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Turner South Blue Ribbon Tiki

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Swanky posted on 08/10/2005

A guy is doing an episode for Turner South's Blue Ribbon show about tiki. He's meeting me at the Omni Hut on September 9th to shoot for the day and evening. He'll be at Hale Tiki on September 2nd. Anyone who'd like to come out and make the places colorful is welcome. He is working on shooting the Mai Kai as well with Kiliki, but is not sure Turner South will accept Lauderdale as Deep South. We'll see. Tradere Vic's Alanta is the other for sure locale.

Tiki_Bong posted on 08/10/2005

Hey Swank-e,

For all us on the left coast, what's 'Turner South's Blue Ribbon Show'?

(I've had Pabst Blue Ribbon though...)

pablus posted on 08/10/2005

I watched a Nascar race for 20 seconds once.
Can I find out what it is too?

tikisobayli posted on 08/10/2005

Its a regional cable network here in the south. It shows a variety of tv shows with a "southern" focus. They have one show that we watch all the time called "Junkin'". The show has to hosts that travel around and visit flea markets/yard sales and then all items purchased are put on Ebay with the money going to charity. Its a pretty good show and we actually won a puffer fish that we turned into a lamp off of the show. Can't wait to see the tiki Blue Ribbon show. Keep us posted!

saxotica posted on 08/10/2005

Also, Turner South is owned by Ted Turner, the "Mouth of the South".

Tikiwahine posted on 08/10/2005

I wonder if they're affiliated with "Turner Classic Movies" a channel I get up here?

Swanky posted on 08/11/2005

I didn't know it was regional. I assume you all know Turner's various cable offerings. Turner South sort of concentrates of what's within a road trip of Atlanta. Their Blue Ribbon show is sort of best of the South show.

This particular producer did their Halloween show last year which was one of their best of the year.

Tiki_Bong posted on 08/11/2005

On 2005-08-10 18:00, Swanky wrote:
I didn't know it was regional. I assume you all know Turner's various cable offerings.

Well, truth be told. I don't really watch much TV cause I'm too fu(#ing busy trying to learn the Damn steel guitar...

hewey posted on 08/11/2005

Sounds cool

tiki_kiliki posted on 08/11/2005

Well Swanky, I'm glad I hooked you up with this guy and I told him you'd make a great host for the Omni Hut.

I just confirmed with Turner South yesterday that they will film here in Lauderdale on August 22nd. I will give them a tour of the Mai Kai and then take them on a "Tiki Road Trip" of sorts ending up at my place.

The crew will also shoot at Trader Vic's Atlanta on 8/27 for Tiki Torch Nights. So, if you're comin' out wear your best duds!

Looks like I've talked them into Hukilau being a major part of the story. They will be in attendance and shoot footage the entire weekend.

Yee-Haw & Aloha,

The World of Tiki Kiliki

[ Edited by: tiki_kiliki 2005-08-11 07:23 ]

waikiki tiki posted on 08/11/2005

Yes, I believe they are still affiliated, unless Turner has sold TCM. Turner owns many many networks, including TBS, Turner South, TCM, formerly CNN etc. Turner South is very well done and has a variety of great shows that we love to watch. That's great news Tiki Kiliki...I can't wait to see the show! It will be great!


Swanky posted on 08/11/2005

On a side note, the show "Junkin'" mentioned before is hosted by Val Myers who you will know if you used to tune in to Luxuria music in the old days.

bigbrotiki posted on 08/11/2005

Congrats guys. I am happy that you will get your efforts in Tiki work documented, you deserve it. Make sure you get a DVD copy of the final piece!

tikisobayli posted on 11/17/2005

We watched the show last night. Congratulations to all that were involved. It turned out very nicely and next time that it is on I will plan on taping it. The show had some fantastic clips of the Mai-Kai and Omni Hut. We are going to have to try again to get into the Omni Hut. Polly seems like a great person. The section on The Hale Tiki was good, but some in it came across a bit fake. Everyone that worked on that project should be congratulated again however.

Anyway, I thought Blue Ribbon did a nice job with the show and anyone that gets Turner South should try and catch it.

Kava King posted on 11/17/2005

The show aired last night @ 11:00...very nice.
I've got to get a copy of this somehow- it's a great snapshot of Hukilau with the Molokai bar (and detailed explanation of it's original concept), fire dancers, mystery drink ritual- pretty much the works! I'm sure they only used one/zillionth of the footage they shot, but it's edited pretty well in my opinion. Nice seeing Tiki kiliki, James, Tikilicious, Steve, MY WIFE (!) etc., etc., from the comfort of my living room.
The Omni Hut coverage was very cool as well- Swanky was well, swanky, and there was also a brief segment on Hale Tiki in Augusta, started by the guy who mentioned getting the idea from a "friend" who built a tiki bar in his BASEMENT... but no mention of who that might have been (or the true extent of said friend's influence). Go figure. Still, a very solid 30 minute show- hope everyone (down here in God's country) gets a chance to see it.

tikisobayli posted on 11/17/2005

Here is the link to the Turner South website with the future dates the show will be aired.



I did not see the segment but I hear that it was great. I hope that it spurs a renewed interest it tiki down here.



Swanky posted on 11/17/2005

Anyone know how you vote?

Chip and Andy posted on 11/17/2005

[ Edited by: Chip and Andy 2009-06-05 17:13 ]

tikisobayli posted on 11/17/2005

You can vote on the Turner South Website. Here is the link to the voting site:


Traitor Vic posted on 11/20/2005

So I'm at work on Friday and my wife calls and say's "Brad's on TeeVee!!!" I, of course, say "Huh?" She then explains that the Blue Ribbon show on Turner South is in Augusta and that Brad and the Hale Tiki are being featured. "Wow" I say and get back to work. Not five minutes later she call's and say's "Swanky and Kiliki are at the Omni Hut!" So anyway... It sounds like a great show!

It's showing again on Nov. 23 at 10:00pm. I'm gonna record it. It's probably gonna be on VHS but I'll have a copy.

Swanky posted on 11/20/2005

I have a digital copy and am working on putting it online. But, it would be illegal and I can't actually do that...

The show was great. Brad shined on camera. James at the Mai Kai in his suit looked good. Dave Levy and Mirielle THornton were great on camera. Lots of ohana. Casey, Mr. Smiley, Rev. Tiki, Tikilicious, Tongo Hiti ande lots of Mike, Mua, Cult of the Eye guys, and a little bit of me and Kiliki.

I have it taped. I'll have a DVD as well if anyone wants.


Thanks for the kind words.

I hear the Hale Tiki segment was long and really good. I am sure that it will bring more people in to explore the tiki world.

I would like a copy of he DVD if you an send me one. PM if you can.



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