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Tiki Room - Stockholm, SWEDEN

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Recently, I had the opportunity to go to Stockholm,where I stayed in the Mälaren, an old steamer ship-cum-hostal which had excellent views of the city:

The main reason (aside from the fact that the Ryanair flight only cost 20 quid) was to visit the Tiki Room, which proved well worth the visit.

Tiki Room is located in the basement of Mellow Bar (which seemed like a pretty cool place in its own right). From the bar area of Mellow, you take a little spiral staircase down to Tiki Room, where you're greeted by this fellow:

& amazed by this bar:

One of the nicest aspects of my visit was that I got to meet Tiki Adam, co-designer of Tiki Room:

Tiki Room was actually closed the night I was there. So, Adam & I just hung out, talked tiki & lost track of time.

Tiki Room's only been open a few years, but has a great tiki vibe. Among the few nouveau tiki bars I've visited, this is definitely the best! Most of the masks & tikis were made by Swedish artists. The attention to detail is exceptional.

What was really cool was that it was dumping snow outside. After about 10 minutes at the bar, I forgot all about season & location. It was bit of a reality check when we ascended from Tiki Room to find ourselves in a city blanketed in snow.

I have 2 regrets from this trip. I wish I had been able to spent more time in Stockholm & I wish I had taken more photos.

Tiki Chris

[ Edited by: Tiki Chris on 2003-03-20 03:01 ]

Tres cool, Tiki Chris!

I hadn't realised that it would be such a well-designed place, with such attention to detail. What a great bar!

The rumoured high prices in Sweden have always put me off going there, but a Tiki bar like that is a must see.

Trader Woody

yeah, the place is great. stockholm's great for that matter.

moneywise, if you can handle a night out in london, you could certainly afford an overnight visit to stockholm.

the hostal where i stayed was relatively inexpensive & there are several places in the moderate price category. there are other hostals, etc. that are even cheaper.

food prices weren't bad either - certainly better than london.

i got the stockholm card when i arrived at the central station which paid for all public transport & the vast majority of attractions (museums, etc.).

it's an easily walkable city for the most part. & public transportation is a dream come true!

just email me if you want any specifics.


Nice pics ! I love the tapa cloth all over the bar area. Great graphics on the matches & other paper stuff, too. Thanks for posting.

glad you dug the Tiki Room Stockholm Chris!
hope you can make it over again when we're actually open (wednesdays to saturdays). i'm remaking my website asap and it will feature an indepth history of the swedish tiki escapes (including my pre-tiki room club in the 80s which lead to the tiki room club in the 90s and finally the permanent tiki room bar that opened in january 2002)including lots of photos and graphics and info on carver Max and the other artists.
stefan kéry/tiki room stockholm


I would certainly love to visit Tiki Room again & Stockholm in general. Unfortunately, it'll probably be quite awhile (years?) before I'm able to head back to Stockholm. But if you're ever in London (before I move in July) or New York (after I settle in July/August) let me know!

Please keep us updated about changes to your website & about anything related to Swedish tiki!

& Keep up the great work!

Any ideas of opening another bar?

Tiki Chris

[ Edited by: Tiki Chris on 2003-03-22 08:22 ]

GECKO posted on Sat, Mar 22, 2003 3:38 PM

Tanks fo da pics braddah Chris, I love to see da polynesian/Tiki culture all da way in SWEDEN! It's gotta be kinda crazy to be in a tropical paradise one second den you in da snow da next!! wow!

Great job yaysandnays, i like your little lost paradise! you guys are getting spoiled ova dat side of da ocean! I'm happy for dem peopo who love da aloha spirit but live so far away from my beautiful island of Oahu. Now they get to have a small taste of Aloha tanks to your dedication to tiki yaysandnays!

ps. welcome to da village(TC).


I was wondering if this place was still open? I am heading for Stockholm probably in March for business and want to stop by if they are still open.

Great to see a tiki bar in Sweden! Another reason I need to visit the land of my father's father's father. The tikis and the tapa are great, but the wall of liquor looks good too. No wonder you lost track of time....
Kailua Geoff (Sundstrom)

Where do you get those Hawaiian thing-a-ma-jigs? You know, those hula do-dads.

[ Edited by: Kailuageoff on 2005-02-02 18:41 ]


Hmph. It's alright, but it'd be better if it were in the land of my father's father's father. I guess us Vikings have to be happy with the glory of Thor and his museum.

The thing I don't get--my forefathers were master explorers... and when they decided to finally leave the homeland, they settled in Seattle? Surely they of all people understood that if you go SOUTH, it gets BETTER! I don't get it.

That said, this looks like a good enough reason to visit Skandehoovia to me! Ya sure, ya betcha.

Humuhumu (Ellefson (the Whiting business isn't mine, it's one of those wacky marriage things)

I heard this place is closed now. Is this TRUE?????

I am in Sweden right now and just visited the Tiki Room. The place is cool but expensive. The bartender (who happened to be the owner) was a cool guy. I ordered the "Tiki Room" drink (which came in their mug which of course I bought) and my friend ordered a Mai Tai (Don's recipt according to the menu). The bartender had to pull out his bar book to make the drink so it took about 15 min's to make them. The drinks were actually REALLY good. A lot better than the drinks in Spain. The place was cool too. They had Exotica music playing in the background and the decor was great. I will post pics of the place when I get a chance.

Hej (Swedish for hello and goodby).

i just posted my pics in Locating Tiki.

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