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I'm back and I brought naked Wahines

Pages: 1 10 replies

Exoticat posted on 09/09/2005

This painting was done by a good friend of mine who is a Canadian and I thought I'd share it--a few of you might like it. It's going in an upcoming Monsters show in Bremerton, WA. You like? I do.

Here's her link if you want to see more:


Edited to add the entire painting, first photo I had was a close-up and i didn't realize i had copied that URL. Now you can see both.

[ Edited by: exoticat 2005-09-09 14:34 ]

kirby posted on 09/09/2005

I love it...thats all I can say

hewey posted on 09/09/2005

Very cool art. I likey lots

wicked posted on 10/07/2005

thanks you guys.
I like the way the TIKIS worked out, the she devils less so.

The Sperm Whale posted on 10/07/2005

I like it! the Tiki's and the Wahines good stuff!! Welcome aboard Wicked thanx for posting your work!!

Sam Gambino posted on 10/08/2005

Exoticat - Love those naked Wahines! Cool paintings....

Aaron's Akua posted on 10/08/2005

The she-devils are great. Looks pretty nippy for a night in the tropics.

wicked posted on 10/11/2005

well it's the breeze eh?

Exoticat posted on 11/25/2005

The Zombie She-Devils are now in the private collection of Exoticat. It was a gift that I actually received on Thanksgiving Day for which I am very grateful! Thank you, Wicked!!

tfisherart posted on 11/25/2005

Nice work, very well proportioned.

PalmCityTiki posted on 11/26/2005

You got my attention. Peek-a-bo and all. Thanks for perverting my though pattern. I needed to clear my thoughts, butt now I need to clean them.

Paint on.

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