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"Calendar Girls" month of August Tiki Painting

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kooche posted on 11/21/2005

this is the one tiki image that will be included in my Decemeber 9th show at Roq La Rue...if you're interested in owning this piece you should contact the gallery and have your name put on the list...i have a feeling because i am "not painting tiki anymore" that this one will go first...thanks for looking!

Benzart posted on 11/21/2005

Kooche, that looks like one Happy tiki and I can see why. Thanks for throwing more tiki our way.

hewey posted on 11/21/2005

I had a double look at that tiki - VERY happy I would say. Nice painting kooche. Love the style of it. Is it just painted onto a wood backing?

Kailuageoff posted on 11/21/2005

Man, that is one awesome piece of tiki art - not traditional mind you - but high quality interpretive work. If this is what some pople on TC mean by extending the tiki vision - then I would agree this a great example. You made my day with this one, even though I'm not usually moved by the modern forms. Actually, I've liked your work for a long time - but this one is just over the top.

tfisherart posted on 11/21/2005

Very cool, cherry pie and all. He better see a Doc. about that drip.

kooche posted on 11/21/2005

thanks you guys...yeah i haven't tapped the subject of tiki as a fertile male yet...this is the second one i have painted anatomically correct ... as a cartoonist i don't shy from any subject...thanks again y'all!

hewey...yeah it's gouache on wood panel...for tiki it's really complimentary i think...but 12 of the 20 pieces for my show will be like this on the "wood"...sorry i know... LAME pun!

finkdaddy posted on 11/21/2005

This is so good! I really enjoy your work. I didn't see the "anatomically correct" part until I read these replies, funny!

My thoughts were so loud I couldn't hear my mouth...

[ Edited by: finkdaddy 2005-11-21 15:51 ]

AlienTiki posted on 11/21/2005

You had me laughing on that one.

Jimmy's real wood and the twins are blue.

Too funny.

Great work.

sirginn posted on 11/22/2005


Nice one!

Thanks for posting, your stuff always makes me happy.

bigbrotiki posted on 11/22/2005

Good one, Miles! Like the simplicity. The style reminds me of midcentury "twin" wall art pieces, you could do a matching size "brother" piece where a haole flips his lid over a native wahine.

otikiniko posted on 11/22/2005

Once again, pure dy-no-mite! Definitely Tiki, Definitely Low Brow... but your choices of what to pick and chose and the details you integrate are so uniquely you. It's refreshing to see something stand out so well among it's crowd of lowbrow contemporaries. Kudos to you Miles, you're pure inspiration!

kooche posted on 11/22/2005

holy god i feel i haven't ever gotten such a nice compliment as yours otikiniko...thank you so so so much...

Sven - the next round is on me!


MooneyTiki posted on 11/25/2005

Aloha Kooch!!!!!!!!!!!
Beautiful Left and Nice Squash Tail . Nice stuff my friend,Aloha, Your friend ,,Mooney

kooche posted on 11/29/2005

nothing tiki related...but i think it's a fun IDOL related painting...bound to offend some i guess...tough!

bigbrotiki posted on 11/29/2005

Miles, you should have been at my slide show at Tiki Taix last Friday: The "Jesus fountain" painting that I photographed on a monastery ceilig in Bavaria is the predecessor to this!
Oh, and you'll flip over the bejewelled saint skeletons! Will show you soon.

Hope this does not ruffle any feathers with folks here who are not on the Juxtapoz curve. Believe me everybody, authentic Catholic art was just as weird.

teaKEY posted on 11/29/2005

I'm not offended, it a good painting. OH, Its kind of like seeing an African-American Santa Claus. Jesus wasn't the only person to be crucified. I see that paint that you use, still works the same on wood as in paper

kooche posted on 11/29/2005


if it ruffles feathers then it does...i don't make it a secret that novelty art is my thing and i am sure as "Hell" not going to apologize for it...being a father of a 3 year old little girl DRIVES me to do images like this as sort of a negative ion voodoo protective forbidden shield zone thing if that makes any bizarro sense ...to me it's a preventative measure that adresses it's futile nature and expresses my frustration with being unable to control the mortality of the ones i love and hate... traditional catholic art dwelled on ideas imagery and concepts MUCH darker than this image...way heavier on the death thing going as far as postmortem discoloration of skin rolling eyes broken teeth and rotten appendages...human sacrifice has been my thing for a while now ... just look at the last dozen or so images i have done in the tiki theme and otherwise...humanity's animal root...life and not death...those that are living NOW - ESPECIALLY WOMEN and CHILDREN...i think many people take their lives for granted from day to day...i won't do it again...every second has potential that should be realized and so i try to take things lightly as i can and encourage others to live likewise...anyone whose spent time with me knows what i'm saying

today my little girl ripped her fingernail a bit too short and for an hour and a half she was inconsolable...she cried herself to sleep and she stopped napping a year ago! it's things like this that make me realize that it's healthy to let my painting take a back seat to spending time paying close attention to her while i can...everything ends and i can accept that...but it doesn't mean that i can't maximize the quality of my family's time as long as it lasts...i love my life!

anyone whose feathers are ruffled by this is spending too much time on the internet and is merely in search of drama in another's invested time so that they can avoid dealing with the real drama in their own life...i like this painting...

man i can't wait to see the fountain and bejeweled saint skeletons...i love the hidden and plainly visible architecture of the human life form and how it's been beautified by many cultures to signify the importance of each passing moment in life and beyond death...bring it on!

dead serious!

PalmCityTiki posted on 11/29/2005

Reminds me of one of my favorite politically un-correct jokes.

Why did the girls love Jesus.... cause he was hung like this. ( Motion of putting your arms out like the outstretched arms.)

kooche posted on 12/02/2005

Loki posted on 12/02/2005

^^^This is great...thats how i met my wife...j/k

sirginn posted on 12/02/2005

I am cracking up, nice one. Your stuff looks tight on wood!
That peice would be great in our bathroom next to your "you can poo" peice...
I wish you luck on your upcoming Roq La Rue show, and the Shooting gallery gig.

kooche posted on 12/02/2005

thanks Sirginn G... glad you like that piece...i actually have a pic of my wife in a hat just like that one from a new years eve party we were at YEARS ago...so if anyone is cracking up it's her...this is my month of birth...feb...and as irony would have it i was brought to this world on valentines day...you might think that's cool but guess what...it's NEVER all about me on my birthday...EVER!

i hope christine is feeling fine...not long now...but you're also not sleeping with your cell phone, YET!

this weekend is going to kick ass...i can't wait to be in San Fran!!! i'll send you some pix!

Benzart posted on 12/02/2005

Thanks Miles, took an hour to find everything on the first piece, but only a few seconds on the second. I love them both. Keep'em coming.

kooche posted on 12/02/2005

less is more!
truer words have nary been spoken

MooneyTiki posted on 12/04/2005

Aloha Kooche!!!!
I'm not much of a cat guy but I'll give it a try Here Kitty,Kitty,Kitty.Nice Kitty.Really COOL art my friend . You really have Great flow, Keep sharing,Aloha Mooney

Tiki Rider posted on 12/04/2005

what cat?

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