelchair" at that concert venue there when I was visiting from College. I saw they had changed everything...build build build (like the Housemartins sing about)

No more Moult on Parkway...

Why is it so depressing to see places popularized?


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