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Black velvet nudes? pics???

Pages: 1 6 replies

rustbeltcat posted on 12/01/2005

Hey all looking for some pics of Lavisse's paintings.. seen the leetegs, but want to learn more about lavisse, and or other Black Velvet artists...
any help?

[ Edited by: rustbeltcat 2005-12-02 11:22 ]

[ Edited by: rustbeltcat 2005-12-05 06:02 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 12/02/2005

The world of Black Velvet artists (except Leeteg) is a big "black hole". Other than him there is Charlie McPhee, known through the classic black velvet documentary "Velvet Dreams". Also, I once visited David Voss in Oahu (Tiki News #11), he did the velvets that hung at the Tahitian Lanai....and was there not recently a post about the amazing Minnie's Modesto paintings?
..Just was reminded by the recent thread on the "Tiki" lounge in Modesto that they were done by "Tyree", a very prolific velvet artist who would be worth investigating.

After Don The Beachcomber and Trader Vic's bars sported Leetegs, the other Tiki temples who followed them had to have velvet nudes too, even if not by the "American Gauguin" himself. My reference to La Visse as a "student" of Leeteg is purely ironic and stems from the fact that many artists that worked in Leeteg's wake to cash in on his success were advertised to have been students of the master ( a la "It's not a Leeteg, but it's from one of his STUDENTS!") though he never really taught his art as far as I know.

It's just a Polynesian pop cliche I used, and I really don't know who "La Visse" was, or whatever his real name might have been.

[ Edited by: bigbrotiki 2005-12-05 11:03 ]

rustbeltcat posted on 12/02/2005

wow, thanks for the info.. Mayhaps I should rename this Show me you black velvet paintings....
very informative... and much aprecitated.

rustbeltcat posted on 12/05/2005

Ok I just scored up a pair of black velvet tropical nudes...
I am going to try and get them up somtime this evening....
till then..

bongofury posted on 12/07/2005

This first one is by Rodriguez-Hawaii. I was told that she sold her paintings in Lahaina under a Banyon tree. I found the frame at a thrift store.

This is a Tyree-1973-unframed.

Digitiki posted on 12/08/2005

I dig the Tyree!! I could just stare at that midriff all day! What velvety goodness.

bigbrotiki posted on 12/09/2005

That's the painted equivalent to the male "lowered eyeline" when talking to a woman with impressive breasts. I can just picture him, telling the model to angle her head in certain way, or having her smile a little bit more, working behing the canvas feverishly...and then turning it around to her with a "There! Your portrait is finished!"

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