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eBay: Doug Horne Limited Edition Book #13 Available

Pages: 1 5 replies

Swamp Fire posted on 12/12/2005

Hey everyone,
I just listed one of my limited edition (25) handmade books on e-bay. It is 18 pages of most of my tiki inspired art with a short story to open the book. This is lucky #13 of 25 books available.


Doug aka Swamp Fire Lounge

Tipsy McStagger posted on 12/12/2005

..i bought one of these at dva gallery..it's totally cool!!

teaKEY posted on 12/12/2005

wow, that hot rod print. Those are some curves.

Swamp Fire posted on 12/14/2005

Dangerous curves!

Thanks Tipsy, glad you like it.

Tiki-bot posted on 12/14/2005

This is outta my price range these days, but I just wanted to say I love this book, and your work in general. We have one of your drink menu pieces in a Monkeyman frame and it's one of my favorite pieces of art.

Swamp Fire posted on 12/15/2005

Thanks Tiki-Bot, I love monkeymans frames. I hope to own one myself someday.

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