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Beyond Tiki, Bilge, and Test / Bilge

Cows with guns

Pages: 1 3 replies

pappythesailor posted on 12/14/2005
amiotiki posted on 12/15/2005

Pretty funny - don't know if the male vs. female bovine anatomy oopsies were deliberate, but it's hysterical!

tikivixen posted on 12/31/2005


And they said folk moosic was dead.

tikivixen posted on 12/31/2005

Out to Pasture

"I fear death,
But once when it was close to me it was cowlike,
It went moo."
Reed Whittemore (1974)

Fey ogre, dragon, reaper, skull and bones,
dark siren, empty executioner,
I dub them gentle cud-caressing cows,

so now there’s not one Death but a placid herd
of hit-cows winding up to put us down
and softly moo at us when laying low,

and as we toil our homeward ways we know
a curfew ruminant will sidle near
to part us. What are you afraid of now?


Sep 1982

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