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Tonight's the night!

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Frenchy Polynesia posted on 05/29/2002

For Tiki in Portland! We will start at the Alibi at 5:30, and we hope to see any of your northwesterners there. Aloha!

hanford_lemoore posted on 06/04/2002

So what happened???? How was it? (or did I miss a thread where this was talked about???)


Frenchy Polynesia posted on 06/04/2002

Don't worry - we just had a little northwestern Tiki hospitality. KaileuaGeoff showed us his impressive collection of Florida Tiki memorabilia (including the first Tiki-themed office building I've EVER seen - ZOINKS!). We hung out at the Alibi for a bit and then headed over to TikiMaxton's to feast our eyes on the fabulous Castaway Cove. A good time was had by all, including my friend Jen who was tiki-ignorant but is now totally into it! :)

TikiMaxton posted on 06/05/2002

Might I add that Mr. and Mrs. KahluahGeoff were charming and friendly and we enjoyed their company immensely. I love having TikiCentralites visit Castaway Cove as it's the ultimate validation of all my hard work - most folks I know are "ordinaries" and, though they appreciate the teme, they don't understand the signifigance and the struggle & thrill of "the hunt". For that reason, I again invite any available TC folks to join me June 22nd in Portland OR for the Castaway Cove Season Opener. So as to stop beating this dead horse, please contact me offlist for details at maxton1@yahoo.com



Kailuageoff posted on 06/06/2002

We had the most wonderful time in Portland visiting "The Alibi", Frenchey's retro pad and the fabled Castaway Cove. Many Mahalos to Frenchey, Jen, Maxton and Maggie for meeting us and sharing cool drinks, warm conversation and much hospitality.
The Alibi has to be one of the coolest bars on the planet. Very different (and darker) than the Mai-Kai, but briming with tiki-ness.
The fabulous Castawy Cove at Maxton and Maggie's was an awesome and inspiring site. As Maxton says, "God help you if you decide to build a home tiki bar." I will add, "God help you if you visit Castaway Cove and then decide to build a tiki bar because it will be very, very hard to top it."
On Frenchey's recommendation we visited the Three Monkeys in Portland and the Hawaiian General Store in Seattle - which were great shops -- and bought some pretty cool stuff, including a Sven-tiki mug.
Our final destination for this trip was Vancouver, BC where I was able to see and take a roll of film of the usually-closed Menehune Room(s) of the Waldorf hotel. The tiki bar review pages have a write-up on this place -- which is exactly as James T. described it -- a mind-blowing, time warp of tiki. I'll also tell you they advertised themselves as the home of the original Leetag paitings... and they have lot's of them. As well as huge and beautiful murals by Hopkinson who I think did did the menus for the Matson Steam Ship Company. Wow!!!
Anyway, thanks again to our Portland friends and remember you all have an open invitation to visit us in Florida anytime.

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