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Golden Hibiscus - Amazing new shop in SoCal!!

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Traderpup posted on 12/09/2005

Long Beach has been blessed with the opening of a new shop in Long Beach. I got an early peek inside The Golden Hibiscus before their official grand opening, an amazing shop of Aloha wear, food, flowers.

They feature a great selection of fresh leis & flowers flown in from Hawaii twice weekly! Spectacular leis you woouldn't otherwise find on the mainland. Beautiful hard to get tropical flowers are in abundance, and very affordable. And they currently have great arrangements in Trader Vic's mugs!

They also have exotic gourmet foods, home furnishings and accents, & aloha wear.

You'll definitely be hearing a lot more about this place.

Golden Hibiscus
1532 E Broadway
Long Beach CA

One of the many types of fresh flower leis:

[ Edited by: traderpup 2005-12-09 11:28 ]

Hot Rod Tiki posted on 12/10/2005

Traderpup, Sounds really great. If they only had spam,fried egg, rice w' brown gravy and mac salad. ummmmmmmmmm!!!
I miss the islands...

coconutkiss posted on 12/12/2005

WAHOO! Can't wait to check it out!!

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