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Ya ever...

Pages: 1 18 replies

suicide_sam posted on 12/31/2005

sneeze so hard you crack your back?

purple jade posted on 01/01/2006

Yep...also coughed hard enough to break a rib.

Hell, I crack my back when I poop.

Sorry for the TMI, but it's true.


cynfulcynner posted on 01/01/2006

Once I coughed so hard I wet my pants. Sorry, TMI again.

Shipwreckjoey posted on 01/02/2006

I was walking along out in the shipyard a few years ago and I had a really bad cold. Suddenly a huge sneeze overtook me and I instinctively covered my nose with my right hand filling up my palm with lots of green, gooey snot. As I was hurrying to find a restroom to wash up I ran into a guy I hadn't seen in a long time who extended his right hand to shake mine. I gave him one those clumsy, backhanded handshakes with my left hand, making up some kind of stupid excuse like a sprained wrist or something. Needless to say we had a very short conversation (I think I've just won the TMI award).

RevBambooBen posted on 01/02/2006

On 2006-01-01 16:47, Shipwreckjoey wrote:
I was walking along out in the shipyard a few years ago and I had a really bad cold. Suddenly a huge sneeze overtook me and I instinctively covered my nose with my right hand filling up my palm with lots of green, gooey snot. As I was hurrying to find a restroom to wash up I ran into a guy I hadn't seen in a long time who extended his right hand to shake mine. I gave him one those clumsy, backhanded handshakes with my left hand, making up some kind of stupid excuse like a sprained wrist or something. Needless to say we had a very short conversation (I think I've just won the TMI award).


if you were a real punk, you would have shook his hand.

Posuer! Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!

WenikiTiki posted on 01/02/2006

YA EVER.... Wonder why you read these?

My husband keeps coming to look over my shoulder to see what is making me laugh so hard. But since I had that fun surgery I don't pee my pants when I laugh! (Really TMI!!!) Having babies is hard on the bladder!

ShipwreckJoey, you are a hoot! You should have just pretended you didn't see the extended hand and gave him a big hug. (I bet you could have wiped you hand on his back then, too...)

suicide_sam posted on 01/03/2006

started drinking a Pacifico beer while chewing on a purple straburst?


it's a bad mix

This must be what nyquil tastes like after it goes bad.

Shipwreckjoey posted on 01/04/2006

On 2006-01-01 19:08, RevBambooBen wrote:

On 2006-01-01 16:47, Shipwreckjoey wrote:
I was walking along out in the shipyard a few years ago and I had a really bad cold. Suddenly a huge sneeze overtook me and I instinctively covered my nose with my right hand filling up my palm with lots of green, gooey snot. As I was hurrying to find a restroom to wash up I ran into a guy I hadn't seen in a long time who extended his right hand to shake mine. I gave him one those clumsy, backhanded handshakes with my left hand, making up some kind of stupid excuse like a sprained wrist or something. Needless to say we had a very short conversation (I think I've just won the TMI award).


if you were a real punk, you would have shook his hand.

Posuer! Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!

Ben, you're so quick on the trigger. This guy was a journeyman pipe fitter. I only extend my snotty hand to management.

-Shipwreckjoey (the workingman's punk)

Unga Bunga posted on 01/04/2006

RevBambooBen posted on 01/04/2006

Ya ever........

....Hurt yourself real bad and then hurt yourself 1/2 that bad somewhere else to equal out the pain??

Gigantalope posted on 01/04/2006

You mean (While building something) smak yerownself with a hammer, get a blood blister under the thumb nail...and after the swearing and writihg, get back to work, only to hit it again so hard the bloodblister pops, and while it hurts like hell the pressure is relived?


JimTandem posted on 01/04/2006

Ya ever...

Have a fart get caught between your butt cheeks, and you have to shift around to get it to pop out the top of your buttcrack?

atomictonytiki posted on 01/04/2006

I'ved sneezed so often that my lips bled, i never seem to sneeze hard enough so i get trapped in these crazy multiple sneezes, one's a wish, two' a kiss, three's a.....fifteen's enough to split your lips.

WenikiTiki posted on 01/04/2006

On 2006-01-03 22:24, Gigantalope wrote:
You mean (While building something) smak yerownself with a hammer, get a blood blister under the thumb nail...and after the swearing and writihg, get back to work, only to hit it again so hard the bloodblister pops, and while it hurts like hell the pressure is relived?


Made me think of the construction worker who manage to cut off a body part and then shot himself in the head with a nail gun to relieve the pain...
Scroll down to Jan 25, 2001 unless you want to read a bunch of crap.

freddiefreelance posted on 01/05/2006

On 2006-01-04 13:28, WenikiTiki wrote:
Made me think of the construction worker who manage to cut off a body part and then shot himself in the head with a nail gun to relieve the pain...
Scroll down to Jan 25, 2001 unless you want to read a bunch of crap.

That reminded me of a friend's Dad who gashed his thigh open with an electric saw. He stapled the wound closed with a power stapler and worked through the afternoon, finishing the day before going & having stitches put in.

tikiracer posted on 01/05/2006


That reminded me of a friend's Dad who gashed his thigh open with an electric saw. He stapled the wound closed with a power stapler and worked through the afternoon, finishing the day before going & having stitches put in.

Now that's hardcore...

suicide_sam posted on 01/06/2006

Ya ever...

been arrested and while in the holding cell you run into a friend?

Thats when you know you are truely ghetto.

stuff-o-rama posted on 01/07/2006

Ya ever...

Think you know the words to a song only to find out you were wrong? But what if you recorded yourself singing the song incorrectly and posted it on the internet?

I present to you, Tony! Singing the 80's masterpiece, "Always Sentimental Remind Me"


Pages: 1 18 replies