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Mooneyes Limited edition tiki mug

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Tikisgrl posted on 10/29/2005

The new Mooneyes limited edition Tiki Mug by Tiki Farms is now available at Mooneyes' website. It's kind of cool if you are into big eyed Tiki's and it's worth a look:

My first try at a link so use:


search for tiki and it is the Tiki Moon Mug.

hewey posted on 10/29/2005

As a lover of mooneyes, and of tiki, these babies are on my shopping list. Budget be damned!

aikiman44 posted on 10/29/2005

They've got 2 colors, green and yellow, both cool. But, the yellow's limited to only 30. Great deal for $30. Thanks for the heads up, Tikisgrl.

sneakyjack posted on 10/29/2005

Done both colors added..

I've got the Tiki Door locks on my VW so I had to get at least one mug to match - why not BOTH? Plus my bug is green and white...

thanks for update!!


Turbogod posted on 10/29/2005

GOt 'em both and the Shifter that matches them. It's gonna be the coolest Honda element for 4 blocks.

ookoo lady posted on 10/29/2005

Thanks for the heads-up! I just placed an order.

Tikisgrl posted on 11/02/2005

Just wanted to update everyone & apologize. First I have to apologize. I didn't notice that I was posting in the wrong category until it was too late. I'm sorry, this actually belongs in the Collecting category. I have nothing to do with Mooneyes just saw the mug and wanted it. The update part is The Yellow Tiki Moon Mug is gone already. I hope everyone got a chance to get one. Once again sorry for misplacing this post!

Humuhumu posted on 11/02/2005

Tikisgrl -- you did initially post this in Tiki Collecting, and it got U-Modded to be moved to Tiki Marketplace. Items for sale generally belong in Tiki Marketplace, regardless of who posts them -- Tiki Collecting is more for talking about tiki finds. It's a blurry line sometimes.

Tikisgrl posted on 11/02/2005

I was being careful so I was a bit confused!!! In any case they are cool mugs & I can't wait to get mine!!! Hmm blurry lines... sounds like a cool name for a drink out of a brand new Tiki mug!

rodeotiki posted on 11/02/2005

Whaaaa !!!! I so want it . My wife would kill me if I bought it now that we have booked our trip to FL.

Shipwreckjoey posted on 11/03/2005

Just when I thought I was done buying mugs for awhile along come Mooneyes and like some kind of post-hypnotic suggestion kicked in I pulled out my credit card and assumed the position (went into doggy submission). The next thing y'know I'll be shellin' out for a mug that looks like an angry woodpecker with a cigar in his beak!

Krustiki posted on 12/14/2005

Today I sent this message to Tiki Farm and Mooneyes.
Any one else get duped?


Hello guys,

Please explain to me what is the deal?
I ordered 2 of the yellow Mooneyes Tiki Mugs for $30.00. Limited edition of 30 !!!
Today I received two yellow Mooneyes mugs, numbered 271 and 286 of 300 !!.
I feel I have been duped. Is this false advertising.
Check the link on Tiki Central


They've got 2 colors, green and yellow, both cool. But, the yellow's limited to only 30. Great deal for $30. Thanks for the heads up, Tikisgrl.

This will confirm that I was not the only one who saw this.

Please explain.

Rick Whitt

Tikisgrl posted on 12/15/2005

here is the info from my order form:


Part#: MG161J

Manufacturer Part#: MG161

(Qty: 2 x $30.00)

you are not confused it said limited to much less than 300!

Krustiki posted on 12/15/2005

The saga continues. If there are any other tiki Central people out there that saw the ad, or can find the historically cashed document on the sale of the yellw MoonEyes mug, please let me know. HELP HANFORD.

Email message from MoonEyes;


From: gary [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2005 6:16 PM
To: Rick Whitt

The forum you are referring too(tiki Central) is not related to our corporation.

We did not advertise falsely.

Gary Naito
Mooneyes USA, Inc.
[email protected]




Excuse me. I did see your advertisement. Are you calling me a liar? Also my wife saw it. Are you also calling her a liar? It did say limited edition of 30. I used Tiki Central as proof as to other witnesses to the fact that you did offer a limited edition of 30 of the yellow. If you have a loop hole in you advertisement, I apologise.
What was it? Only 30 offered to the first who bought, and offer another 270, in small one point type? I think you need to review your historical records regarding this ad. I plan on doing a historical search on cached pages to prove you wrong. I will also solicit other witness on Tiki Central who did see your ad. Tiki Centralites were probable your largest buyers.


Rick Whitt

Again, tiki central people unite for the cause of limited edition Tiki Mugs.
Where will it end? Comming soon, Artist Editions, Carver editions, Glazer editions, Bubble Wraper editions????

I am now light headed from all the possibilities.

teaKEY posted on 12/15/2005

I don't think that Tikifarm every sold these mugs on their website, so they didn't do a write up for the mug. THe link at the top onf the page is for Mooneyes usa, which is the company selling the mugs and the ones would did the write up for them. I believe, that those mugs are Mooneye's mugs just made by Tikifarm.

The thing that I can't get over it that they are selling a bunch on Ebay and they say that they come from Japan.

aikiman44 posted on 12/15/2005

I posted right after ordering that the yellow mug was an edition of 30. I could have been mistaken, but it seems others also saw it advertised that way, too. Still haven't received it, and I look forward to resolving this enigma.

Krustiki posted on 12/15/2005

I do not hold Tiki Farms responsible in any way for this mess. They are just processing a work order from MoonEyes. I just want to keep them informed. I love Tiki Farms and all they have done. I love Holden, Smogbreather et al.

But Mooneyes... I will continue this conversation later in another post.

Love Love Love that Tiki Farms.

Tikisgrl posted on 12/15/2005

I agree it was a limited edition I checked my receipt again but could not find any information regarding the amount of the yellow ones available. However looking over the post I agree that is was 30.

In any case at least you got a mug. Has anyone else been charged or received one?


Oh & I have nothing to do with Mooneyes USA I just thought that it was a cool mug!!! & I agree this isn't about the producer of the mug it's about the seller!! Tiki Farms is great not a single bad word about them!!!

[ Edited by: Tikisgrl 2005-12-15 13:35 ]

kingstiedye posted on 12/16/2005

my understanding from the beginning was there were 300, but only 30 for sale on the us site. they are still available from mooneyes japan. i've ordered from them a few times with no problems. bullet Link to Google translation of Japanese webpage

[ Edited by: Humuhumu - Fixed overly long link - 2005-12-20 14:35 ]

midnite posted on 12/16/2005

*As the magnetic cup of the beer and the tropical drink using also decorating in the room, the OK!

The Japanese limitation sale [ 300 ]. Tag attachment of serial number entering. It is the ƒeƒBƒL firm corporation make TIKI magnet which the GET would like to do by all means a コレクターズアイテム.*

Well, I cannot see why there'd be any confusion.

It makes perfect sense, too. As in the way reading to one may permission see. Such have restriction soon to find many saving until the day sales inevitable. Happy time to feel sunshine with generally fewer simple ways, by all guises.

Now, about the name, "Mooneyes"?... Liam Gallagher got into some trouble for about the same. Stupid Limey poser!

As one tells loudly may have sought against charm,
midnite... (and yes, I get it, it's a Shag original, duh!)

sneakyjack posted on 12/16/2005

I have not seen anything from mooneyes, I did buy car stuff from them before and there was no issues. I'm hoping this does not go the way of the APE mug (only about a year wait) but either way I can wait. My card has not been charged yet and BOB from Mooneyes sent me an email saying it was coming but with no delivery date. I guess stay tuned!!!!

tikigreg posted on 12/16/2005

I got nuthin'

kingstiedye posted on 12/16/2005
MakeDaMug posted on 12/16/2005

On 2005-12-14 18:45, Tikisgrl wrote:
here is the info from my order form:


Part#: MG161J

Manufacturer Part#: MG161

(Qty: 2 x $30.00)

you are not confused it said limited to much less than 300!

Now you say that it's "limited to "MUCH LESS" than 300??
Where? "$30"... 30 ... 300 each. I reviewed the posts... where is it Tiki Central? Is it now 30000 each or 3,000,000 each
I have no time for this (check the time of this post - I just came home from work)

ookoo lady posted on 12/16/2005

At the time we ordered the mugs, the Mooneyes website (USA) listed them at $25 for the green ones (limited edition of 300) and $30 for the yellow ones (limited edition of 30). The yellow ones are no longer listed on their website.

Paying the extra $5 for the yellow one seemed justified if it was going to be a more rare mug.

The mugs are cool, but we feel that it was false advertising.

It's OK, we'll get over it, life is good.

Krustiki posted on 12/16/2005

And that is why I love that ookoo. She is The Paul McCartney to my John Lennon.

That Being Said, here is the latest:


I can see about getting you refund if you would like to return the item to us.

I would need your invoice#.

Gary Naito
Mooneyes USA, Inc.
[email protected]


Response to follow:
Something like,
Do you know the price of a limited edition of 30 truly awesome tiki mugs might be on the secondary market...TIMES 300 ??!!

Rat Finks (pun intended),

Hey Hey Kids!

[ Edited by: Krustiki 2005-12-16 08:02 ]

[ Edited by: krustiki 2005-12-16 12:07 ]

Riptide posted on 12/16/2005

On 2005-12-16 07:38, ookoo lady wrote:
At the time we ordered the mugs, the Moon-eyes website (USA) listed them at $25 for the green ones (limited edition of 300) and $30 for the yellow ones (limited edition of 30).

For the record- When the topic was first posted, I went to the Moon Eyes website to check out the mugs. It was listed EXACTLY the way Ookoo Lady stated above. I also remember it saying that the "green" ones would be a production of 300, but only 150 would be sold here in the US, the other 150 would be sold in Japan.

I guess one might ask the question: If both colors were going to be produced in the same quantity, why then was the yellow one listed at $5 more?

Anyway, I decided not to purchase either of the mugs that day. In the end, however, I did end up receiving one of the "green" mugs as a birthday present courtesy of my cool brutha & his awesome wife. Spermy informed me that he received the mugs on Wednesday.

Tikisgrl posted on 12/16/2005

I got an e-mail update as well that mine are one the way.

If I am reading the explanation correctly, now I think I understand. 300 of each were produced and 150 of the green were available in the US and 30 of the yellow. That was not clearly explained at Mooneyes'. So although I have to admit my memory is faulty, thus the far fewer than 300 comment, when explained a little further, I also have no problem accepting that both mugs are from an edition of 300!!

tikicar posted on 12/20/2005

I just got my Mooneyes Tiki Mug in the mail today. These are made by Tiki Farm and only 300 will be made. Each one comes with a numbered box and tag for the mug. They are made to look like to Mooneyes Tiki shift knob they sell. They are real nice. They also have Tiki door Locks and a Tshirt. Just search Tiki on there site. http://www.mooneyesusa.com I figured some of you guys who collect mugs but are not into hot rods wouldn't know about this mug. Scott

hanford_lemoore posted on 12/20/2005

Topics merged.

Turbogod posted on 12/21/2005

Got mine today. Very nice.

sneakyjack posted on 12/23/2005

Update.. My mugs showed up packed well - they both look cool. I probably only would have bought the Green - if the yellow didn't seem to be so limited - but I guess it was only limited in USA. Still cool mugs. If some one is in need of a yellow one I mught be able to part with Yellow for a price.

Krustiki posted on 01/02/2006

Another 30 edition Yellow Mug rat finked owner on Ebay.


tedtiki posted on 01/03/2006

On 2006-01-02 08:40, Krustiki wrote:
Another 30 edition Yellow Mug rat finked owner on Ebay.


Man thats irritating.

Bete posted on 01/03/2006

Here's a link that says only 300 of the green will be produced:

MakeDaMug posted on 01/20/2008

Here's our latest for Mooneyes...

We produced 100 in green (for Japan distribution) & 100 in Yellow (for US distribution). This was a tricky mold to work with. We went back into the seam lines and cut back in the thatching background effect. This is one of my personal favorite recent designs. Made in the USA. Mooneyes design, sculpted by Mr. Squiddly Lipps.

Exclusively available through Mooneyes.

[ Edited by: makedamug 2008-01-19 16:19 ]

Tiki-Kate posted on 01/20/2008

Another great mug, Holden.

Any idea when Mooneyes will have these available? I didn't see them on their web site.

mymotiki posted on 01/20/2008

I checked the website too. nuttin there yet

MakeDaMug posted on 01/20/2008

On 2008-01-19 17:16, Tiki-Kate wrote:
Another great mug, Holden.

Any idea when Mooneyes will have these available? I didn't see them on their web site.

They just took delivery on Friday so probably not too far out from being available.

AlienTiki posted on 01/21/2008

On 2008-01-19 16:17, MakeDaMug wrote:

Mooneyes design, sculpted by Mr. Squiddly Lipps.

[ Edited by: makedamug 2008-01-19 16:19 ]

You forgot to mention Marcus Thorn, so I will.

Everyone deserves a little gratitude.

On 2007-11-05 00:14, tiki beat by marcus thorn wrote:
Tiki Beat and Moon Eye have combined their tikis into one awesome mug to be launched in Japan at the Yokohama Hot Rod Show 2 December and I am very honoured to be a VIP guest artist at the show along with many talented artists including Keith Weesner, The Piz, Scratch and so many more... sneaky preview for you TC peoples eyes only

The USA mugs will be for Sale at the LA Moon Eye Hot Rod Christmas Show 8 December 2007 if you can't make it to Japan then get in quick as they are Limited Edition...Hot Rod and Tiki piece of memorabilia!! I have been organising this special mug and other exciting projects for the show in Japan and hope to be back carving before Christmas.

Tiki Beat by Marcus

[ Edited by: tiki beat by marcus thorn 2007-11-05 00:17 ]

hewey posted on 01/22/2008

From what I've heard these are going to be very hard to get your hands on. Ultra-collectable for sure!

hewey posted on 04/16/2008

Woohoo! I just got my mugs in the mail yesterday. I have one of each colour :D :D Great design mug, it looks really cool

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