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Kona Club photos!

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Tiki-bot posted on 12/15/2005

There was a secret ohana party last night at the fabulous new Kona Club. I would have posted these last night but my home 'net connection is down.

Thanks to Bamboo Ben for the special preview invite. We couldn't stay too late, but the evening was beyond festive with live music, food, and Polynesian dancers. Sorry the pics of the dancers aren't better - it was impossible to squeeze another person (me) into the long hut to get proper photos.

This place is a masterpiece and I can't wait to visit when it's less crowded and the bar is fully and properly stocked. We can't make it to the opening this Saturday, so I hope you all enjoy the fruits of Ben and Al's labor as much as we do.

The bar

Across from bar area with Kahaka's lamps

Front of the long hut room, where dancers performed

Ceiling decor

Doorway to long hut

The long hut

The Master himself, posing with a bronzed and highly animated friend

Wall decor

Dancers all a-whirl

Volcano eruption behind the bar, with owner Doug at left

It's just not a tiki bar without the HumuFord!

Yours truly and the Baby Pineapple

The Granite Tiki posted on 12/15/2005


thejab posted on 12/15/2005

The Konabird!

Thanks Ben for the special preview! It looks better then I ever thought possible! I've been BAMBOOZLED! Bamboo Ben, Crazy Al, and Doug (Duck Tiki) have outdone themselves.

See you there again on Saturday.

pappythesailor posted on 12/15/2005


alohabros posted on 12/15/2005

On 2005-12-15 11:00, thejab wrote:

... it looks like that lady is going to give a blowjob on that guy's middle finger.. that's weird...

cynfulcynner posted on 12/16/2005


I drove by there earlier today and you'd never know there was a tiki bar inside! 8)

Benzart posted on 12/16/2005

Excellent pic't Tiki-Bot, thanks for giving us the short tour. UnBelIEVable place Ben and his team built.Can't wait to see more pictures of the TikiGodz work.

RevBambooBen posted on 12/16/2005

On 2005-12-15 11:00, thejab wrote:
The Konabird!

Thanks Ben for the special preview! It looks better then I ever thought possible! I've been BAMBOOZLED! Bamboo Ben, Crazy Al, and Doug (Duck Tiki) have outdone themselves.

See you there again on Saturday.

Touche' Mr Jab-berwockie!!!! Arrrrrrrrr!!!

It's gonna be good this Saturday.

Can't beleive most of the hoity toity tiki freaks aren't gonna make it. Oh well.

The regular bartenders will be on duty so da drinks will be Da Kine!!! Seez youz ( againz) and a fewz udderz inz a fewz daze!! Yeez Haz!!

p.s. Jet Blue Rocks!

Humuhumu posted on 12/16/2005

San Francisco has all the tiki!!!

Good god, I feel lucky these days. As if having our Mondays at TV SF & regular visits to Conga Lounge, TV Emeryville, TV Palo Alto, Tonga Room, etc, etc, wasn't already an embarrassment of riches, now we've got the frickin' Kona Club. Within just a few blocks, we've got Kona Club, Conga Lounge, and the resting place of Trader Vic himself right there to look over the proceedings.

Good god. It's gorgeous. Much of last night was spent bowing down before Doug for making it happen. Bravo. It's beautiful, and on opening day it has more tiki depth & patina than places that have been open for decades. Ben has knocked this one out of the park. Bamboo Ben has been incredibly busy lately; it's heartening to see that there are so many folks out there who are seeking out high-quality Polynesian Pop installations. If Bamboo Ben's dance card is any indication, high-quality, full-immersion tiki is on the rise.

Last night was a doozy -- amazing hospitality. Frankly, I got looped. Here are the pictures (with a few from later in the night edited out. :wink: ):

Full gallery: http://photo.humuhumu.com/v/konaclubpreview/

:up: Otto von Stroheim (the whole von Stroheim clan was there, including a very, very tiny Dashiell)

:up: Conga Mike & Mano pop in to give their best wishes to their new neighbor

:up: The jukebox, which has been given the MacGyver treatment by Bamboo Ben -- he's the only one that can run it, from what I can tell, and it involves opening the sucker up. 5507 (a.k.a, The Kona Club Build Out Theme Song) funked up my earhole! Also, note Crazy Al's APE plug!

:up: His name is Ben/And he is funky/When it comes to funk/He is a junkie

:up: The long house, a.k.a the back room -- great lamps in there, didn't get a chance to check it out closely -- I'll be sure to on Saturday!

:up: Super Fun Time Bamboo Fiesta Deluxe

:up: The younger Boos, with Doug's kids -- they won't get to sit at a bar again for another 12 years

:up: Everything's better with The Jab

:up: Some commentary left behind by King's X patrons

:up: At the bar with Hanford, Mrs. B, and the owner, Doug

:up: Ben feels at home behind the bar

:up: And so do I! It was a real treat -- at the end of the night, I got to make some drinks for Kona Club owner Doug. Unfortunately, my Mai Tais really are not so good when I'm drunk. Doug was kind to me, and drank them anyway.

:up: Old Faithful blows again

:up: The last standing -- it was just Bamboo Ben, Mrs. B, Doug, Hanford & me at the end of the night. When Ben flips you off, he does it with love.

:up: Things got a little silly there at the end

:up: Gathered around the bronze hula girl

:up: I have a feeling her breasts are going to get polished often.

Thanks so, so much to Ben and to Doug for last night -- it was a wonderful night, and won't be forgotten.

alohabros posted on 12/16/2005

On 2005-12-15 14:15, alohabros wrote:

... it looks like that lady is going to give a blowjob on that guy's middle finger.. that lady in the red outfit seems friendly...

Unga Bunga posted on 12/16/2005

Ya Aloha, we got it the first time.

alohabros posted on 12/16/2005

On 2005-12-16 10:32, Unga Bunga wrote:
Ya Aloha, we got it the first time.

... sure, bungahole... but it is such an endearing image ... do it again...

... in any case, the decor looks darn sharp... and the white jacket guy has red-eye...

rodeotiki posted on 12/16/2005

On 2005-12-16 12:37, alohabros wrote:

On 2005-12-16 10:32, Unga Bunga wrote:
Ya Aloha, we got it the first time.

... sure, bungahole... but it is such an endearing image ... do it again...

... in any case, the decor looks darn sharp... and the white jacket guy has red-eye...

Between that pic and the name calling , nothing says the spirit of Aloha. Beautiful work on the bar itself Ben.

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