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Lobster trap lamp wanted

Pages: 1 5 replies

twowheelin'tiki posted on 11/24/2005

I am looking for a lobster trap lamp, got any ideas??, please help!. TWT

Living in Maine, I probably have better access to lobster traps than anyone.
what are you willing to spend? I could probably buy and ship you a trap if you can wire it yourself. Or I can look around for ones already turned into lamps.


Basement Kahuna posted on 11/25/2005

Are you looking for a lobster trap light or a fishtrap light (ala the big bamboo conical ones like you see in Trader Vic's Atlanta and Emeryville, Mai Kai, and hence-Haole Tiki:) )?. I do make those up to six feet in length; they look just like the originals. Split bamboo with a centerpole and bound with natural raffia cord.. I'm about to have the materials to make around six of them..Here's one of mine in ceiling situ, far left of the picture.

Basement Kahuna posted on 11/25/2005

Here's a link to another type I make, twowheelin...just PM me if you need one.. http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic.php?topic=3652&forum=1&hilite=fishtrap

Basement Kahuna posted on 12/02/2005

Yet one more photo of one of mine I forgot I had taken..This is a five-footer

TikiJosh posted on 12/03/2005

Awesome! How'd you make it? Same as the other ones you've posted in a different thread? The wood on these look more like strips. I'd be interested in trying to make something like that.

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