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Party at Spermy's Blowhole Saturday December 10th Photos on Pg. 2 Warning Image heavy

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The Sperm Whale posted on 12/01/2005

Come Celebrate with The Whale Rider and I at the Grand Opening of our Home Tiki Bar "Spermys Blowhole" on Trader Vics Birthday!!

Saturday December 10th 5:00pm to ???

I have already corresponded with many of you but I don't want to leave anybody out.

We will be serving yummy Food and plenty of Drinks.

I will be serving up Traditional Trader Vics Mai Tais, Miehana's and will also have a Lapu Lapu Tower.
The Whale Rider will be seving up "Daytona's"

Doctor Z - Beachbums
Kick-The-Reverb - Reverb Crash
Tiki Bird - Potent Parrots

We hope you can join us for our first TC party!!! If you can make it R.S.V.P. by sending me a PM or post on this thread and I will send you my address and phone number.

P.S. We are only a few miles from the Purple Orchid if you were planning on going to the Surf Show so you can stop by that night before you go.


[ Edited by: The Sperm Whale 2005-12-11 19:53 ]

kirby posted on 12/02/2005

Sounds like a great time, Im gonna try my best to make it....

freddiefreelance posted on 12/02/2005

On 2005-12-01 15:44, The Sperm Whale wrote:
Come Celebrate with The Whale Rider and I at the Grand Opening of our Home Tiki Bar "Spermys Blowhole" on Trader Vics Birthday!!

Spermy's Blowhole?



WooHooWahine posted on 12/02/2005

WooHooo! Soccer Tiki and I are ready for some WooHoo Juice!!! :)

[ Edited by: WooHooWahine 2005-12-02 08:21 ]

weirduncletiki posted on 12/03/2005

Spermy's Blowhole, indeed! WIth a name like that, you've got to have some swag. "I partied at Spermy's Blowhole and all I got was this lousy stain on my t-shirt." That'd be swell!

-Weird (and gettin' weirder) Unc

UtopianDreem posted on 12/03/2005

I'm afraid to ask what the house drink is....

bigbrotiki posted on 12/03/2005

It's a cool name...I mean Melville/Typee :right: Moby Dick.....just don't let the guys at the TIKI lounge in Modesto hear about it!

johnnievelour posted on 12/03/2005

I can't wait to party at Spermy's Blowhole and get a stain on my shirt.

Polynesiac posted on 12/05/2005

heya spermy! not sure if my wife and I officially RSVP'd...so here it is!

We'll see you there!

Riptide posted on 12/08/2005


This is gonna be great!

"You tell 'em I'm coming! And Hell's coming with me!"
-Kurt Russell "Tombstone"

However, for Spermy's party, the part of "Hell" will be played by Tiki Bong.

Atomic Cocktail posted on 12/08/2005

Call me Ishmael!

Sabu The Coconut Boy posted on 12/08/2005

"I'm Your Huckleberry."
-Val Kilmer "Tombstone"

Chongolio posted on 12/09/2005

Have fun kids, but remember to play safe and bring protection.

Wishin' i was on a mission,


" I believe that our Heavenly Father invented the monkey because he was disappointed in man."
... Mark Twain

The Sperm Whale posted on 12/09/2005

Chongolio- You Rock!!!!

bongofury posted on 12/09/2005

We'll be casting off to the Blow Hole.....see ya there.

PolynesianPop posted on 12/09/2005

Looks like I'll be attending as well. See y'all there!

the drunken hat posted on 12/09/2005

i just gotta say i love the name of your place! its freaking hilarious!

hiltiki posted on 12/10/2005

I am planning on coming with a friend as well.

ookoo lady posted on 12/10/2005

Hey Spermy,
Krustiki & I can't wait to see your blowhole. Please pm your address...

hiltiki posted on 12/11/2005

I just wanted to thank you two for such a great party . Whale Rider thanks for being such a great host. It was great seeing everyone.

weirduncletiki posted on 12/11/2005

Rad pad! Spermy's Blowhole is the most! Thanks, you two for opening up your home and showing such fine hospitality. You've done a great job creating wonderful atmosphere. Congrats.

-Weird Unc

kirby posted on 12/12/2005

awsome time ,thanks alot me and polly had so much fun... I left a lil early, did I miss the necked midgets.....

RevBambooBen posted on 12/12/2005

Where are the freakin pictures!!! ??? Damn it!! Missed it by that much!! Arrrr!! I hate my job. It always get's in the way of all the fun party's!! Arrrr!!

bongofury posted on 12/12/2005

Thar She Blows!!!!!!! It was fun to be in Spermy's Blowhole. We had a great time. Love the decor and the lava rock fireplace. Good to see everyone again.

OnaTiki posted on 12/12/2005

We had so much fun and the Blow Hole is a great place to party!!! Sperm & Whale Rider are wonderful hosts and the guest bartenders rocked!! Can't wait to do it again!!

:drink: :drink: :drink: :drink: :drink:

ookoo lady posted on 12/12/2005

Spermy's Blowhole Rocks!!

What a great place for a party!! With vaulted ceiling, lava rock fireplace, totally tikified decor, great collection, and fabulously fun hosts Sperm Whale and Whale Rider, this is one of the best home bars in TC!

There was a great turn out for this event, including several from the San Diego area.

On 2005-12-11 16:50, RevBambooBen wrote:
Where are the freakin pictures!!! ???

Here are just a few of the people having a great time:

Thanks Spermy and Whale Rider, Krustiki and I had a great time!

[ Edited by: ookoo lady 2005-12-12 07:30 ]

The Sperm Whale posted on 12/12/2005

First of all I would like to THANK Everbody that made our party SO MUCH FREAKIN FUN!!! I would also like to thank everybody for all of the wonderful gifts Laura and I had no idea it was our birthday!!! I also want to thank Tiki Bird, Kick the Reverb, and Doctor Z for guest bartending!!! Your drinks were great as always!! I also want to thank everybody that drove from so far away. Anyway here are a bunch of pic's that I took wich aren't very good because I was not using my camera and I was pretty hammered!! Thank You Krustiki and Ookoo Lady for posting your great pic's. I also included some pic's of some of the gifts. Laura and I are so happy that you all made our first party so great!!!!

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[ Edited by: The Sperm Whale 2005-12-11 21:11 ]

RevBambooBen posted on 12/12/2005


( Arrrr-ism at it's best!!!)

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8FT Tiki posted on 12/12/2005

Wow, looks like it was a great party! But I'm wondering why your guests were slapping each other?? Had the drinks flowed long enough to start a fight about carving techniques?
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OK, I'm just being silly. That pic. just reminded me of one of those you fill in the caption type things and I couldn't resist.

PolynesianPop posted on 12/12/2005

Good Times.. Good Times..

Thanks to Spermy and Whale Rider for a great time. Your place ROCKS!

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kick_the_reverb posted on 12/12/2005

Thanks Spermy and Whale Rider for opening their house to us...we had a great time. When we first stepped into the blowhole we were both going "what the?!" - the place looks awsome.

WooHooWahine posted on 12/12/2005

Mucho Mahalo to Scott & Laura for throwing such a Tiki-rrific Party. Your House is Awesome!!!!! ~WooHoo

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Tiki Bird posted on 12/12/2005

Hey Scott, thanks for letting me bartend, Utopiandreem & i had a great time!

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SoccerTiki posted on 12/12/2005

Scott & Laura-Great party! Great tiki room!!! You two have put a lot of time and effort into it and it shows big time!!! The lava rock, the pool table, the bar, the "artifacts" on the walls....awesome!!! Every detail (including the tapa cloth on the ceiling) blends so nicely! Has Bamboo Ben seen your handywork Laura??? I gotta lot to do before the SoccerTiki Grotto will be ready for the kind of shindig you two threw!!! Thanks again for including us in your "blowout"!

The Sperm Whale posted on 12/12/2005

Laura and I are really really sorry for lighting your hair on fire!
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hiltiki posted on 12/12/2005

Well,if I remember correctly, Kirby was smiling thru the hair burning ceremony. He loved it... :drink:

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Tiki Bird posted on 12/13/2005

Kirby is heat miser?

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TikiSan posted on 12/13/2005

Spermy and Whale Rider,

Thank you for an amazing time at Spermys Blowhole. You are excellent hosts! The food and drinks were delicious. You are very kind and your collection is outstanding. You have good taste! Spermys Blowhole is a great environment.

The drinks were outstanding, especially the Lapu Lapu and Reverb Crash.

It was really nice to finally meet my south L.A. County neighbors Tiki Bird and UtopianDreem, as well as Jean-Paul, Kevin, kirby, and Dale. Everyone is so nice!

It was nice to see Ran, Jeff, and Kristina and her husband again. Ran, thanks for the mixology tips.

There were many others that I would have liked to have met and talked with. Hope to meet you next time.

Thanks again!

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tyger jymmy posted on 12/14/2005

Thanks Spermy & Whale Rider ,Your Place Rocked ,Food Drinks Decor Outa this World and to meet some of the TC,ers I had never meet it was realy Kool . Regards Tyger

johnnievelour posted on 12/15/2005

The Velours had a great time, Spermy! It was great to see everybody again and meet some other TC people I haven't met before.
Thanks again!

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tikitortured posted on 12/16/2005

Damn, I'm bummed I didn't make it to the Blow Hole bash, but I'm happy to see some of our Bamboozled Tiki Lights as part of the Blow Hole decor! Thanks Spermy!

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tikimania posted on 12/19/2005

Thanks for having us over to your home. I had a great time!

-Tiki Tena

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Benzart posted on 12/19/2005

Yes it really looks like everyone there had a great time. Wish I could have been there too. Your place looks Awesome. Thanks for the pictures and memories.

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bigtikidude posted on 12/27/2005

Hey Spermy, And Whale Rider,
Just wanted to say a late thanks for the Invite and having such a spectacular Blow Out at the openning of the "Blow Hole"
Hey that gave me an Idea for a new drink name
"The Blow Hole Stain"
ouch!!, hey, is this thing on?
well maybe not,
But looking fwd to many more drinks at you Fantastic pad Man.

Pages: 1 43 replies