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Saturday mornings are for Tiki kids!

Pages: 1 10 replies

MakeDaMug posted on 12/21/2005

Most of my friends have kids that are around 7-12 years old or so. As a result of the fact that I love kids, I am now searching out all things fun for kids that are Tiki. Coconut Fred's Fruit Salad Island is the best news for Tikiphile kiddies & adulties...
Saturdays at 9:30 AM is "COCONUT FRED's FRUIT SALAD ISLAND" which I think I posted a few months ago. Do yourself a favor and check out Fred and let's hope that he finishes the show with a mini Uke jam like he did in a few earlier episodes.

Just be a good person and live your life graciously. Oh and by the way... Tiki rules!

[ Edited by: smogbreather 2005-12-21 00:54 ]

Tikisgrl posted on 12/21/2005

Have you seen the TikiMon toys? Not exactly classic Tiki but they are pretty neat for a relatively reasonable price.

This one's name is Indo. If you search Amazon or Google you should be able to locate a bunch more. Or look for past threads here on TC.

look for their logo:


tikiracer posted on 12/24/2005

I've got one these in my toy collection. Comes with an Evel Knievel helmet and cape.

Well... why not!

They re both gods.

Tikisgrl posted on 12/24/2005

I got the one with the tongue they are on sale @ my Tower Records 50% off through today!! He came with a spear & a surf board.

BryanDeanMartin posted on 12/24/2005

Not exactly tiki, but Cox Cable has been having a "Retro Saturday Morning" show...it's hosted by some idiot dressed in a hippy Halloween costume, but does show HR Puf'N'Stuf, Land of the Lost, Sigmund The Sea Monster and the Krofft Super Show...if anything else, it'll make you wonder how you ever kept your sanity while watching some of the corniest shows ever, LOL...

fatuhiva posted on 12/30/2005

check out these drum-playing chanting tiki dolls from Ron Jon's


Everybody knows this, but Playdoh has a few tiki-themed playsets

pablus posted on 12/30/2005

Wow, fatuhiva!
Hope the family is well.
Try to make it to the Hawaiian Inn. Last weekend in Jan. There's a thread in "tiki events".

Here is a Tiki Skateboard my cell cam caught yesterday at a sporting goods store.
Not a great shot but viewable.

fatuhiva posted on 12/30/2005

haha yup its been awhile

I've been under a rock :)

Family is doing great.. all is well, just been busy

[ Edited by: fatuhiva 2005-12-30 08:20 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 12/30/2005

On 2005-12-30 04:53, fatuhiva wrote:
check out these drum-playing chanting tiki dolls from Ron Jon's

Yikes! Brian, I am shocked, this link from YOU? :wink:

Just because they are kids toys is still no excuse for those colors.:roll: Shudder.

I was just reminded that for Kev and Jody's "Miehana" Tiki exhibit in 1996 (?) at the Anaheim Museum, they made a coloring book as souvenir item, (with nice Disney-style line drawing's of Anaheim Tiki sites) and it came with ONE crayon: The color BROWN!

tikicar posted on 12/31/2005

There is a great set of Tiki Play Doh toys called Doh Doh Island. These have been on blow out on most toy stores for a few months now. There are several diffent ones, Really cool. I just gave a friend a couple for their kids for Christmas. Never to young or too old for Play Doh and Tikis. Scott

fatuhiva posted on 12/31/2005

Oh yeah I agree- the Neon special. They goofed that up for sure, ah but oh well.. its nine bucks, and my kid jumps up and down on it hahaha

My eyes are just now getting adjusted the light in here- outside of the rock I've been under :)

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