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Munktiki question

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jukeboy56 posted on 05/24/2002

Are all Munktiki mugs limited in production to 100, or only certain ones?

jukeboy56 posted on 05/24/2002

Okay, I see from their website that the limited editions are sold on eBay, so I'm guessing those sold on their website are not limited.

Trader Woody posted on 05/24/2002

The ones on the website are numbered, and they seem to stop making some of them (there was a sold out sign next to Brew Monkey a while back), so perhaps they are limited in that respect.
Stuckie should be able to give us the low-down.

Trader Woody

jtiki posted on 05/25/2002

in speaking with stuckie a few weeks ago, he noted that brew monkey was sold out, but that they might make more later, so they are not limited in a numbered sense, but their availaility appears to be "constrained."

PolynesianPop posted on 05/30/2002

I believe Munktiki's limited production mugs are limited to eBay sales only.

the75stingray posted on 06/06/2002

Where the hell is Stuckie when you need him?

I thought that they WERE limited to a specific number of units - hense the numbered series. Now, the Shecky mug, I thought was limited to a bit more and I wondered why.

The great and powerful Stuckie knows all... Your questions will be answered in time...


jukeboy56 posted on 06/06/2002

I've seen this Shecky mug mentioned on this board before. Does anybody have a link to a picture? I'm really developing an obsession for Munktiki mugs and would like to see any that I've missed. Is Shecky on the page of eBay mugs on Munktiki's site? Does anybody have any obsolete Munktiki's they'd like to sell?

tikigreg posted on 06/06/2002

Here's a link to the pic of Shecky:

~ tikigreg

tikiboy posted on 06/06/2002

I bought several tiki mugs from Munktiki recently and at the time I asked about touring their studio near Monterey CA. Munk said they were in the process of moving, so this fact could account for the their stock being limited right now. I bought their set of nut cups with a different cool tiki on each side and their awesome scorpion bowl.All were of the highest quality.

Biotron2000 posted on 06/06/2002

That Shecky mug is great! Tikifish, could you give a history of how the mug came to be for those of us of recent Tikification?


stuckieshaft posted on 06/07/2002

Sorry I could not respond, have been very busy as of lately.
Heres the low down, Ebay mugs are limited editions, our first ones were editions of 100. Are new limited edition mugs we up'ed to 150, our molds are holding up better then we had hoped.
Website mugs are unlimited, there has however been one mug discontinued "Brew Tiki", not to be confused with "Brew Monkey". The reason for this was because The master mold had a small accident. It can be fixed but I have not had the time to fix it nor the desire due to the amount of time Brew Tiki took to make.
I do hope to have him back up for sale at some time, when? I do not know.
As for shecky, there are still plenty left and I apologize to all the people I did not get to about this. I feel very bad about it and will be holding on to some for the people I forgot about.


floratina posted on 06/07/2002

Hey Stuckie, are you going to the Tiki Oasis in Palm Springs? It would be heaven if you and yer paw could attend AND bring some of your wares with you!

stuckieshaft posted on 06/07/2002

actually no we will not be there, I thought for sure we would be. I got the impresesion from the person over there that there was no problem but turned out he didnt have enough space for us. Maybe next time.


kahukini posted on 06/07/2002

We'd like to get a show together of Munktiki mugs for Sunday's "Tiki Bazaar" at HUKILAU 2002. We've got plenty of room for ya Stuckie. menehunes@utterinsanity.com

floratina posted on 06/10/2002

Stuckie, maybe you should book a room at Balantines Movie Colony or somewhere else in town! Since you are a tiki VIP, I bet you could still hang at the Caliente. I wish you could still find a way to attend.

mig posted on 06/11/2002

Stuckie, I'm there to help too. (In fact, I still need to pick up my mugs from you too!) I'll help you vault over the fence at CT. Or maybe you could set up shop just barely off their property and sidetrack people as they enter. Floratina can create the distraction, then I'll toss you the grappling hook!

kahukini posted on 06/12/2002

We called Munktiki and unfortunately they can't do anything this summer b/c they've got so much business! They don't even have any mugs to show because they all go out the door as soon as their made. It's our own damn fault!

stuckieshaft posted on 06/17/2002

The problem we were having with palm springs was not that we could not get a room, but there was not enough room to display/sell our mugs. Its my fault, I waited too long originaly didnt think we'd be able to go. I was going to go down there to just hang out but I cant really afford the time now as my weekends are pretty much dedicated to making molds and weekdays to build inventory. As kahukini said, I am having a hard time keeping items in stock. So even if we had gotten a space probably wouldnt of had alot of mugs there.

Will be there next year.

tikifish posted on 06/20/2002

Shecky came to be after I suggested to Stuckie that Munktiki make a limited edition mug for Tikicentral members, by holding a contest for all TikiCentral members to design a mug. The winning design would then be sold by Munktiki as a limited edition.

My Shecky design was the winner!

I do feel the success of Shecky may be to the fact that the members were already familiar with his mischvious grin previous to the mug contest... I drew him up one day on a cocktail napkin, posted it to the board, and he became the unofficial mascot, appearing on stickers and other fun places.

Shecky even got his own slogan, from BigBro (I think?) which was 'LESS VIRTUAL REALITY, MORE RITUAL VIRILITY'.

His name came from Shecky Greene, whom I don't know much about. I wasn't the one who named him.

I'm sure other old timers can add to the Shecky story! Anyone?

Turbogod posted on 06/20/2002

well it is still an awesome looking mug, Tikifish

Biotron2000 posted on 06/21/2002

On 2002-06-20 12:49, tikifish wrote:
Shecky came to be after I suggested to Stuckie that Munktiki make a limited edition mug for Tikicentral members...

Thanks, Tikifish! I was wondering if you were ever going to see the question :wink:
Great design.

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