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Tiki Central / Collecting Tiki

Guess the mug giveaway....

Pages: 1 6 replies

Tiki Matt posted on 01/07/2006

Alright collectors.....This ain't one of the greatest mugs in the world, but it's free and I'll pay the postage so don't bitch! It has a small manufacturing flaw on the back, so I don't want the damn thing. Here's a small picture of a portion of the mug. First one to post the correct guess as to what it is wins.

If you have the mug, don't post, let someone else have it...or screw 'em, get it and sell it on ebay......here goes....

Tikiwahine posted on 01/07/2006

orchids of hawaii R-3?

teaKEY posted on 01/07/2006

a green jewel eye peanut? its probably want a R-3 is.

teaKEY posted on 01/07/2006

yup, thats what it is alright peanut r-3. I checked out Mooga for the name to match and I also see that that mug is on an openning page to your website with the same detail around the eye.

Tiki Matt posted on 01/07/2006

You got it tikiwahine.. PM me your address and it'll be on the way.

Tikiwahine posted on 01/07/2006

yayy! thanks matt, I don't have one of those!
what a fun game :)

Tiki Matt posted on 01/07/2006

Congrats, stay tuned for the next one.....

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