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Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki

contest time and a new decal

Pages: 1 4 replies

Chongolio posted on 01/12/2003

Aloha folks,
I have put up a new tiki decal on e-bay.
This protector of twang is known as Rik-A-Tik. The first person to correctly guess what he is named after wins a Rik-A-Tik decal in your choice of blue, green, white or black. Post you guesses here. The first correct post wins.
Here is the ebay link for those who have not the time for silly games.


As always, mention the fact that you are part of the T/C 'ohana when you order and get an extra surprise!

Here is a pic of Rik-A-Tik

[ Edited by: Chongolio on 2003-01-12 13:53 ]

TikiMikey posted on 01/12/2003

Would it be the Fireball's tune of the same name?

Trader Woody posted on 01/13/2003

Rikki-Tikki-Tavi, the book about the mongoose by Kipling?

Trader Woody

paranoid123 posted on 01/14/2003

Rikitikitembonocharembocharibariruchipipperipembo and his brother Chang?

Chongolio posted on 01/19/2003

And the winner is.....
TikiMikey with his ligntnin quick response.
Rik-a-tik is the name of a Fireball tune that he is named after. NIce try everybody else and thanks for taking time to play along. Watch for more fun and decals in the future. Tickimikey, check your Private messages to claim your winnins


Pages: 1 4 replies